John Cusack calls for boycott of msnbc

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    Falling off my “let it be” wagon for a moment . . . :>)

    I understand the anger regarding coverage of Sanders. If folks want to boycott MSNBC because of that, more power to them. But then they’d have to boycott pretty much every news channel, cause none of them give him a fair shake. They never have.

    To me, it’s not that some people on MSNBC “hate” Sanders. It’s that they ignore him. They only mention his name when the polls include him, or when they rip into M4A or “socialism” more generally. And even then, if it’s possible, they won’t mention his name.

    The real issue with MSNBC is its takeover by Republicans. In that clip the host showed, you have Jennifer Rubin, Susan Del Persio (sp?) and Nicolle Wallace — all Republicans. Wallace has her own show at 4pm. Bill Kristol, the second-gen Neocon, was in one clip — he’s a frequent guest during the day — plus Michael Steele, the former Republican Party chairman. On Morning Joe (Scarborough), which runs 3 hours, the host, a staunch conservative, has Republicans on all the time.

    The ticket for being a guest or a host on MSNBC isn’t being a Dem, and certainly not “liberal”; it’s a willingness to criticize Trump.

    As I mentioned before, it will be interesting what the network does once Trump leaves office. Will it continue to welcome literally dozens of Republicans throughout the day, or will it go back to hiding its normal center-right agenda via Democrats alone?


    Boiled down:

    All it takes for a viewer to stop thinking of MSNBC as “the left’s” network is watching it. It was never the lefty alternative. Not even close.

    Yeah, they have three (perhaps) center-left hosts in prime-time — Hayes, Maddow and O’Donnell. But during the day, it’s mostly Republicans or centrist to conseradems.

    (Matthews is hard to pin down. Changeable. But on balance, I’d say he leans center-right on most stuff outside “culture issues.”)

    . . . .

    The left needs to create our own media. We need something much, much bigger than youtube channels to compete. It needs to be major networks, with high production values and lotsa reporters, analysts and staff, etc. We need something like a Jacobin Mag, but for TV, and with all the bells and whistles.


    Michael Moore: “I am the center.”

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