jeff fisher got extended 2 years

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Rams Huddle jeff fisher got extended 2 years

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  • #60213

    I hear it is basically a 1 year deal. The second year is an option year. He must make the playoffs next year.

    Avatar photosnowman

    Head coach is less important than talent on the field. Head coach is less important than the collective talent of his staff.

    Avatar photozn

    He must make the playoffs next year.

    Where is that said?

    Or is it more speculation from the same people who said he would be fired this year?


    He must make the playoffs next year.

    Where is that said?

    Or is it more speculation from the same people who said he would be fired this year?

    It is a one year option. We all know it is going to be ugly next year. It will feel like 16 road games, as Ram fans will be doing other things till Fisher is fired.

    Avatar photoAgamemnon

    Bonsignore: Despite contract extension, Rams, Jeff Fisher are likely headed for divorce
    2016-12-04 15:00:15

    full article here:


    Avatar photoInvaderRam

    yeah. it’s sounding like he’s gone. not the biggest loss.

    and i don’t really dislike him, but my opinion is they need to find a new head coach. i would say someone from the offensive side.


    I’ll chime in here…

    If it’s indeed true the Rams extended Fisher…then the honeymoon in LA is over. You will see empty seats next week and when the Rams lose to the 49ers- which they will- the exodus will go full on. Season ticket sales will dry up for next year and the year after that. I know the fans down that way, having attended games during the 80’s and early 90’s at the Big A.

    See, what most of you guys don’t get is this…Kreonke doesn’t give a flying fuck about winning. He’s building a monument to himself. He wants to be the richest guy in the cemetery. That stadium is a large part of it, but it’s the events 360 is what he wants. So what if the Rams don’t draw…it’s going to be Disney\ESPN Center for events year round. And it’s going to work, with or without a winning Rams team. Hell, the Chargers will fill that hole and his coffers.

    It’s a win win for him, but lose lose for Rams fans. Like us. It really is back to the way Georgia ran the team. Reupping Fisher just reinforced my assertions.

    It really sucks getting older…backing a team that doesn’t care about us.

    Avatar photoInvaderRam

    but why does reupping fisher mean he doesn’t care?

    i mean it might make him clueless but i don’t think it means he doesn’t care. necessarily.

    and ultimately winning will bring him in more money. it’s not like baseball where winning is usually associated with spending more money. and let’s face it. he shelled out some pretty serious bucks to get him.

    i am curious to see how this plays out. the manner in which this news came out tells me his job isn’t all that safe.

    Avatar photozn

    If it’s indeed true the Rams extended Fisher…then the honeymoon in LA is over.

    Until they win.

    I mean it’s that simple.

    If they keep him past this year, it’s because they believe he can win.

    If they’re right then the “fan revolt” thing disappears. Shrug.

    Avatar photozn

    yeah. it’s sounding like he’s gone. not the biggest loss.

    On what basis are you saying that?

    On the basis of Vinny’s transparently partisan and obviously bad editorial?

    That’s no basis at all.

    I think the truth is we don’t know what will happen.


    If it’s indeed true the Rams extended Fisher…then the honeymoon in LA is over.

    Until they win.

    I mean it’s that simple.

    If they keep him past this year, it’s because they believe he can win.

    If they’re right then the “fan revolt” thing disappears. Shrug.

    Jeff Fisher is not a winner. The last time he had a team in the playoffs was 2008. The last time he won a playoff game was 2003. The Rams are not winning with Jeff Fisher. In fact as I said many times before, we will never sniff the playoffs as long as Jeff Fisher is still our Head Coach.

    Avatar photozn

    Jeff Fisher is not a winner. The last time he had a team in the playoffs was 2008

    Yeah that’s what some people always say.

    For the record I regard it as bs.

    His actually history includes teams that valley then peak. If you look at the valleys there are always reasons. For example only one team in the history of the NFL won while moving, and what tilts Fisher’s record is moving twice.

    For another, he has several years there with no qb and to compound it, with multiply injured OLs. No one can name any coach that won under those specific conditions.

    And so you do not know what the owner thinks. He might think like you—he might be a Recordite and not a Contextista.

    But he might also be a Contextista who believes Fisher CAN win.

    So typing up mere opinions as solemn sounding heavy truths aside, I don’t think you have any more clue what SK thinks than I do.


    Avatar photoInvaderRam

    yeah. it’s sounding like he’s gone. not the biggest loss.

    On what basis are you saying that?

    On the basis of Vinny’s transparently partisan and obviously bad editorial?

    That’s no basis at all.

    I think the truth is we don’t know what will happen.

    i’m saying it SOUNDS like he’s gone. that’s how i read the situation.

    and for that matter, i didn’t read it as vinny being in the know. i read it as him just speculating.


    Jeff Fisher is not a winner. The last time he had a team in the playoffs was 2008

    Yeah that’s what some people always say.

    For the record I regard it as bs.

    His actually history includes teams that valley then peak. If you look at the valleys there are always reasons. For example only one team in the history of the NFL won while moving, and what tilts Fisher’s record is moving twice.

    I say bullshit. Six winning seasons in 22 years. That number speaks volumes.

    For another, he has several years there with no qb and to compound it, with multiply injured OLs. No one can name any coach that won under those specific conditions.

    And so you do not know what the owner thinks. He might think like you—he might be a Recordite and not a Contextista.

    But he might also be a Contextista who believes Fisher CAN win.

    So typing up mere opinions as solemn sounding heavy truths aside, I don’t think you have any more clue what SK thinks than I do.



    Jeff Fisher is not a winner. The last time he had a team in the playoffs was 2008

    Yeah that’s what some people always say.

    For the record I regard it as bs.

    His actually history includes teams that valley then peak. If you look at the valleys there are always reasons. For example only one team in the history of the NFL won while moving, and what tilts Fisher’s record is moving twice.

    For another, he has several years there with no qb and to compound it, with multiply injured OLs. No one can name any coach that won under those specific conditions.

    And so you do not know what the owner thinks. He might think like you—he might be a Recordite and not a Contextista.

    But he might also be a Contextista who believes Fisher CAN win.

    So typing up mere opinions as solemn sounding heavy truths aside, I don’t think you have any more clue what SK thinks than I do.


    It has been 8 years since Fishers last winning season. This is his fifth year hear. The Rams should be talked about a team as a Super Bowl contender. And we are not. That is on Jeff Fisher, and his poor coaching. Players are starting to quit on him. I saw him doing all this yelling coming back from the half, most of the players I have seen, were tuning him out.

    Avatar photozn

    Jeff Fisher is not a winner. The last time he had a team in the playoffs was 2008

    ZN: Yeah that’s what some people always say.

    For the record I regard it as bs.

    His actually history includes teams that valley then peak. If you look at the valleys there are always reasons. For example only one team in the history of the NFL won while moving, and what tilts Fisher’s record is moving twice.

    For another, he has several years there with no qb and to compound it, with multiply injured OLs. No one can name any coach that won under those specific conditions.

    And so you do not know what the owner thinks. He might think like you—he might be a Recordite and not a Contextista.

    But he might also be a Contextista who believes Fisher CAN win.

    OZONE: I say bullshit. Six winning seasons in 22 years. That number speaks volumes.

    Yes. Spoken like a true Recordite. Well I am a Contextista, and to me, when you squash years together to make flat statistical averages, you distort the picture. So for example the record is influenced by the fact that the last and first years were teams that moved, and those (with one exception) never win.

    Which one of us is right? The Recordite or the Contextista?

    THE REAL TRUTH? In spite of our convictions neither of us really knows. It’s just a clash of opinions.

    With this qualification.

    Recordites act like Records are The Truth.

    Contextistas act like Knowing Contexts is Truer.

    To quote Raising Arizona, there’s what’s right, and there’s what’s right, and never the twain shall meet.

    Avatar photoInvaderRam

    it’s part of the story. i actually agree with zn in the sense that i don’t think he’s as bad as his record would suggest. but i don’t think he’s all that great either. in fact, while i was in support of hiring him, i think i also said we better be ready for a lot of mediocre seasons.

    i did, however, also expect some progress in the five years since he’s been here. this team just continues to make bad errors. and it’s not just that they haven’t had a qb. although that’s a big part of it.

    i don’t really care about being right or wrong. just giving my interpretation of what i see happening.

    demoff saying he supports fisher means pretty much nothing to me. he’s a snake. i mean that’s fine. that’s the nature of his job, but i pretty much believe nothing that guy says.

    i’m going by what i see happening from my very distant perch with my cheap plastic binoculars, and i see a guy who will very possibly be fired. and in my opinion should be fired.

    now if i’m wrong and he does come back it won’t really bother me. if he stays and wins, i’ll be ecstatic.

    Avatar photozn

    It has been 8 years since Fishers last winning season.


    I have some advice for you.

    Repeating the same things over and over without actually taking account of responses is not debate. That’s even if you are completely swallowed up in “my opinion is truth”-itis and don’t know how to actually discuss things.

    I already responded to every claim you make and you did not respond to the actual response. You don’t’ want to debate, you want to post slogans. Fine. Carry on. But I;m out.

    Avatar photoZooey

    It is logically inconsistent to say that all Stan cares about is making money, and he doesn’t care about winning. There is a direct correlation between the two. Yes, Stan has constructed his business so that he is going to make money even if the Rams lose – which in every quarter except Fandom is considered smart – but he will make a lot more if he wins.

    He will sell more tickets, and sell them at higher prices. He will sell more merchandise, and the value of the franchise will go up.

    Of course Stan wants to win.

    And he has more confidence than the fans do that Fisher can win. And all that means is that Rams fans and Stan disagree.

    As for Bonsignore, count this among the many columns of his I won’t bother to read. He is just another homer fan with a hard hat with two beers and a straw. I already know what he is going to say most of the time. If Fisher wins, Bonsignore will trot out the column claiming that people “got” to him, and made him make the necessary adjustments.

    Whatever. I am sick and tired of losing, too. But I am in no way convinced that Fisher is the reason they are losing, let alone of the likelihood of his imaginary replacement being more successful. Until there are reports that he has lost the team, like we had with Linehan, I am inclined to just wait and see.

    I am certainly interested in reading conversations about Norv Turner coming in, though.


    It has been 8 years since Fishers last winning season.


    I have some advice for you.

    Repeating the same things over and over without actually taking account of responses is not debate. That’s even if you are completely swallowed up in “my opinion is truth”-itis and don’t know how to actually discuss things.

    I already responded to every claim you make and you did not respond to the actual response. You don’t’ want to debate, you want to post slogans. Fine. Carry on. But I;m out.

    Forget about the record before coming here. This team has not shown any improvement. I see the same problems, same mistakes, over and over again. All that comes back to coaching. Fisher had 5 years, and has done nothing. I see it getting worse. I believe the fans of LA will not accept it. That is why I believe the home games will feel like road games, because the most Ram fans will not show up. That includes the home opener, next year.

    Avatar photoInvaderRam

    It is logically inconsistent to say that all Stan cares about is making money, and he doesn’t care about winning. There is a direct correlation between the two. Yes, Stan has constructed his business so that he is going to make money even if the Rams lose – which in every quarter except Fandom is considered smart – but he will make a lot more if he wins.

    He will sell more tickets, and sell them at higher prices. He will sell more merchandise, and the value of the franchise will go up.

    yeah i agree with that.

    the stuff about kroenke not wanting to win strikes me as off. he has to spend money in the nfl. it’s not like mlb. and he shelled out serious money to get fisher. why wouldn’t he expect to win?

    he may be an asshole, but that’s something entirely different.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Avatar photoInvaderRam.
    Avatar photozn

    It has been 8 years since Fishers last winning season.


    I have some advice for you.

    Repeating the same things over and over without actually taking account of responses is not debate. That’s even if you are completely swallowed up in “my opinion is truth”-itis and don’t know how to actually discuss things.

    I already responded to every claim you make and you did not respond to the actual response. You don’t’ want to debate, you want to post slogans. Fine. Carry on. But I;m out.

    Forget about the record before coming here. This team has not shown any improvement.




    More than one head coach has won with less than Fisher has. Billicek won a Super Bowl with street cornerbacks.

    The guy had no understanding of offense and does not want to understand offense. The record doesn’t lie.

    I look forward to your excuses next year when the Rams go 7-9. If the ball rolls their way.

    Avatar photozn

    More than one head coach has won with less than Fisher has. Billicek won a Super Bowl with street cornerbacks.

    The guy had no understanding of offense and does not want to understand offense. The record doesn’t lie.

    I look forward to your excuses next year when the Rams go 7-9. If the ball rolls their way.

    No head coach anyone can name has won with both an extensive injury plagued OL and qb issues (ie starting #2s and/or a guy like Foles who melted down and got benched then dumped).

    Saying other coaches had issues too is too vague. I always focus specifically on the OL/qb issue and no, I can’t think of anyone who won with that particular double whammy.

    In 2000, Bellick, btw had one of the top defenses in all NFL history. His superbowl CBs were top notch, particularly McAllister.

    So you gave us the Recordite’s “Absolutele Truth Declaration” (ie. records don’t lie). Here’s the Contextista’s “Absolute Truth Declaration”: Actually records don’t say much of anything in themselves, you have to look at the team–different teams can have the same record for completely different reasons.

    Oh and btw no one (ie. neither one of us) needs to win this fight. You can always just go ahead and say you don’t care, you don’t like Fisher anyway….and I myself would not complain if he were replaced with a good hire. So I just see this as the traditional broadsides between Recordites and Contextistas.


    Avatar photoZooey

    And I am something that starts with a P. Was it a Pragmaticite? I’m not sure that’s right.

    Anyway, one thing I’m sure of, Fisher will get an extension for two years because that is what makes sense from ownership’s point of view.

    Now, when exactly that deal gets done, and when it is announced, I don’t know, but…


    Oh, right.

    Avatar photozn

    And I am something that starts with a P. Was it a Pragmaticite? I’m not sure that’s right.

    Anyway, one thing I’m sure of, Fisher will get an extension for two years because that is what makes sense from ownership’s point of view.

    Now, when exactly that deal gets done, and when it is announced, I don’t know, but…


    Oh, right.

    You are a self-declared Pragmeteor.

    A pragmaticite is a pragmeteor who burns up in the atmosphere.

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