Jason Whitlock on Fox

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  • #86717

    Tucker Carlson and Jason Whitlock seem to think “silicon valley and san francisco values” are dragging down ESPN.

    Whitlock says the media used to be controlled by “New York liberal values” but now its controlled by “San Francisco values”. Or somethin like that.

    nittany ram

    I haven’t watched ESPN in years.

    It’s just so easy to get all the sports info you want off the internet, including ESPN.com.

    If I want info on a particular story I can find in-depth coverage of it from a variety of sites in a few minutes.

    It’s a waste of time to watch ESPN for the sports news.


    Oh, Lord.

    I quit watching ESPN because I quit subscribing to cable. But I started to “go off” ESPN in the 80s because it evolved into sizzle. The network seemed to be more about the hosts than the news.

    Then…with the internet…ESPN became completely pointless except as a delivery of live sports programming. I don’t really care about the New York Yankees and Boston Red Sox. And that seems to be about 10% of ESPN’s programming. Then there’s all the other teams and sports. You watch ESPN for four hours, you might get one or two minutes of coverage of your favorite team, and due to the internet, you already know it anyway.

    I think ESPN has just been eclipsed by The Rams Huddle, basically. Seriously. Nobody here relies on ESPN for sports news. We go to ESPN once in a while to check in on what the National Perception is of the Rams, but they never tell us anything we don’t already know, and often they’re wrong, or incomplete. So what use does ESPN have?

    ESPN prospered when the only competition was the 6-minute sports segment on the local news. Compared to that, ESPN was great. Once the internet became widespread, ESPN became too general and too bloated in comparison.


    Whitlock makes a point that from little league on up, that kids are taught “no excuses” but the point he missed is the best players typically play at all levels of play….

    That wasn’t the case for Kapernick. he was black balled from playing at the highest level….. “what excuse” did the owners have in black balling a more than capable QB, who has proven him self in huge playoff wins… on the road….

    BTW, he also said that SF and Silicon valley is revolutionary and progressive.

    What exactly is wrong with being revolutionary and progressive? that’s the fundamental building blocks of being visionary.

    BTW, Tucker Carlson is an ass.

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