Jason Brown has become a meme

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Rams Huddle Jason Brown has become a meme

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    He has his priorities straight.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photoAgamemnon

    He is doing what he wants. Good for him.



    Not defending anyone, but I think the issue has to do with the lack of clarity prior to his separation.

    Contrast him with Pat Tillman. Pat Tillman was fully committed to football until he wasn’t. No one questioned his commitment to football prior to his leaving to join the Army with his brother.

    I’m not saying anything other than that may explain some of the difference in treatment.

    That and Tillman joined the military while Jason Brown feeds the hungry.

    I mean REALLY!!! What would Jesus do?!?!?

    Oh, right…

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Mackeyser.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    He didn’t want or need the money and now does what he wants. Good lesson there.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

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    The story of course is that both Brown and Bell lost interest in football in 2011. Since a lot of other things went wrong in 2011 too, the accumulative effect was bad.

    Bell had offers after 2011 but declined—he had injury concerns.

    Brown was always shaken up by his brother’s death in Iraq. He found peace with that by quitting football and taking up farming…plus the donations. He had offers, but he walked away.



    In 2012 — after seven years in the NFL –- Jason Brown was let go from the Rams. Though other teams were interested in signing him, he left his career because he felt he had found a higher calling. Brown went on to become a farmer and to help the hungry with the fruits of his labor, CBS reported.

    “My agent told me, ‘You’re making the biggest mistake of your life,'” Brown told CBS. “And I looked right back at him and I said, ‘No I’m not. No I’m not.'”

    He connected with a number of relief groups, including the Food Bank of Eastern North Carolina, and got hands-on help from local farming experts and 600 volunteers, according to his site.

    This year he donated more than 10,000 pounds of cucumbers and 100,000 pounds of sweet potatoes to local pantries.

    “When I think about a life of greatness,” Brown told CBS, “I think about a life of service.”

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    He probly coulda fed a lot more poor people if
    he’d made that extra 35 million.

    Life’s all postmodern and complexified,

    “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not
    money, I am become as a sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And
    though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries,
    and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could
    remove mountains, and have not money, I am nothing. And though I
    bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to
    be burned, and have not money, it profiteth me nothing. Money
    suffereth long, and is kind; money envieth not; money vaunteth not
    itself, is not puffed up, doth not behave unseemly, seeketh not her
    own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; rejoiceth not in
    iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; beareth all things, believeth
    all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. . . . And now
    abideth faith, hope, money, these three; but the greatest of these
    is money.

    I Corinthians xiii (adapted) ”
    ― George Orwell, Keep the Aspidistra Flying


    Not after taxes, agent cut, insurance, effect on health and taking into account who he wanted to be and the life he wanted for his family. I see it as the difference between giving a huge bunch of batteries vs. building and maintaining a power plant.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photozn

    He probly coulda fed a lot more poor people if
    he’d made that extra 35 million.

    His heart was not in football. He wanted to farm, and to do good service. He was actually known among the Rams as a religious guy.

    I’m never going to criticize a guy whose idea of service does not meet some kind of overarching scrutiny. For me, he’s in the “I have to be me, and I have to do what I can” category.


    That’s cool. Glad he’s helping people.

    The older I get, the more I understand why these football players walk away from the money. I’m nursing health issues and never played a day of organized football. I can only imagine what toll this game takes on these guys.

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