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  • #11386
    PA Ram

    Just got back from seeing Christopher Nolan’s “Interstellar”.

    There is so much I want to say about the film–and most of it is not good. And I really don’t feel like getting into all of it so–short and sweet:

    It’s long–too long–way too long(almost 3 hours).

    The characters are often a little…over the top?

    The plot is not really a solid thread, it’s more like pieces of threads and if you can put them together it may form…something, something about love or something else.

    It’s particularly dull most of the time with dull events prodded along by a blaring musical score that doesn’t help it to be not dull.

    It concerns the weirdness of space and wants to be weird to show us how weird space is–heavily influenced by 2001, including the talking robot.

    The moment in the film where the soda almost flew out of my nose is the appearance of a SURPRISE actor who has a thankless evil villain sort of role and while I respect the actor, his performance here almost makes me think that he could not take it seriously.

    He wasn’t alone. The script left a lot to be desired.

    I have loved everything Nolan has done–until now.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    Yeah I have no desire to see Interstellar.

    nittany ram

    My wife and I saw Interstellar and both liked it. The science was good and the story was fresh (although it did borrow from 2001 a little bit). There were some minor things that bugged me and I agree it was too long and some of the characters were a little over the top but overall it was an enjoyable film. I didn’t find it boring although for me the film was strongest towards the beginning and then began to fade. I could have done without the stuff about love also. However, I like this new Matthew McConaughey who has finally stopped playing basically the same character he was in Dazed and Confused in every film. He has really grown up as an actor as evidenced by his role in True Detectives and now this. I also thought the child who played his daughter and the guy from Third Rock from the Sun had strong performances.

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