I think it’s an ongoing national scandal (and disgrace of epic proportions) that our election system is under the control of both major parties, together, or separately. Beyond that, it’s a national scandal and disgrace that our governing system is in the hands of political parties at all. As in, none of this should be controlled by either the Dems or the Republicans, separately or jointly. It should always and forever remain absolutely “non-partisan,” not “bipartisan” or partisan.
Yeah, we can have political parties vie for seats to represent the people, but they never, ever, not in any way, shape or form, should be able to set the rules for that representation or monopolize power. All of that should be outside the control of the parties, and subject to truly popular consent, protected by Constitutional right.
On just the issue of districts, they should all be formed via computer program, designed to completely ignore party affiliation of any kind, going by population numbers instead, mixed with whatever “natural” boundaries can be adduced. Set up districts by number of citizens, not geographical space, and apportion them that way.
The Dems and the GOP haven’t earned the right to govern any of this, much less set up rules.