informal poll

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Rams Huddle informal poll

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  • #8590
    Avatar photozn

    It’s a Saturday (traditionally slow), but not just that, it’s the Saturday of a bye week after a crushing loss. In fact it’s now bye Sunday after a loss.

    So–here’s the poll question.

    How many posters will respond to this thread?

    Winner gets the pie or cake of their choice.


    • This topic was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Avatar photozn.

    I’d guess between 0 and 1000 –

    It’s tomato pie day around here thank you very much.

    Avatar photowv

    I think
    only sdram is crazy enough
    to reply.


    Avatar photoEternal Ramnation



    I think
    only sdram is crazy enough
    to reply.


    I’m having a bye week. Some weeks are that way – but good or bye – they beat the alternative.

    Plus, it’s been 96 here the past three days – it was snowing 10 days ago. It’s making me think I could go snow boarding or water skiing but I can’t decide which I can do?

    So, what’s your current thoughts on the Rams chances of breaking 500 this season?

    Avatar photowv

    wv wrote:
    I think
    only sdram is crazy enough
    to reply.


    I’m having a bye week. Some weeks are that way – but good or bye – they beat the alternative.

    Plus, it’s been 96 here the past three days – it was snowing 10 days ago. It’s making me think I could go snow boarding or water skiing but I can’t decide which I can do?

    So, what’s your current thoughts on the Rams chances of breaking 500 this season?

    Its a balmy, sunny 79 degrees, here.
    The leaves are starting to turn
    orange and red.
    Autumn football season —
    best time of year.

    I think the Rams are like Autumn.
    It can be golden and dazzling.
    Or, it can be barren and dreary.
    Its a mystery.


    Avatar photonittany ram

    You created this thread as a ruse to see how many of your little sock puppets would reply. For that reason I will not respond in this thread. I refuse to indulge your flights of narcissism.

    determined sock puppet

    Avatar photozn

    You created this thread as a ruse to see how many of your little sock puppets would reply. For that reason I will not respond in this thread. I refuse to indulge your flights of narcissism.

    There’s pie…. m

    Or, cake.

    Ram Rock

    I saw the beacon and in the sky! Ram Rock reporting to duty! That is all…

    …later my friends!

    Avatar photowv

    I saw the beacon and in the sky! Ram Rock reporting to duty! That is all…

    …later my friends!

    How’s life,
    ram-rock ?



    Wish we had this guy.


    Avatar photoInvaderRam

    i’ll say 10.

    Ram Rock

    Ram Rock wrote:
    I saw the beacon and in the sky! Ram Rock reporting to duty! That is all…

    …later my friends!

    How’s life,
    ram-rock ?


    Life is a little heavier these days my friend, but I am staying positive and doing well. I hope life is good with you Wv and the rest of the gang here!

    Later Brother…

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Ram Rock.

    It’s a Saturday (traditionally slow), but not just that, it’s the Saturday of a bye week after a crushing loss.

    So–here’s the poll question.

    How many posters will respond to this thread?

    Winner gets the pie or cake of their choice.


    Well, now, its actually Sunday, and not Saturday. Does this reply get counted???

    Avatar photozn

    Well, now, its actually Sunday, and not Saturday. Does this reply get counted???

    Yes. Sunday counts. It’s bye Sunday after a loss. I will even edit the original post to reflect that.


    NERam wrote:
    Well, now, its actually Sunday, and not Saturday. Does this reply get counted???

    Yes. Sunday counts. It’s bye Sunday after a loss. I will even edit the original post to reflect that.

    If you’re going to change the informal poll contest rules then I want a potato chip crust on my tomato pie too.

    Avatar photozn

    If you’re going to change the informal poll contest rules then I want a potato chip crust on my tomato pie too.

    Well I didn’t CHANGE them, per se. I took advantage of the bye to improve them a little. You know, just tinkering. All this came about after watching hours of film on informal polls and how they work.

    Avatar photoZooey

    sdram wrote:
    If you’re going to change the informal poll contest rules then I want a potato chip crust on my tomato pie too.

    Well I didn’t CHANGE them, per se. I took advantage of the bye to improve them a little. You know, just tinkering. All this came about after watching hours of film on informal polls and how they work.

    Wait a minute.

    It was never clear that there was any deadline at all. Now you say there is, and it’s an “improved” deadline.

    It makes a difference to those of us who are serious about pie. I was waiting for the proper moment.

    For example, if the deadline had been set at, say, right about now, I would have answered 10.

    …now I’m just gonna scroll back a sec…and…yup!…10 on the nose.

    So I want pie. Pumpkin.

    PA Ram

    I don’t normally reply to “informal” polls, of course. I like “formal” polls.

    When I eat at Dairy Queen I like to do it in full tux and tails. That’s just me.

    However…I have solved this little riddle and the answer my friends…is that as of this very moment there have been 11 different posters responding to this thread.

    You see,

    We can not count ZN’s original post as it is not a “response”. Very tricky of him. He does, however, respond to his own thread later.


    Posters responding in the thread:

    PA Ram




    NE Ram

    Ram Rock

    Invader Ram


    wv (by the way I just now noticed he dropped …”ram” from his name. Is he thinking of moving his allegiance to the Carolina Panthers? Let’s just say there are rumors)

    Eternal Ramnation

    Nittany Ram

    Since Zooey did not include me in his answer because I had not responded yet–I win and would like my pumpkin pie with some soft serve ice cream from Dairy Queen. I will be showing up wherever it is served looking very much like Mr. Monopoly as I’ll be wearing a monocle and top hat for full effect.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by PA Ram.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    Avatar photonittany ram

    I don’t normally reply to “informal” polls, of course. I like “formal” polls.

    When I eat at Dairy Queen I like to do it in full tux and tails. That’s just me.

    However…I have solved this little riddle and the answer my friends…is that as of this very moment there have been 11 different posters responding to this thread.

    You see,

    We can not count ZN’s original post as it is not a “response”. Very tricky of him. He does, however, respond to his own thread later.


    Posters responding in the thread:

    PA Ram




    NE Ram

    Ram Rock

    Invader Ram


    wv (by the way I just now noticed he dropped …”ram” from his name. Is he thinking of moving his allegiance to the Carolina Panthers? Let’s just say there are rumors)

    Eternal Ramnation

    Nittany Ram

    Since Zooey did not include me in his answer because I had not responded yet–I win and would like my pumpkin pie with some soft serve ice cream from Dairy Queen. I will be showing up wherever it is served looking very much like Mr. Monopoly as I’ll be wearing a monocle and top hat for full effect.

    Actually you lose. It is 10. If you had been paying attention you would have seen that I specifically said I would NOT reply in this thread. And as of this writing I have kept my promise. I have yet to post in this thread and I will continue to do so…not post in this thread that is.

    Avatar photozn

    PA Ram wrote:
    I don’t normally reply to “informal” polls, of course. I like “formal” polls.

    When I eat at Dairy Queen I like to do it in full tux and tails. That’s just me.

    However…I have solved this little riddle and the answer my friends…is that as of this very moment there have been 11 different posters responding to this thread.

    You see,

    We can not count ZN’s original post as it is not a “response”. Very tricky of him. He does, however, respond to his own thread later.


    Posters responding in the thread:

    PA Ram




    NE Ram

    Ram Rock

    Invader Ram


    wv (by the way I just now noticed he dropped …”ram” from his name. Is he thinking of moving his allegiance to the Carolina Panthers? Let’s just say there are rumors)

    Eternal Ramnation

    Nittany Ram

    Since Zooey did not include me in his answer because I had not responded yet–I win and would like my pumpkin pie with some soft serve ice cream from Dairy Queen. I will be showing up wherever it is served looking very much like Mr. Monopoly as I’ll be wearing a monocle and top hat for full effect.

    Actually you lose. It is 10. If you had been paying attention you would have seen that I specifically said I would NOT reply in this thread. And as of this writing I have kept my promise. I have yet to post in this thread and I will continue to do so…not post in this thread that is.


    This sounds suspiciously like a board war. You guys are longtime board vets…you know how it is supposed to work. You;re supposed to save that kind of thing for quarterback discussions.



    I spent time with my family at a Ukranian festival.


    Going out on a limb, here, and guessing that 12 will be the pie- winning number. And that includes the posters who posted that they were not going to post a response. And with that, the polls should close.

    Avatar photoMaddy

    I was thinking about responding.

    Avatar photoEternal Ramnation

    Easy home recipe take 22 and divide by 7. It goes on for ever so there is plenty for everybody.


    I’m just here for the pie…..

    Avatar photoZooey

    I’m just here for the pie…..

    Apparently there is no pie. The whole thing appears to be some kind of twisted joke perpetrated by zn.

    It’s alright. I’ll just get my own pie.

    You can have some.

    Help yourself.

    Avatar photozn

    There’s pie.

    And plenty of it, too.



    >Easy home recipe take 22 and divide by 7. It goes on for ever so there is plenty for everybody.


    PA Ram

    I am willing to pay for the pie.


    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    Avatar photozn

    I am willing to pay for the pie.



    It’s free.

    You’re just going to have to accept that.


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