I think ROD's down

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  • #27053

    normally I don’t like talking about other sites, but when other sites go down, it can be difficult to gather information.

    I tried to log in tonight on my phone and got a page that said “this account has been suspended”. I sent out some texts to try to figure out what I could have done, but started to redirect my thinking once I got to my computer and saw the same screen. I’m thinking the site may have been suspended by the ISP (maybe a TOS violation or DMCA violation, though I have no idea how that would apply. Normally, site admins have to be given a chance to remove any offending materials prior to suspension).

    Can anyone else who posts over there see if they also get the gold banner with white letters saying “Account Suspended” and then a pale blue background with a white box with black letters saying “this account has been suspended”?

    If so, it’s the site then it’s the site.

    Once this is resolved one way or another, feel free to lock this.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    I went and looked. Same message. I assume that “account suspended” refers to the site.

    I doubt the suspension, whatever it is, lasts long.

    There would be no reason to lock this, but I think I know why you say that–being conscientious. It’s fine. We can discuss anything within the rules.

    — X —

    Yeah, it’s the whole site. Apparently the site’s been suspended by the hosting service. Maybe they exceeded their allotted bandwidth or started hogging resources. I can’t imagine it’s from lack of payment, but who knows.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss


    Yeah, it’s the whole site. Apparently the site’s been suspended by the hosting service. Maybe they exceeded their allotted bandwidth or started hogging resources. I can’t imagine it’s from lack of payment, but who knows.

    Just out of conversational curiosity–who owns it now? I forget his name but I remember he’s canadian.

    — X —

    Yeah, it’s the whole site. Apparently the site’s been suspended by the hosting service. Maybe they exceeded their allotted bandwidth or started hogging resources. I can’t imagine it’s from lack of payment, but who knows.

    Just out of conversational curiosity–who owns it now? I forget his name but I remember he’s canadian.

    CGI Ram

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

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