I remember this…a Kurt Warner story

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    Avatar photozn


    [W. recalls] …Kurt not wanting to hurt Manning’s confidence by replacing him at the time. ….the other night I watched “Kurt Warner-a football life”. The situation w/ Manning was a small part of it. Someone-a coach or writer -expressed shock that Warner didn’t jump at the chance to go back in when asked to do so. But that was seen later as his effort to not embarrass or cause Manning to lose confidence in himself.

    I seem to remember this happening with both Bulger and Eli. I don’t have any direct quotes though, or articles discussing it. But I seem remember several times over the years, when the Bulger story came up (when Warner said no keep him in there), a couple of people would mention the same thing happened with the Giants. Essentially, leave him in there…don’t make him look over his shoulder with every mistake..

    Avatar photowv

    Didn’t Kurt get some criticism after it happened with Bulger?
    Wasn’t there some people who thought it showed
    Kurt didnt really wanna play for the Rams anymore,
    or lacked fire, or somethin. ?

    Heck maybe i was one of the critics. I forget.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Avatar photowv.
    Avatar photozn

    Didn’t Kurt get some criticism after it happened with Bulger?
    Wasn’t there some people who thought it showed
    Kurt didnt really wanna play for the Rams anymore,
    or lacked fire, or somethin. ?

    Heck maybe i was one of the critics. I forget.


    My memories of this are vague. But in the back of my mind, yes, some criticized him for doing that with Bulger. In fact if I recall (and I am hoping someone with a clearer memory jumps in) bringing up the Eli thing was one way of defending him. It’s like, see that’s just Kurt.

    Avatar photowv

    wv wrote:

    Didn’t Kurt get some criticism after it happened with Bulger?
    Wasn’t there some people who thought it showed
    Kurt didnt really wanna play for the Rams anymore,
    or lacked fire, or somethin. ?

    Heck maybe i was one of the critics. I forget.


    My memories of this are vague. But in the back of my mind, yes, some criticized him for doing that with Bulger. In fact if I recall (and I am hoping someone with a clearer memory jumps in) bringing up the Eli thing was one way of defending him. It’s like, see that’s just Kurt.

    Maybe Warner’s too good
    for the Hall of Fame.


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