I just want to point out

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    In terms of the Atlanta game, I just want to point out—

    the Rams did NOT have a defensive offsides penalty.

    Not a single one.



    I like the positivity Zn…usually that’s something I try and do, find something to hang your hat on.

    IDK…I have this feeling that what TG was saying is true. The team is going through the motions. That’s usually an indicator a coach is on his last legs. I have been a firm believer that Fish was coming back next year, but now with 2 weeks in a row playing the other teams back-ups in the 4th quarter has me thinkin, maybe I have been wrong about that.

    One thing I am certain about though…is this team is deserving of the 32nd offensive ranking.


    The team is going through the motions. That’s usually an indicator a coach is on his last legs.

    I see them defending the coaches. I took that remark about “the motions” as being aimed at the players. I didn’t read into it anything other than TG being frustrated and asking players to step up. I also didn;t see anything on the field that indicates players quitting. I did see that with Linehan so it’s easy to spot when it’s happening.

    Another article on this:

    link: http://theramshuddle.com/topic/rams-players-stand-behind-embattled-coach-jeff-fisher/


    The team is going through the motions. That’s usually an indicator a coach is on his last legs.

    I see them defending the coaches. I took that remark about “the motions” as being aimed at the players. I didn’t read into it anything other than TG being frustrated and asking players to step up. I also didn;t see anything on the field that indicates players quitting. I did see that with Linehan so it’s easy to spot when it’s happening.

    Another article on this:

    link: http://theramshuddle.com/topic/rams-players-stand-behind-embattled-coach-jeff-fisher/

    Couldn’t that be considered another example of going through the motions?

    I didn’t watch the game, just kept up with the Huddle chat, so I can’t say I watched guys mailing it in, but I’ll say this…the best part of my day/night was the Lambchops I put on the grill.


    Couldn’t that be considered another example of going through the motions?

    I didn’t watch the game, just kept up with the Huddle chat, so I can’t say I watched guys mailing it in, but I’ll say this…the best part of my day/night was the Lambchops I put on the grill.

    Not to me it can’t be taken that way.

    I did watch the game and no I did not see players just mailing it in and quitting the way they did with Linehan.

    If anything thing I saw them pressing and therefore (as is the way with pressing) making mistakes.

    I saw some plays where players were clearly putting their own bodies on the line out of sheer pride. There were several examples of that. In fact that was one of the defining things about this game for me—the number of times that happened and the number of players who did it.


    Not to me it can’t be taken that way.

    It seems to me that Gurley doesn’t agree with your assessment.

    I get that he was frustrated but sometimes that’s when players are the most honest.

    I read the other attachment you gave and honestly the only one that stood at to me was Saffold.

    I get that coaches are trying and I also believe it’s on the Joes to perform…but if the Joe keeps making the same mistake game after game the coaches have to say enough is enough and show them what part of the bench you want them to sit at. They did this to Grob, and even that’s a little suspect IMO…I think it was a strategic benching because the next 2 DE’s were guys he could post 2 decent games and make it appear as though it was a great move.


    Not to me it can’t be taken that way.

    It seems to me that Gurley doesn’t agree with your assessment.

    I get that he was frustrated but sometimes that’s when players are the most honest.

    I read the other attachment you gave and honestly the only one that stood at to me was Saffold.

    I get that coaches are trying and I also believe it’s on the Joes to perform…but if the Joe keeps making the same mistake game after game the coaches have to say enough is enough and show them what part of the bench you want them to sit at. They did this to Grob, and even that’s a little suspect IMO…I think it was a strategic benching because the next 2 DE’s were guys he could post 2 decent games and make it appear as though it was a great move.

    We just completely differ on every word of that. This is nothing like 2008. I see frustrated players pressing in a loss and also putting their bodies on the line out of pride in a loss. I also don’t see in any of their remarks the things you’re seeing.

    We just completely disagree on this one.



    We just completely differ on every word of that

    OK…That’s kinda why I frequent these forums. I enjoy reading what others thoughts are.

    I feel when I start seeing these kinds of things in the media, it usually means the end is near for a coach.

    I started the year 100% convinced Fisher was returning…right now I think I’m running at about 45%. The changing of the tide for me hasn’t been the losing, it’s what is getting reported in the media, by players and to a much lesser degree the unspecified sources. I also took the sideline disagreement between Fisher and GW seriously. It all is adding up for me.


    I feel when I start seeing these kinds of things in the media, it usually means the end is near for a coach.

    That may be true. It may not.

    But I was talking about what specifically I saw. And what I saw was an offense killing itself with mistakes, but then the players trying to fight through that with proud moments of individual effort and sacrifice. That part REALLY stood out.

    Having seen a team quit under Linehan, that’s far from what they were showing yesterday.

    BUT then that has nothing to do either way with whether Fisher stays or not. It’s just about what I saw in the game, taken in itself.



    To bad, with what remaining fans left in the stands, probably didn’t see it, with all the Fire Jeff Fisher signs they were holding.


    That may be true. It may not

    Turns out it was true.


    That may be true. It may not

    Turns out it was true.



    i don’t really care what players say. i just know what i saw. it was the same thing gurley saw. players just mailing it in. no belief. no confidence.

    and that’s not to say fisher is a bad coach. it’s just that after 5 years of losing, the players are just not gonna respond. it was a nearly impossible task for jeff. not sure how many coaches could have navigated those waters.

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