I give you DEMOCRATIC Senator Mark Warner of Virginia

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Public House I give you DEMOCRATIC Senator Mark Warner of Virginia

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  • #43569
    PA Ram

    THIS…is the problem with the establishment and the party. Having the label, “Democrat” is meaningless these days. They are NOT trying to preserve the middle class(aka “extremes”). He talks about building walls—around wealthy neighborhoods. That’s HIS future.

    What an asshole.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    Look at where he’s at an institute founded by the junk bond king that stripped equity from viable companies and raided pension plans to pay off his debt as well as breaking up companies and throwing tens of thousands out of work. He’s solidly what comes out of an asshole.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    I agree he’s an asshole.

    But listen to the words coming out of his piehole.

    If people don’t get involved, INCLUDING those in the business sector, then they have no right to complain if things swing to the extremes.

    Now, sitting in a room of people having done well, he’s not talking of the future, IN MICHIGAN, there have been instances of neighborhoods using private police and gating their communities because of the failure of public institutions.

    I think people from many walks are realizing we have to come together and find ways of making constructive solutions.

    Or…the rich assholes will just build walls around their neighborhoods instead of walls around the nation…

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    PA Ram

    This is a guy who would choose to destroy social security as we know it to “fix the debt” which is bullshit to begin with because we all know that while he’s so concerned with the debt he’ll be all for letting corps off shore or allow ridiculous loopholes that preserve the wealth of the super rich. And of course–social security doesn’t add to the debt. That’s how it can create a surplus.

    He’s also pumping the meritocracy crap because THEY certainly have all the answers.

    He talks about extremes as if anything not centrist is extreme and that’s just BS to me.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    Oh, he’s a DLC Dem just like Hillary…

    Can’t stand ’em. Infuriating…

    But doesn’t make it any less true what he said.

    If a DLC Dem, Bernie Sanders Social Democrat and a Conservative Republican all say the same thing…(that people need to come together to create constructive solutions that benefit the people more than the institutions and the people within the institutions), then even if they may disagree on the PATH to that solution… it seems that at least there’s starting to be a universal acknowledgment of the PROBLEM.

    Ya know… that’s YUGE. I’m not sure I expected even THAT in my life time, to be honest.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    PA Ram

    Oh, he’s a DLC Dem just like Hillary…

    Can’t stand ’em. Infuriating…

    But doesn’t make it any less true what he said.

    If a DLC Dem, Bernie Sanders Social Democrat and a Conservative Republican all say the same thing…(that people need to come together to create constructive solutions that benefit the people more than the institutions and the people within the institutions), then even if they may disagree on the PATH to that solution… it seems that at least there’s starting to be a universal acknowledgment of the PROBLEM.

    Ya know… that’s YUGE. I’m not sure I expected even THAT in my life time, to be honest.

    I don’t see it that way, Mac.

    He’s talking to a room full of CEOs. He’s talking to the money. He’s talking about them protecting their intrests. Now that can happen with Dems or Republicans but it’s a money and power interest. He wants THEM involved. There’s already too much of that. Look at the Koch brothers and their network.

    He wants more of that.

    The “compromise” he cares about is one that screws the little guy.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

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