I don’t understand stuff

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  • #126510

    Biden a socialist? I have conservative friends tell me that. And a few are not dumb. I watch interviews of these anarchists in D.C. and its like ” we won’t let Biden turn this country into “socialism”. Then I come here and its like Biden is no different than a free market capitalist.

    It is no wonder to me that, from a political standpoint, we are so far apart in our views. You guys here must laugh when you hear Trump supporters yell about Biden and his band of socialists.

    I just can’t figure this stuff out anymore.

    Avatar photozn

    Biden a socialist? I have conservative friends tell me that. And a few are not dumb. I watch interviews of these anarchists in D.C. and its like ” we won’t let Biden turn this country into “socialism”. Then I come here and its like Biden is no different than a free market capitalist.

    It is no wonder to me that, from a political standpoint, we are so far apart in our views. You guys here must laugh when you hear Trump supporters yell about Biden and his band of socialists.

    I just can’t figure this stuff out anymore.

    This is a long long conversation but part of being a leftist includes a commitment to science, research, inquiry, and fact-based understanding. That’s not exclusive to leftists of course but it IS a leftist thing. Evidence, history, attention to policies, empirical understanding, and so on. That can go hand in hand in many cases with religious faith–many paleontologists, for example, say they are people of faith, the point being there is no contradiction there.

    And righties have drifted off into la-la land. Conspiracy theories, red scare discourse, rejection of fact-based knowledge, and so on. Anti-maskers, deniers of the virus, and also–belief that Biden is a “socialist.”

    And of course, simply put, Biden is not a “socialist.” In fact very far from it. That’s a simple fact and it will hold up to whatever kind of rational scrutiny you want to bring. The righties who say otherwise are deluded. Pure and simple.

    This is not a “divided world with contrasting perceptions” thing. Your rightie friends are demonstrably, completely in the wrong about that. Pure and simple. It’s part of right-wing thinking that enemies are tied to exclusionary buzz terms and beyond that there’s no logic. So for example there were thousands of BLM protests last summer with several million people marching in them all across the country, and we KNOW–factually KNOW–the vast majority of those (95% or more) were peaceful. But what is a BLM protest to a rightie? Looting, arson, rioting, violence. It’s simply not true. But they cannot *hear* it.

    Biden is as much a “socialist” as you and I are 49er fans. In fact Biden conducts open warfare against progressives.


    Avatar photoZooey

    Ask them what socialist policies or systems Biden pushes for.

    I mean… a big chunk of socialist thought believes in government ownership of key industries. If I had the power, I would immediately begin exploring ways to bring certain industries under public control in order to make them serve the interests of the public at large, rather than operate largely uninhibited on the private profit motive. They would be non-profit, or as close to it as practical. That would include the entire energy sector – fossil fuels and renewables.

    It would include banking and insurance.

    Telecommunications, including universal broadband access to everybody.

    And transportation.

    I might have left something out – it’s 2am, and I’m awake with insomnia – but I think that’s most of it. Oh…military contractors. The profit motive has to be removed from war production.

    I’m not sure how that would all work exactly, but that would be the direction I would move things. And there are lots of socialists who would deride me for the brevity of that list.

    I bet none of those things have even occurred to most of your friends, or the people on TV. None of that is on the table in any way…with maybe the one exception of government health insurance…and Biden opposes that.

    So…again…name a socialist policy or system that Biden supports.

    Avatar photozn

    None of that is on the table in any way…with maybe the one exception of government health insurance…and Biden opposes that.

    So…again…name a socialist policy or system that Biden supports.

    And by the “strict definition of policies” test, of course, not a single member of the Dem party is a “socialist” though some are progressives who advocate policies (such as M4A) which fit within a “New Deal reborn” model that is still essentially amended capitalism and not strictly socialist.

    And as I said Biden shut those people out and does not identify with any of their policies.

    Though you know of course that to a lot of righties the word “socialist” is not used in anything remotely like its real sense. It’s just a pejorative buzz term for anyone who advocates any social and economic policies that are not “shrink the government” style right-wing policies.

    It reminds me of the days of Martin Luther King when many opposed to civil rights called the typical policy ideas of the civil rights movement “communist.” It’s just a big broad form of name-calling.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    None of that is on the table in any way…with maybe the one exception of government health insurance…and Biden opposes that.

    So…again…name a socialist policy or system that Biden supports.

    And by the “strict definition of policies” test, of course, not a single member of the Dem party is a “socialist” though some are progressives who advocate policies (such as M4A) which fit within a “New Deal reborn” model that is still essentially amended capitalism and not strictly socialist.

    And as I said Biden shut those people out and does not identify with any of their policies.

    Though you know of course that to a lot of righties the word “socialist” is not used in anything remotely like its real sense. It’s just a pejorative buzz term for anyone who advocates any social and economic policies that are not “shrink the government” style right-wing policies.

    It reminds me of the days of Martin Luther King when many opposed to civil rights called the typical policy ideas of the civil rights movement “communist.” It’s just a big broad form of name-calling.

    To me, this is self-evident. But it’s not for all too many Americans: There is a huge difference between socialist “ideas,” policies, agendas, and an actually existing socialist society. Every OECD country has implemented a host of the former, but there has never been a socialist society, nation-state, etc. Not. Ever. Never. That would require at least these three things:

    1. Economic democracy (socialism, in a nutshell) replaces economic apartheid (capitalism)
    2. The entire economy (down to individual businesses and the shop floor) is democratized.
    3. We the people, not “the state,” not any political party, person, junta, own the means of production, together, hold it in common, directly. No proxies.

    And we strive to end all vestiges of class society, together, democratically.

    No such scenario has ever existed beyond small enclaves like the Paris Commune of 1871, parts of Republican Spain in the 1930s, old-school Israeli Kibbutzes, etc. etc.

    To bring it back to Biden and the Dems . . . Not a single member of that party advocates for an end to capitalism, though I wish to goddess the entire party would. Even the furthest leftward faction doesn’t. The Squad doesn’t. Sanders, the indie, doesn’t. And Biden is well to their right.

    In short, W, your conservative friends are nutz.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    I’m following up Todd McGowan’s excellent Universality and Identity Politics with his Capitalism and Desire, and it might be even better. About a third to go. Just makes all sorts of brilliant observations about our current system, with a major focus on capitalism’s promises and endless inability to deliver them. At the same time, capitalism has this amazing ability to make the vast majority of folks believe it does, that it has, that it will continue to deliver, even though it can’t, won’t, doesn’t intend to.

    Also, that it atomizes society, turns us all into monads of desire, denying our freedom(s) while gaslighting us into thinking it sets us free.

    He brings in Freud and Lacan a ton, as well as Smith, Ricardo, Keynes, Marx, Von Mises, Rand, Hayek, among others. His criticism of our system is (justifiably) devastating . . . but he goes beyond Marx by bringing in psychoanalytical aspects as well. Fascinating.

    Our system, basically, puts us in mental (and physical) chains, endlessly lies to us about what it can do for us, how supposedly free we are, while at the same time radically reducing our ability to fight back. It separates and segregates us, in our own little consumerist bubbles, which obviously makes collective action far, far more difficult. Makes me think about how deluded the entire political right is, in its vision of “liberty and freedom.” They espouse their idea of “individualism” because the system makes them believe this is the case.

    McGowan’s Capitalism and Desire


    Hey you guys ! I know what socialism is; I know my conservative friends are “nutz”; I know that calling Biden a socialist is simply “mane calling”. I get all that. My point is how can we ever come close to bridging these gaps as long as there is suck a divergence of opinions-regardless of whether one view is fact or scientific based. ? Personally, I don’t think the people that believe Biden is a socialist are “nutz”. I think they are simply ignorant. Not stupid but ignorant-meaning misinformed. But how do people allow themselves to be so misinformed. I’m sure they truly believe they are “informed” but clearly they are not. I suppose I’m sounding like somewhat of an elitist by calling them ignorant and maybe that even drives them “nutzier”.

    There’s an article in today’s L.A. Times about the air force woman who was killed during the siege of the Capital. I’m going to post it separately after this. It’s about her path to becoming a radical and if I take anything from it it’s (for her) about anger over immigration fueled by social media which has led her into the QAnon darkness. It doesn’t sound like she’s some hillbilly from the caves of W. Virginia ignorant of what’s going on. She served in the air force in Iraq, smart enough to own a business in San Diego, considers herself to be a “patriot” BUT seems filled with anger over “what’s happening to her country” that needs to be taken back.

    I know there are plenty of theories and actual explanations over how and why people like “these” get so angry. The best I can come up with is something my wife says: A changing demography that best can be described, in the eyes of the Trumpers, as a cultural eclipse. Their “way of life” is being overrun by people that look different-meaning black and brown people. But no one says just “way of life” are they talking about. And of course this is all fueled by those who sincerely believe that “God” has created the United States of America to be divine in the face of the evils of the world and we are here in this country to fix it. Who can forget that enormous cloth sign , larger than any “flag” by rioters “JESUS SAVES” while at the same time seeing the Confederate flag march through the Capital. My question as always: What gives?

    Avatar photozn

    Hey you guys ! I know what socialism is; I know my conservative friends are “nutz”; I know that calling Biden a socialist is simply “mane calling”. I get all that. My point is how can we ever come close to bridging these gaps as long as there is such a divergence of opinions

    It’s not a “divergence of opinions.” They’re wrong. One side in this is not an “opinion,” it’s rational and fact-based truth.

    Same with climate change deniers. I don’t want “middle ground” with deniers, they’re wrong.

    Same with those who downplay covid. I don’t want to arrive at a middle ground with them. They’re wrong.

    Same with those who claim Trump won the election and was robbed. I don’t want to meet them halfway. They’re wrong.

    Those are all dangerous things to be wrong about.

    Avatar photoBilly_T


    I think most of this is about filling deep, deep voids created by capitalism and its atomization of society. It’s about identity politics. People seek tribal allegiances when society creates such voids. When it can’t deliver on its promises . . . and most of this is likely on the subconscious level.

    Used to be that religious ritual fulfilled that for the masses. But capitalism killed “God” and tried to replace him with “the free market.” That’s simply not sufficient for 99% of the populace. God is dead, capitalism killed him, and people need to find somewhere, someone, to fill that void, to replace that cosmic/social/personal loss.

    Especially for the right, that means the reactionary (identitarian) trifecta: nationalism, fundamentalist religion, and ethnicity.

    In short, as capitalism creates more and more despair, dislocation, inequality, and environmental destruction, people will struggle harder and harder to “belong” in some other way. That means a hell of a tough row to hoe for the foreseeable future.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    Hey you guys ! I know what socialism is; I know my conservative friends are “nutz”; I know that calling Biden a socialist is simply “mane calling”. I get all that. My point is how can we ever come close to bridging these gaps as long as there is such a divergence of opinions

    It’s not a “divergence of opinions.” They’re wrong. One side in this is not an “opinion,” it’s rational and fact-based truth.

    Same with climate change deniers. I don’t want “middle ground” with deniers, they’re wrong.

    Same with those who downplay covid. I don’t want to arrive at a middle ground with them. They’re wrong.

    Same with those who claim Trump won the election and was robbed. I don’t want to meet them halfway. They’re wrong.

    Those are all dangerous things to be wrong about.

    Agreed, ZN. Which is why I think we’re at the point . . . well, we’ve been at that point for generations, actually . . . where is just makes no sense to even try to “understand” them, much less compromise. It comes down to maximizing our own time behind the wheel, if and when we get it. The political right wrote the book on that. It’s time the rest of the political spectrum figures out that there is no “meeting of the minds” at this point.

    If our “side” gets a turn behind the wheel, it needs to max out on pushing our agenda through, without apology, without watering it down, or backing down. Make our best case, max out on policy, regs, legislation, etc. etc. . . and let the chips fall where they may.

    Once one side of the aisle thinks the other side consists of satanist, baby-eating pedophiles, it’s absurd to even think of attempting any more “reaching across the aisle.” And it actually just plays into the hands of reactionaries to even bother.

    Shut them out. Ignore them. Bash on, etc.

    Avatar photozn

    I know there are plenty of theories and actual explanations over how and why people like “these” get so angry. The best I can come up with is something my wife says: A changing demography that best can be described, in the eyes of the Trumpers, as a cultural eclipse. Their “way of life” is being overrun by people that look different-meaning black and brown people.

    I suspect that’s a big part of it.

    Avatar photowv

    Biden a socialist? I have conservative friends tell me that. And a few are not dumb. I watch interviews of these anarchists in D.C. and its like ” we won’t let Biden turn this country into “socialism”. Then I come here and its like Biden is no different than a free market capitalist.

    It is no wonder to me that, from a political standpoint, we are so far apart in our views. You guys here must laugh when you hear Trump supporters yell about Biden and his band of socialists.

    I just can’t figure this stuff out anymore.


    Well, for starters, anyone who calls the Rightwing-fascists, ‘anarchists’
    probably needs to read a little about anarchism.

    But, yes, I always laugh when i hear Trumpies
    calling Biden/Obama/Clinton a ‘socialist.’

    But thats how it is, in the merry old land of Oz.



    Biden a socialist? I have conservative friends tell me that. And a few are not dumb. I watch interviews of these anarchists in D.C. and its like ” we won’t let Biden turn this country into “socialism”. Then I come here and its like Biden is no different than a free market capitalist.

    It is no wonder to me that, from a political standpoint, we are so far apart in our views. You guys here must laugh when you hear Trump supporters yell about Biden and his band of socialists.

    I just can’t figure this stuff out anymore.


    Well, for starters, anyone who calls the Rightwing-fascists, ‘anarchists’
    probably needs to read a little about anarchism.

    But, yes, I always laugh when i hear Trumpies
    calling Biden/Obama/Clinton a ‘socialist.’

    But thats how it is, in the merry old land of Oz.


    Why do I need to “read” about anarchism when I see with my own eyes groups of people breaking into the US Capitol looking for senators with a noose, and cop ties, shouting the election has been stolen and trying to overturn the results-in the name of overthrowing the existing authority. If that isn’t anarchy then who cares.

    Avatar photoZooey

    Why do I need to “read” about anarchism when I see with my own eyes groups of people breaking into the US Capitol looking for senators with a noose, and cop ties, shouting the election has been stolen and trying to overturn the results-in the name of overthrowing the existing authority. If that isn’t anarchy then who cares.

    Because Anarchy is actually a theory, one that disapproves of concentrated power.

    Concentrated power responded to that philosophical threat to its existence by deliberately portraying Anarchy as chaos.

    Now people think anarchy and chaos are synonyms. But they aren’t. So that’s why.

    As for “how to bridge” the divide, as I said earlier, I would ask questions. What makes them say Biden is a socialist? I would expect they would answer that he wants to raise taxes, but it’s pretty obvious that isn’t socialist. Juxtapose Biden’s policies with socialist policies. That’s if you really want to just defend Biden from the charge of socialism. But if your larger goal isn’t really that, but to achieve some kind of recognition that Biden’s policies are decent and humane, well… I rarely take on the kind of Sisyphean task.

    Avatar photozn

    Why do I need to “read” about anarchism when I see with my own eyes groups of people breaking into the US Capitol looking for senators with a noose, and cop ties, shouting the election has been stolen and trying to overturn the results-in the name of overthrowing the existing authority. If that isn’t anarchy then who cares.

    Because Anarchy is actually a theory, one that disapproves of concentrated power.

    Concentrated power responded to that philosophical threat to its existence by deliberately portraying Anarchy as chaos.

    Now people think anarchy and chaos are synonyms. But they aren’t. So that’s why.

    Yeah, W, there’s 2 versions of the word.

    Just putting things in black and white.

    Philosophical anarchism is a 19th and 20th century political vision which argues that hierarchical social structures corrupt humanity. Here’s an example of that tradition and its way of thinking from Chomsky: “power that isn’t really justified by the will of the governed should be dismantled.” ― Noam Chomsky, On Anarchism

    In the popular everyday use of the word is, as you say Z, it just means chaos.

    In a leftist context, W, since we’re aware of philosophical anarchism we tend not to use the word in the popular, everyday sense.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    Good responses on anarchism, Zooey and ZN.

    The vast majority of anarchists are non-violent. Very few exceptions. David Graeber, who recently passed, was one. Chomsky considers himself one.
    They never hurt a flee. Tolstoy was a Christian anarchist. Then there’s William Morris and Petr Kropotkin. Again, they never hurt anyone. Their thing was to advocate for society free from domination by anyone, anything, any group, etc. etc. Mutual aid, cooperative, egalitarian, democratic society. And they preached getting there through non-violent, democratic means.

    Ironically, it’s all too frequently the case that the “authorities” use deadly force against “anarchists,” on the basis of the perceived, automatic, dangerously biased belief that anarchism is synonymous with chaos and violence, etc. etc.

    Anyway, thanks to WV, I read James C. Scott on the subject. His Two Cheers for Anarchism is very good.

    Also have read Kropotkin on anarchism. Some of his ebooks are available to borrow from your local library, most likely, through the Hoopla app.

    He also has a lot of stuff online, at the anarchist library:

    Peter Kropotkin


    Why do I need to “read” about anarchism when I see with my own eyes groups of people breaking into the US Capitol looking for senators with a noose, and cop ties, shouting the election has been stolen and trying to overturn the results-in the name of overthrowing the existing authority. If that isn’t anarchy then who cares.

    Because Anarchy is actually a theory, one that disapproves of concentrated power.

    Concentrated power responded to that philosophical threat to its existence by deliberately portraying Anarchy as chaos.

    Now people think anarchy and chaos are synonyms. But they aren’t. So that’s why.

    Yeah, W, there’s 2 versions of the word.

    Just putting things in black and white.

    Philosophical anarchism is a 19th and 20th century political vision which argues that hierarchical social structures corrupt humanity. Here’s an example of that tradition and its way of thinking from Chomsky: “power that isn’t really justified by the will of the governed should be dismantled.” ― Noam Chomsky, On Anarchism

    In the popular everyday use of the word is, as you say Z, it just means chaos.

    In a leftist context, W, since we’re aware of philosophical anarchism we tend not to use the word in the popular, everyday sense.

    So if there are two versions one of which is the “popular everyday use of the word” why is the everyday sense of the word less correct than the one defining it as a political theory ? Much like the use of the word “Nigga” means something to a white supremist that is different than what the word means to a rap singer. Wiki in part says that the meaning of anarchy as a political theory is what is given to it by anarchists. So who are they to say that the use of the word by the everyday guy in his backyard cooking steaks is wrong ? That is what in philosophy is called “absolutism”. Besides, the word “anarchy” actually comes from the medieval latin word “anarchia” and the Greek word “anarchos” meaning without ruler or rules. It’s not a huge bridge to cross to understand that no rules means chaos. So to me “anarchy” can equally mean 1)a political philosophy and 2)a volitional movement (chaos) as a means to accomplish a society free from authority. Those idiots breaking into the Capitol most certainly do not understand the political theory of anarchism but they certainly wanted to tear down the existing hierarchy, leaving our society-as we know it-without rules.

    At bottom here is that words (anarchy) have meanings depending on various classificatory purposes. There is no absolutism when it comes to using words-anarchists don’t get to tell people what anarchy is other than to themselves.

    Avatar photozn

    So if there are two versions one of which is the “popular everyday use of the word” why is the everyday sense of the word less correct than the one defining it as a political theory ?

    Like most things I guess, it depends on context.


    Biden a socialist? I have conservative friends tell me that. And a few are not dumb. I watch interviews of these anarchists in D.C. and its like ” we won’t let Biden turn this country into “socialism”. Then I come here and its like Biden is no different than a free market capitalist.

    It is no wonder to me that, from a political standpoint, we are so far apart in our views. You guys here must laugh when you hear Trump supporters yell about Biden and his band of socialists.

    I just can’t figure this stuff out anymore.

    A couple things about the Republican nonsense about socialism and Biden pop into my head.

    1. I wonder if that was the GOP plan for attacking the Dems after watching the Democratic debates and the first couple of primaries. Many Dems were / are proposing a massive increase in the size of government–free college, Medicare For All, pay off student loans, etc.

    Yes, that’s still not socialism, but that is a massive increase in the role of government. Maybe the GOP just got stuck in that rut of attacking the Dems after watching the beginning of the Democratic nomination process.

    It would have been interesting to see how Bernie or Warren instead of Biden would have done against Trump.

    2. The socialism nonsense is still kind of effective. It wasn’t a good national strategy against Biden, but it seems like it may have worked in South Florida with the anti-Castro and anti-Chavez immigrants.

    And the election was still pretty close. Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, and PA were still pretty close. If not for the black turnout (Thank you Kamala?) would Biden have won this election?

    3. Democrats suck at countering the Republican message about socialism. I don’t watch much mainstream news, but I am pretty sure that the Democrats don’t do this.

    Dems should be constantly telling middle class voters in my age range (40s and 30s)something like this:

    “Republicans will NOT protect the thousands and thousands of dollars that your generation has put into social security. Social Security is socialism to Republicans and Trump and your money will be gone in 20 years if they continue to help lead our country.”

    I don’t think Democrats ever say anything like that because they suck.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Cal.
    Avatar photoBilly_T

    Good post, Cal.

    Yep. Dems suck at messaging. They have from roughly Carter on. Some of the younger Dems, like AOC, are much better at it, but their message is undermined by the Dem leadership itself.

    THE key to messaging for political parties is standing together, without apology. The GOP does this, regardless of the odiousness of their policies or politicians. Which tells me it isn’t the content of the message, but its delivery, and a united stand behind that delivery.

    Americans respond to confidence, certainty, unwavering support for this or that agenda. If the folks at the top don’t project that, voters tend not to buy in.

    Hope all is well.

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