I break my vow

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    I swore off, once and for all, responding to my brother on political posts. I lasted a month or so. But…


    You have a knack for discussing these things with a reasonable tone. Meaning, making points like that to the Other Side.

    Not sure I do, personally (ie. have a good style for that). So I envy that.


    Yeah, thanks, but I think you are generous to call it a “knack for discussing.” That wasn’t a “discussion.” It was me doing my Filet thing, whatever the hell THAT is.


    Yeah, thanks, but I think you are generous to call it a “knack for discussing.” That wasn’t a “discussion.” It was me doing my Filet thing, whatever the hell THAT is.

    Okay, then…you have a knack for explaining things to the Other Side. Even-keeled, clear, patient. Not everyone does have that knack.


    One of the biggest problems with our national debates on subjects like “socialism” is adherents/experts/scholars on the subject aren’t invited. In the case of “socialism,” socialists aren’t. It’s a bit like having a conference on evolution and not inviting any scientists.

    So we usually end up with just two sides, neither of which identifies as “socialist,” angrily arguing about something they know all too little about, with one side in particular demonizing it like post-Constantine Christians and all things pagan. The other side, more often than not, confuses “socialism” with “social democracy.”

    Sadly, I think Sanders, at least in public, encourages the latter a wee bit.

    Socialists know that the USSR wasn’t “socialist.” We know Lenin said he had to install state capitalism to yank Russia into the 20th century and socialism could wait. And the Russians waited and waited and waited, and it never happened there, or anywhere else in the modern world. Socialists also know it’s only happened in small enclaves, like parts of Republican Spain in the 1930s, or the Paris Commune of 1871, or Israeli Kibbutzes of old.

    Too many centrists and pretty much all right-wingers think “socialism” equals Stalinism, even though the former is in direct opposition to the latter, and always will be. Socialists know this because socialism is the extension of democracy to include the economy, power is decentralized back to communities, workplaces are democratized, and we the people, not “the state,” own the means of production.

    I really wish our media would ask actual socialists when the question is asked what it means. It’s not Stalinism and it’s not Social Democracy. It’s the complete abolition of capitalism and the establishment of democratic self-rule in its stead.


    Of course, there are “socialist” ideas and programs that have been implemented in pretty much all “liberal democracies,” as Zooey mentions above. But because capitalism is still the economic engine, the furthest those programs take us on the political spectrum is to “social democracy.”

    Ironically, righties who scream against “socialism,” because they see it as “government control of everything,” would actually favor “socialism” over “social democracy” if they really understood the differences. They’d still hate both of them, of course. But “socialism” isn’t “state control.” It’s not “nationalizing” industries. It “socializes” them instead, which means “the state” is bypassed for direct ownership at the community level and the shop room floor.

    Doubly ironical, actual socialism makes “small government” possible. In fact, it makes centralized government close to irrelevant. Their own beloved capitalism actually makes Big Gubmint a permanent necessity, forever and ever, world without end. Take Big Gubmint out of the picture, and capitalism dies in seconds, and it never would have gone global without “the state” in the first place, primarily through obscenely brutal and bloody military conquest.

    In short and in general, I find media coverage of the topic, and our so-called “national” debates, absurdly ignorant, slanted and grotesquely limited in scope.


    I forgot to mention the socialist firefighters who stopped the Camp Fire 1/4 mile from his house 6 months ago after it destroyed the entire town of Paradise.


    I forgot to mention the socialist firefighters who stopped the Camp Fire 1/4 mile from his house 6 months ago after it destroyed the entire town of Paradise.

    Public sector fire and rescue is a great example. Not only is it far more efficient to pool our resources and act for the common good, it’s always going to be far less expensive. And if you go by who pays, fires would end up consuming everyone anyway . . . the paid up and those who haven’t. Fire isn’t gonna follow propertarian rules.

    Pretty much all goods and services would be far more efficient if we used that model. Nearly everything we use, we use infrequently. Sharing these items, and the cost, would radically increase our standard of living and lower our cost of living.

    And the few things we don’t want to share — like clothes, individual food and fluid servings — would still be less costly if we produced them as communities in the non-profit mode. There is literally nothing that can’t be done, using a non-capitalist production mode, for less, and with less waste.


    Right. To say nothing of the deleterious effects of capitalism. Not only homelessness, wage slavery, and so on, but lying to the public about side effects of this and that, and the promotion of greed as a higher value than compassion, and etc. etc.


    Right. To say nothing of the deleterious effects of capitalism. Not only homelessness, wage slavery, and so on, but lying to the public about side effects of this and that, and the promotion of greed as a higher value than compassion, and etc. etc.

    Agreed. I mentioned it elsewhere, but Martin Hagglund’s new book, This Life, seriously expanded my thinking on the subject. I was already firmly in the anticapitalist camp, but he gave me new directions to pursue.

    A key one for me is this: We don’t even seem to question why we produce what we produce. It doesn’t seem to register with people that production for profit is sheer madness. Those aren’t Hagglund’s words. He’s far more “measured” than I am. But it’s a good deduction from the book . . .

    How does it make any sense whatsoever that we accept personal profit, personal wealth creation — which will always be limited to the few — as the rationale for the entire economy? Why not produce for need, for the common good, to solve actual problems, and to free up time for all of us instead?

    Why is it not so abundantly clear and obvious that producing things to get rich is sheer lunacy for a society? What a moronic bases for an economy! It guarantees class divisions, conflicts and suffering for the masses, and can’t help by harm the planet. If the goal is more and more money for a tiny sliver of society, the rest of society necessarily loses out, as does our supply of natural resources.

    Again, I just don’t get how anyone but the rich can support it. It baffles me.


    Of course, as you well know, our entire society has been conditioned to believe that capitalism is the ultimate realization of economic systems, the way things “work naturally,” the system that best integrates with the way “people truly are.” We’re taught to believe that non-capitalist countries are backwards, and failures. And everybody here knows perfectly well that none of these assumptions are ever challenged in any serious way in the media, outside of sources that are greatly marginalized.

    So great is this conditioning that – back to the OP with my brother – a huge portion of our population does not see any benefit they receive from social structures in our society. My brother lives in a semi-rural, upper class, designer development outside of town. The cost – per capita – of getting water, sewers, electricity, roads, and phones out to where he lives is crazy high compared to the much smaller per capita cost of hooking up a 10-story high rise apartment building in a city. These people complain about socialism because the only thing THEY see is the $1.50/month that goes to food stamps to somebody in a city. They don’t see the $100s of thousands of dollars that underwrote their privileged neighborhood.


    < We don’t even seem to question why we produce what we produce. It doesn’t seem to register with people….


    Well this is the evil beauty of the system. Things ‘dont register’ with the public.

    Its not an accident that some things ‘register’ and some things ‘dont register’.

    Do we even NEED a CIA? The question ‘doesnt register’. Does the US interfere in ‘elections’ all over the globe? The question Doesn’t ‘register’. Are the Dems and Reps essentially the same on power issues? Doesnt register. Etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.

    The big issues ‘dont register.’

    What ‘does’ register? Sports, Malls, Gadgets, Fashion, Entertainment, Dem-Rep issues, The National Anthem, Prayer in Schools, Demons-of-the-Month (Iran, North Korea, Russia, Venezuela, Cuba, Muslims, Commies), etc, etc, etc.

    Its a madhouse.

    There’s obviously resistance. Mainly misguided resistance. But also some ‘informed resistance’. Such as the folks on this board. But….aint nearly enuff ‘informed resistance.’

    Ah well.

    What would be better…a planet with humans or a planet without humans?



    My daughter, on the way to school this morning, told me that she doesn’t expect to live past 30. That’s when the shit is hitting the fan, she said.

    I said, no, that that’s the point at which the damage is inevitably going to create mass migration, unlivable hot spots on the planet, drought, famine, and so on. But that the planet wasn’t going to completely DIE in 12-15 years.

    She’s pretty sure she’s dead.

    Those are the conversations my kids and I have.


    My daughter, on the way to school this morning, told me that she doesn’t expect to live past 30. That’s when the shit is hitting the fan, she said.

    I said, no, that that’s the point at which the damage is inevitably going to create mass migration, unlivable hot spots on the planet, drought, famine, and so on. But that the planet wasn’t going to completely DIE in 12-15 years.

    She’s pretty sure she’s dead.

    Those are the conversations my kids and I have.

    Risking a major understatement, that must have broken your heart to hear that. Unless it’s not the first time. If it’s an ongoing discussion, I guess you’re kinda prepared. But . . . I imagine the first time you heard her say that . . . oh, man.


    Well this is the evil beauty of the system. Things ‘dont register’ with the public.

    Its not an accident that some things ‘register’ and some things ‘dont register’.

    Do we even NEED a CIA? The question ‘doesnt register’. Does the US interfere in ‘elections’ all over the globe? The question Doesn’t ‘register’. Are the Dems and Reps essentially the same on power issues? Doesnt register. Etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.

    The big issues ‘dont register.’

    What ‘does’ register? Sports, Malls, Gadgets, Fashion, Entertainment, Dem-Rep issues, The National Anthem, Prayer in Schools, Demons-of-the-Month (Iran, North Korea, Russia, Venezuela, Cuba, Muslims, Commies), etc, etc, etc.

    Its a madhouse.

    There’s obviously resistance. Mainly misguided resistance. But also some ‘informed resistance’. Such as the folks on this board. But….aint nearly enuff ‘informed resistance.’

    Ah well.

    What would be better…a planet with humans or a planet without humans?


    Your last question, of course, depends upon who’s asking. If it’s Mother Nature, I’m betting she’d say “Without.”

    Lotsa great points in your post before that. But this morning I saw the flash point of Iran is on the table again, and this is scary. Venezuela is ongoing, of course, and we’re being gaslit about it. But it looks like the Trump administration, led down the road to hell by Bolton, is seriously eying “regime change” in Iran.


    Trump’s top intelligence and military advisers held unusual meeting at CIA on Iran, officials say
    Current and former officials said it is extremely rare for senior White House officials or Cabinet members to attend a meeting at CIA headquarters.

    Generally speaking, when a reporter gets a call from someone within an administration, with a tip like this, it’s bad news. Cuz the tipper — basically, a whistleblower in a sense — is damn worried.

    The other possible reason is “spin” for the administration. But, given the subject, that doesn’t look like the case here.

    nittany ram

    Mother Nature is completely indifferent as to our or anything else’s existence. We will eventually destroy ourselves and take half the life on earth with us but Mother Nature will just keep chugging along, and in a couple million years the earth will be repopulated with new life and all traces of our having existed will be gone save a few fossils.

    I heard someone on NPR say he thinks there’s a good chance we’ll take military action against Iran. To be fair, we are currently fighting in 7 other Muslim countries, so it would be bad form not to bomb Iran also. This is not a time to stifle the momentum of ‘Inclusivity’ that has a tenuous hold on the public’s consciousness.


    Mother Nature is completely indifferent as to our or anything else’s existence. We will eventually destroy ourselves and take half the life on earth with us.


    Well. Another walking-on-sunshine post from Cappy.

    I talked to Mother Nature just last week, btw, and She said she cares deeply about dung beetles.



    My daughter, on the way to school this morning, told me that she doesn’t expect to live past 30. That’s when the shit is hitting the fan, she said.


    Well I hope you told her, she just needs to get a job.



    nittany ram

    Well. Another walking-on-sunshine post from Cappy.

    I talked to Mother Nature just last week, btw, and She said she cares deeply about dung beetles.


    It’s not nice to lie about Mother Nature.

    You know how angry she can get.

    nittany ram

    Oh, in the spirit of spreading more sunshine, here’s how the elephant in that commercial was probably trained…


    New Mother Nature

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