Human-Pig Chimeras: is this a good idea?

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Public House Human-Pig Chimeras: is this a good idea?

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  • #44255

    So i was just listening to NPR on my car-radio
    and there was a story on some private-sector scientists who
    had mixed Pig parts and human parts together and then
    put the pig/human parts in the Pig wombs to gestate.

    I cant find the NPR story online but here’s a story from January
    covering similar ground.

    The scientist interviewed on NPR was talking about it all like
    it was all very altruistic and he wanted to grow spare parts for people in need of spare parts.

    But I’m skeptical about the altruism. I assume some corporation is looking to make a ton of profit off this research. And sooner or later
    there will be pigs that have partly human brains and partly human consciousness.

    So, I dunno about all this. Is it a good idea? A god idea?

    My gut reaction was “Holy shit, this is wrong”. My second reaction was “well, maybe it would be an improvement on earth to make pig-human beings”. My third reaction was “I dont mind the mixing of species but i dont want it done for PROFIT — that road leads to Animal Farm, I bet”

    My fourth reaction was “damn, imagine the affect on Identity Politix if we add half-pig/half-human beings to the mix…or half-human/half-border-collies. Or half-human/half-Great-White-Shark…..oh half-human/half-Tapir….



    Unless the body parts are kosher count the jews out.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Unless the body parts are kosher count the jews out.

    Indeed. ..but…what if…a Pig/Human Hybrid was born, and…it converted/became Jewish? What then?

    I personally wouldnt mind my DNA being mixed with a
    Dolphin. Or one of those Aliens they have at Roswell.

    Seriously, i cannot quite wrap my head around this — they really are
    doing this. Mixing pigs and humans. For profit. It blows my mind.

    Will these beings be ‘owned’ by corporations?


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by wv.

    I can’t see how that could happen. Such a being would be inherently non kosher. Was recently in Everglades National Park and watched dolphins doing it. Always in threesomes that they called a pod. Unfortunately from my perspective its always dude-gal-dude for the pod. Good news is calf support is nonexistent.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    I can’t see how that could happen. Such a being would be inherently non kosher. Was recently in Everglades National Park and watched dolphins doing it. Always in threesomes that they called a pod. Unfortunately from my perspective its always dude-gal-dude for the pod. Good news is calf support is nonexistent.


    I’m not a hundred percent sure i wanna be a dolphin, anymore.


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