How to seek the Nomination

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    “While the Green Party won’t be selecting our presidential nominee until July of 2020, the race for the 2020 Green Party presidential nomination has already begun. The Presidential Campaign Support Committee has published the documentation for those seeking our nomination. The PCSC also maintains a document listing those seeking our nomination.

    They are Sedinam Moyowasifza-Curry, Howie Hawkins, Dario Hunter, Dennis Lambert, David Rolde, Susan Buchser Lochocki, Kent Mesplay and Chad Wilson. Submitted questionnaires by the candidates are available here.

    The national Green Party is committed to maintaining a neutral stance towards those seeking our nomination. The individual campaigns are responsible for supplying the material that appears below and a posting does not imply endorsement or approval of the content by any Green Party entity.

    A new page has been created listing past forums of our 2020 Presidential Candidates. As new events are scheduled, they will be listed here as soon as possible:

    How to seek the Nomination:

    How to Seek the 2020 Green Presidential Nomination

    How to Seek the Green Party’s presidential nomination (2020)

    This page provides information on the process by which the 2020 presidential nominee of the Green Party will be chosen. This web page is maintained by the GPUS Presidential Campaign Support Committee (PCSC), the standing committee charged with maintaining contact with candidates and ensuring an open and informed process for selecting the Party’s nominee.

    The Green Party’s presidential nominee has an important responsibility to advance the interests of the party. In the eyes of the nation, the Green Party nominee will be the principal voice of the party. The success of the nominee will determine ballot access in some states and will impact the fortunes of Green candidates in state and local races. The presidential nominee must comply with a number of federal and state election laws and must organize major fundraising and media initiatives. Various committees within the Green Party will offer limited guidance and assistance to the nominee. But it is vitally important that candidates make a serious and sustained effort to understand the nature of the presidential race and to organize a campaign that is equal to the challenges of running nationwide.

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    The Presidential Nominating Convention

    The presidential nominee of the Green Party will be chosen at the Party’s Presidential Nominating Convention (PNC). This year the convention will be held on July 11 in Detroit, Michigan. Delegates selected by the state Green Parties are sent to the PNC to vote on the presidential nominee. A majority vote of the delegates determines the nominee. Then, the presidential nominee proposes a vice-presidential candidate to be voted upon by the Convention.

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    State Primary Processes

    Each state party has its own process by which it and selects and instructs its PNC delegates. Some processes will begin in late 2019. Others will occur through the first half of 2020. Some state parties participate in formal party primaries established by state law. Others hold their own conventions or party elections. The state party may identify a certain number of delegates who will be pledged to vote for each candidate. To run effectively, presidential candidates should make every effort to be included on any ballots prepared by state parties. They should also make their case for support to as many state parties as possible. Further information on state party processes will be made available by the PCSC, but direct contact between state parties and candidates is essential.

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    Letter of Interest

    An essential first step for candidates wishing to run for the nomination is to return a Letter of Interest to the PCSC. This puts the candidate in contact with the PCSC and allows the PCSC to send the candidate relevant information and notices. This letter should be returned even if the candidate is just exploring the idea of running and have not yet made a commitment to run.

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    Candidate Questionnaire

    The PCSC asks all candidates to return a completed Presidential Candidate’s Questionnaire. This questionnaire allows Green Party voters to get a feel for each candidate’s history and priorities. Responses will be posted on the GPUS website.

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    Official Recognition

    The GPUS has a special process for bestowing official recognition upon candidates who meet certain minimum criteria for running a serious campaign. Official recognition is helpful in getting your name on primary process ballots and in making sure that Green Party members and the media are giving you proper consideration as you campaign. The criteria that must be met are detailed in Article 10 of the GPUS bylaws. Candidates may apply for official recognition by returning an Official Recognition Application to the Presidential Campaign Support Committee.

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    2020 Candidates Page

    The PCSC maintains a 2020 Candidates Page that provides information on persons running for the 2020 Green Party nomination. This page identifies the officially recognized candidates as well as certain other candidates that are in the process of seeking official recognition. Links to candidate questionnaires can be found on this page.

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    Candidate’s Listserv

    The PCSC maintains an email list (listserv) that is used to provide notices and helpful information to presidential candidates. All candidates that return a Letter of Interest will be subscribed to this email list.

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