how to post images

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Public House how to post images

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    It hasn’t gone smoothly so far for some. That was particularly the case in the “take the political compass poll” thread.

    Note: everything here is for chrome.

    I begin by assuming the image in question has been downloaded to your own computer. You don’t HAVE TO save the image to your computer (see below) but if it IS, these are the steps.

    What you do is go to

    Notice at the top you can designate image size.

    You select “upload”.

    You will get a thumbnail. You click the thumbnail and you then get your full image.

    You then right-click the image and select “copy image address.”

    You then come here and click the “img” function at the top of the post box:

    When the image function box appears, it will already have code in it…you have to delete that (just blue it out and hit “delete” on your keyboard).

    You then right click and “paste” the image into the function box. There will be another meaningless step where you just go “okay” again and your image will post.


    Let’s say the image is on the net and not on your computer.

    You just do the right click, “copy image address” move with your cursor on the image, then bring it here and go through the “img” box steps.

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