Hockey and HDTV

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  • #17738

    I think I’ve been converted…

    I hated Hockey growing up, especially trying to watch it on a black and white TV that needed rabbit-ear adjustments…
    I couldn’t see the damned puck.
    Now, with HDTV, its all there in living colour.
    I guess it helps that I work with a bunch of rabid Bruins fans, and since I’m from Western CT and have always considered myself a Rangers fan by proximity, it got to the point that I had to watch games if I wanted to trash talk.
    And you know what, I like it.
    In my opinion, your average hockey player is much more relatable than your average NFL player.
    I’ve watched a lot of football this season, 0 NBA (if anything, I’m a Knicks fan so I got nothing to watch…), and a lot of Rangers Hockey.
    In years past, I had nothing to watch post Super Bowl. This year, I’m going to be following the Rangers’ playoff hunt.


    I love hockey.

    My 7th and 8th grade teacher took me and some other kids down to watch the Oakland Seals games a few times. Instant convert. The sounds of the game, the cold air in the arena blasting off the ice…it’s just a brilliant experience.

    But it’s like basketball and baseball to me. Too many regular season games. I am all in come playoff time, though. There is nothing like Lord Stanley’s Cup. And, of course, I watch the Olympics. The Miracle on Ice will always be one of my greatest sports memories.

    And HDTV has made a huge difference to the game.


    I think I’ve been converted…

    I hated Hockey growing up, especially trying to watch it on a black and white TV that needed rabbit-ear adjustments…
    I couldn’t see the damned puck.
    Now, with HDTV, its all there in living colour.
    I guess it helps that I work with a bunch of rabid Bruins fans, and since I’m from Western CT and have always considered myself a Rangers fan by proximity, it got to the point that I had to watch games if I wanted to trash talk.
    And you know what, I like it.
    In my opinion, your average hockey player is much more relatable than your average NFL player.
    I’ve watched a lot of football this season, 0 NBA (if anything, I’m a Knicks fan so I got nothing to watch…), and a lot of Rangers Hockey.
    In years past, I had nothing to watch post Super Bowl. This year, I’m going to be following the Rangers’ playoff hunt.

    I had an Art class back in 1970. The teacher told us to
    bring in a picture of someone to draw. I was gonna bring
    in a picture of Deacon Jones, but i forgot it at home.
    So i had to scrounge around the classroom for a picture of
    someone to draw — I found a Sports Illustrated cover
    with Bobby Orr on it. So, i drew Orr, and got an “A”.

    Thats my Hockey story.



    It’s a great game. Even better now that fighting is mostly gone from it.

    Of course it’s best when your team has won two of the last three Cups.


    It’s a great game. Even better now that fighting is mostly gone from it.

    Of course it’s best when your team has won two of the last three Cups.

    It certainly boosts my enjoyment level.


    I love hockey.

    My 7th and 8th grade teacher took me and some other kids down to watch the Oakland Seals games a few times. Instant convert. The sounds of the game, the cold air in the arena blasting off the ice…it’s just a brilliant experience.

    But it’s like basketball and baseball to me. Too many regular season games. I am all in come playoff time, though. There is nothing like Lord Stanley’s Cup. And, of course, I watch the Olympics. The Miracle on Ice will always be one of my greatest sports memories.

    And HDTV has made a huge difference to the game.

    We went to a couple of Seals-Kings games in Oakland in the early 70s.

    Seals didn’t draw much, so it was easy (and cheap) to get really good tickets.

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