Hey ag & others–health? How ya doin?

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  • #130818

    Hey ag–Missouri is one of the hot spots in the country where Covid is still surging and vaccinations are lagging.

    Assure us that you are vaccinated!



    I forget which one it was. It to two shots, a week? apart. OK, it is Pfizer-BioNTech, 2 shots, 21 days apart. People i know think it is the better one. By the way, I had no reaction to either of the shots.
    Before I got old and broke down, I didn’t see the need for vaccinations. Since my health went downhill, well, I can’t afford to get sick. So I take my chances with the vaccinations.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by Agamemnon.



    I forget which one it was. It to two shots, a week? apart. OK, it is Pfizer-BioNTech, 2 shots, 21 days apart. People i know think it is the better one. By the way, I had no reaction to either of the shots.
    Before I got old and broke down, I didn’t see the need for vaccinations. Since my health went downhill, well, I can’t afford to get sick. So I take my chances with the vaccinations.

    Good to hear. Hey btw I put my email addy in the chat message box…shoot me an email sometime.

    I had both shots, and no reaction. Same as you.

    I’m getting beat up by age too. I am a diabetic with an arthritic spine.

    Stay well!

    Others–any health stories?


    I’m 64 now. Do’in ok for 64. The usual nagging stuff,
    but nothing major yet.

    But, like climate-change, i know somethin
    is coming.


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