Herd board is down…I have a link to updates

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Public House Herd board is down…I have a link to updates

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  • #48125
    Avatar photozn
    Avatar photowv

    Damn. Well, i suppose if a board is gonna blow up this is the best time of year for a meltdown. Not much goin on.

    7/6/2016 10pm Update

    The situation is not good.

    The server is back up and running but all data is gone, perhaps forever. Two SSD Drives, against all odds, failed… the main SSD Drive and our backup SSD Drive.

    If you try to access the site you’ll get a 404 error.. which means it’s running again but there is no data as yet. Troy is working to get an “Under Construction” page up to notify everyone about the problem. This blog isn’t reaching everyone and in fact is reaching a very, VERY small percentage of Herd Members.

    Again… please pass along this information to any Herd Members you can reach.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    It must be really, really bad.

    My own website is hosted by a webhosting company. If I lose access to my CMS (Content Management System), I can use FTP to upload and download. Getting an “under construction” page up there would take no time at all. Whip one up with pretty much any Word Processing program — you don’t need special software for this, though it can make it nicer — then FTP it to the designated place for your site’s “public content.”

    Everything must be down for them.

    Not sure if they have their own web servers, which Troy (I’m guessing) manages, or if they have a company do it. But the entire thing must be hosed. And from what I remember, Troy really, really knows his stuff. He’s way above my old pay-grade in knowledge.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    Aah, should have read that more carefully. James says it’s a hard-drive failure. That pretty much closes off any software solutions, obviously. They’re going to have to replace the SSD drives and install a new OS, and all of their webserver software on top of that — and that’s extensive. Complicated configuration on top of the installation, etc. I’m guessing Troy uses Linux. That does take time. Windows might be faster to install, but most IT folks think it’s less secure than Linux. Debates about that. But most like Linux more.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Avatar photoBilly_T.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Avatar photoBilly_T.
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