Hedges on Trump

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    “….Demagogues always infect the governed with their own psychosis.
    The comparison between totalitarianism and psychosis is not incidental,” the psychiatrist Joost A.M. Meerloo wrote in his book “The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing.” “Delusional thinking inevitably creeps into every form of tyranny and despotism. Unconscious backward forces come into action. Evil powers from the archaic past return. An automatic compulsion to go on to self-destruction develops, to justify one mistake with a new one; to enlarge and expand the vicious pathological circle becomes the dominating end of life. The frightened man, burdened by a culture he does not understand, retreats into the brute’s fantasy of limitless power in order to cover up the vacuum inside himself. This fantasy starts with the leaders and is later taken over by the masses they oppress.”

    The lies fly out of the White House like flocks of pigeons: Donald Trump’s election victory was a landslide. He had the largest inauguration crowds in American history. Three million to 5 million undocumented immigrants voted illegally. Climate change is a hoax. Vaccines cause autism. Immigrants are carriers of “[t]remendous infectious disease.” The election was rigged—until it wasn’t. We don’t know “who really knocked down” the World Trade Center. Torture works. Mexico will pay for the wall. Conspiracy theories are fact. Scientific facts are conspiracies. America will be great again.

    Our new president, a 70-year-old with orange-tinted skin and hair that Penn Jillette has likened to “cotton candy made of piss,” is, as Trump often reminds us, “very good looking.” He has almost no intellectual accomplishments—he knows little of history, politics, law, philosophy, art or governance—but insists “[m]y IQ is one of the highest—and you all know it! Please don’t feel so stupid or insecure, it’s not your fault.” And the mediocrities and half-wits he has installed in his Cabinet have “by far the highest IQ of any Cabinet ever assembled.”

    It is an avalanche of absurdities.

    This mendacity would be easier to repulse if the problem was solely embodied in Trump. But even in the face of a rising despotism, the Democratic Party refuses to denounce the corporate forces that eviscerated our democracy and impoverished the country. The neoliberal Trump demonizes Muslims, undocumented workers and the media. The neoliberal Democratic Party demonizes Vladimir Putin and FBI Director James Comey. No one speaks about the destructive force of corporate power. The warring elites pit alternative facts against alternative facts. All engage in demagoguery. We will, I expect, be condemned to despotism by the venality of Trump and the cowardice and dishonesty of the liberal class….see link…

    PA Ram

    I’ll be very surprised if Chuck Shumer and the Democrats don’t roll over like dogs and expose their belly on some very important issues. They’ll take a stand on some minor stuff and make a lot of noise but at the end of the day they won’t be more than a speed bump.

    And yes–on some issue they’ll even agree but they’ll pretend they don’t.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    Some part of me resists saying outright that America IS a fascist country. I admit it is moving that way, but I can’t quite call it totally fascist.

    Yet I can’t think of a counterargument to pit against the proposal that it is now fascist.

    Trump has completely filled his cabinet with corporations. Is there any aspect of the government now that is NOT controlled by corporations? The only things we have going for us that I can see is a kind of hollow electoral system – elections haven’t been completely dispensed with, but they are constructed in such a way that they border up against meaninglessness – and a judicial system that still has pockets of sanity. But I’m not sure any of that amounts to anything because the outcomes are almost entirely fascist. There is just enough of a heartbeat left to give people hope, but not enough to actually work with.

    I don’t see an equitable society anywhere on the horizon. I don’t see any way to stop the onslaught of Loot and Pollute until we’re all dead. I mean…I love all these demonstrations…they’re heartening in a way, but what do they do, really? They ONLY thing they do is give dissenters a feeling of belonging. They don’t change anything. The women’s march was allegedly the largest march ever, and a few days later, Trump nominates a regressive justice to the Supreme Court that is drawing early cheers from the anti-abortion crowd. That’s how much a billion women marching all over the country affected the government. None.

    And as Hedges says, democrats aren’t doing anything of any substance at all. Hell, Sanders and Warren are the only ones saying anything. Maybe Franken. But seems to me corporations are running roughshod over the government, and are going to manipulate the rules to give themselves even more latitude to fuck us all over, and we’re losing this game 49 – 3 and we have Austin Davis at QB.

    I think this is fascism. Fascism that’s play Good Cop for the present.


    The lies fly out of the White House like flocks of pigeons: Donald Trump’s election victory was a landslide. He had the largest inauguration crowds in American history. Three million to 5 million undocumented immigrants voted illegally. Climate change is a hoax. Vaccines cause autism. Immigrants are carriers of “[t]remendous infectious disease.” The election was rigged—until it wasn’t. We don’t know “who really knocked down” the World Trade Center. Torture works. Mexico will pay for the wall. Conspiracy theories are fact. Scientific facts are conspiracies. America will be great again.

    Our new president, a 70-year-old with orange-tinted skin and hair that Penn Jillette has likened to “cotton candy made of piss,” is, as Trump often reminds us, “very good looking.” He has almost no intellectual accomplishments—he knows little of history, politics, law, philosophy, art or governance—but insists “[m]y IQ is one of the highest—and you all know it! Please don’t feel so stupid or insecure, it’s not your fault.” And the mediocrities and half-wits he has installed in his Cabinet have “by far the highest IQ of any Cabinet ever assembled.”


    I’m bummed out….. we have an idiot running the show….


    Do we have a concise, agreed-upon definition of “Fascism” ? What is it exactly?

    Is it just a synonym for wv’s favorite word: corporotacracy?



    Do we have a concise, agreed-upon definition of “Fascism” ? What is it exactly?

    Is it just a synonym for wv’s favorite word: corporotacracy?


    There are fascist elements in Trump.

    He’s not exactly a full-fledged fascist yet, though his government certainly takes some stuff from the fascist playbook.

    But then “fascist” is not the only form of “socially and politically bad.”

    And…quibbling about it seems to me kind of beside the point. (That’s not directed at anyone, it’s just the logical endpoint of where I was going.)


    Do we have a concise, agreed-upon definition of “Fascism” ? What is it exactly?

    Is it just a synonym for wv’s favorite word: corporotacracy?


    There are fascist elements in Trump.

    He’s not exactly a full-fledged fascist yet, though his government certainly takes some stuff from the fascist playbook.

    But then “fascist” is not the only form of “socially and politically bad.”

    And…quibbling about it seems to me kind of beside the point. (That’s not directed at anyone, it’s just the logical endpoint of where I was going.)

    I dont see anyone ‘quibbling’ about it. So i dunno where ‘that’ comes from.
    We are just good-naturedly discussing ‘fascism’ and what posters ideas on it are and how it may or may not relate to Trump.



    And…quibbling about it seems to me kind of beside the point. (That’s not directed at anyone, it’s just the logical endpoint of where I was going.)

    I dont see anyone ‘quibbling’ about it. So i dunno where ‘that’ comes from.
    We are just good-naturedly discussing ‘fascism’ and what posters ideas on it are and how it may or may not relate to Trump.


    You seem to be detecting a tone in me I promise isn’t there. I wasn’t being any less “good-naturedly.” The “quibbling” referred to my own post. I was saying well there’s this qualification, and there’s this nuance, but then my qualifications/nuance probably aren’t all that important right now.


    Coupla important links for fascism, but the first, obviously, can apply to several other ideologies:


    Trump Is an Eerily Perfect Match With a Famous 14-Point Guide to Identify Fascist Leaders Celebrated novelist Umberto Eco’s guide has breathtaking parallels to Donald Trump.

    A well-known expert on fascism, Robert Paxton defines it as (from his Anatomy of Fascism):

    Fascism may be defined as a form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation, or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy, and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion. (p. 218)


    Fascism may be defined as a form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation, or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy, and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion.

    Sounds like Rams fan discussions of coaches and the front office after a loss.



    Well, I’ll say it.

    America is currently ruled by a fascist regime.

    Slice it how you like. Nascent fascism? That seems about right….

    But I’d take issue with things like “compassionate fascism” or “fascism lite”…

    The rights of individuals recede by the day while the rights of pseudo-religious organizations and corporations are significantly elevated. (you will note that SOME religious organizations will NOT be able to share in the “religious freedoms” that are being sought by the Trump Administration)

    The slide is on. I’m just not willing to pretend that we’re not headed on a purposeful slide toward fascism.


    Is that enough of an indication that we live in a fascist regime? Can anyone else guarantee we will have Presidential elections in 2020?

    Even under Reagan and Bush, I don’t think any reasonable person doubted that elections would be held.

    I have SERIOUS doubts. I think if the Republicans lose the Senate in 2018, and/or if there’s a terrorist attack after that (and no, it wouldn’t surprise me if the Trump Administration collaborated with a terrorist organization to allow one on US soil after substantial losses in 2018), that the Trump Administration would SUSPEND elections “until such time as America is safe…”

    Reagan committed treason and collaborated not only with Iranians holding US hostages (while a private citizen), but with the Nicaraguan Contra death squads as well as a host of other terrorists (as sitting President). Nixon committed treason (also while a private citizen) by helping to scuttle the Paris Peace accords of 1968.

    So…there’s precedent.

    I don’t think it’s a question of IF we live in a fascist state. I think we do. It’s just nascent.

    Think Germany in 1933. Hitler was appointed Chancellor after losing the Presidential election of 1932 in January of 1933 and it wasn’t until late February on ’33 with the Reichstag Fire Decrees that civil liberties were essentially annulled and Hitler elevated himself to the newly created position of Fuhrer once Hindenburg died in ’34.

    So…now is like Germany in ’33.

    Our civil liberties are about to go. That’s not a surprise. I’m pretty sure any one on this board could make that call. And with Dems in such disarray due to their abandonment of populism and embrace of corrupt corporatocracy, it would be all too easy to paint that corruption as… get this… treason.

    And…viola… One. Party. State.

    So…nascent fascist state.

    Did I miss anything?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Mackeyser.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    I personally don’t use the word but that’s not a “debate stance,” just a preference. As I said I am not quibbling about that. I just see us as exploring what that means and what it looks like.

    Some of us speculated a long time ago during the primaries that no matter how extreme he would get, Trump would be held in check. Well…no. Back then I imagined that this would be really really bad…and to be honest it’s turning out worse than I had imagined.



    Just a slight tangent here. Can the leftists who thought Trump would be less likely to start wars finally admit they were wrong?

    It would be a nice start to more fruitful dialogue.

    We now know that Trump said he might have to send troops into Mexico, if the president there doesn’t do what he wants him to do. This, while he bragged about his electoral win and crowd size. He seems bound and determined to go to war against all of Islam, with Iran being an especial focus at the moment. Flynn and Eric Prince, among others, are well-known Islamophobes and Christian warriors. And Bannon has suggested a war between East and West is imminent, and that he might just want to spark one. This includes China.

    See this article about one of his favorite books, The Fourth Turning. Apparently, Bannon’s deductions from that book are even too radical for the authors.

    Steve Bannon’s obsession with one book should worry every single American.

    This is where Bannon’s obsession with this book should cause concern. He believes that, for the new world order to rise, there must be a massive reckoning. That we will soon reach our climax conflict. In the White House, he has shown that he is willing to advise Trump to enact policies that will disrupt our current order to bring about what he perceives as a necessary new one. He encourages breaking down political and economic alliances and turning away from traditional American principles to cause chaos.

    In that way, Bannon seems to be trying to bring about the Fourth Turning.
    The book in Bannon

    Bannon has never been secretive about his desire to use Trump to bring about his vision of America. He told Vanity Fair last summer that Trump was a “blunt instrument for us … I don’t know whether he really gets it or not.”

    Perhaps not, but putting a Fourth Turning lens on Trump’s policies certainly give them a great deal of context. Bannon believes that the catalyst for the Fourth Turning has already happened: the financial crisis.

    So now we are in the regeneracy. Howe and Strauss describe this period as one of isolationism, one of infrastructure building and of strong, centralized government power, and a reimagination of the economy.

    Of course it’s important not to lose sight of the end here. Bannon believes in authoritarian politics as preparation for a massive conflict between East and West, whether East means the Middle East or China.


    Admittedly, the above Business Insider article is an Op Ed, and should be read with that in mind. But the author, Linette Lopez, strikes me as pretty mainstream, and not an ideologue, etc. etc. Regardless, if it’s even just a little bit true, America is in for seriously dangerous times ahead. At a minimum.


    Well, I said I was wrong.

    I still think Trump’s instincts are to be isolationist, but Bannon is clearly calling the shots.

    Bannon is so like Goebbels that it’s scary. Legit scary.

    And that Fourth Turning stuff is essentially astrology…fake patterns as justification for…burning down the house. /shudder

    So, yeah. With Bannon calling the shots, lots of takes on Trump will have to be rethought, cuz it’s not really Trump, but Bannon. He’s clearly more in Trump’s head than Rove was in Bush’s.

    Now…I’m NOT letting this go. This all happened because the corrupt DNC just HAD to fix the primaries including limiting debates, shenanigans with independents not getting ballots, etc so that Clinton would win.

    BERNIE would have kicked Trumps ass. That was unequivocally clear all along.

    So… I’m just NOT gonna hear any talk of “Clinton would have been better” than Trump because that rewards outright cheating. Fuck. That.

    We could have had Bernie. AND his progressive energy…

    And to entertain ANY wistfulness about a Clinton victory is to dismiss all HER bullshit…and I’m not especially wanting to march and advocate and do all I can…only to keep the light on for the David Brocks of the world to further their neoliberal cabals. Not interested in fighting a war on two fronts.

    Absolutely, the country and by extension the world is going to hell in a handbasket and lickety split by the looks of it.

    But also…look at the engagement.

    When 85 innocent people killed in Syria under Obama’s watch in July ’16…nary a whisper. No “my bads”…no condolences…nothing about the sanctity of human life and how we try to not do that in our efforts to go after terrorists… Nope. We just smoked 85 Syrians and nobody said a fuckin’ thing. Cuz…well, just cuz, I guess. American foreign policy somnambulation. Killing brown people abroad isn’t enough to wake us up.

    Two wrongs don’t make a right.

    While I know *I* would be making this same level of ruckus, I KNOW most others…wouldn’t if Clinton were elected. Granted, she wouldn’t be endangering alliances or threatening to invade Mexico…but it’s early…and all humor aside, I’m not willing to romanticize her nonsense just because we have an orange Cliff Claven in the Oval Office with The Clown from Spawn whispering in his ear.

    Had she cared about democracy, she would have lost…and Bernie would be President. Had she faith in the people and the process…she would have lost and we would have Bernie. Before the Russians could get involved if they did (I still say the evidence supports a sneaker.net xfer of data to Wikileaks from a Clinton Staffer), it was Clinton who planned to elevate Trump because SHE thought Trump was the weakest candidate.

    Clinton was never a choice because you can’t reward malfeasance. It was Bernie…or Jill Stein…or someone else…because principles MATTER.

    Otherwise, what’s the damn point? Without principles, all this ends up being is a zero sum game of WHICH group of people gets the shit end of the stick and occasionally, the groups are slightly redefined. Oh, and the rich don’t have to play, cuz they NEVER get the shit end of the stick. Very rarely do they get the pointy end…but not the shit end. It’s the same neoliberal 3 card monte that would have Republicans getting enough State Houses so that after Clinton, if they won the White House, they’d be able to pass and immediately ratify Constitutional Amendments (they’re perilously close now).

    Now, though, we’re seeing ordinary people re-engage in actual democracy like we’ve not seen since Vietnam and the Women’s March was the largest single protest in our nation’s history. 1% of our citizens were marching. I’m so out of the loop, I hadn’t even heard about it or I’d have been there, too (I really don’t like Facebook).

    It’s a terrible question to ask if we needed a Trump to reclaim our democracy. I certainly haven’t advocated for that. I didn’t vote for Trump and have said from day 1 that he’d be nothing, but a disaster. And…so far, he’s holding up his end.

    But if at the end of this we actually get our democracy back? I’ll just have to hope it isn’t a pyrrhic victory.

    There would have been no victory with a Clinton win. Progressives would have been shut down like under Obama (you ‘member…), Climate Catastrophe would continue to accelerate with little to no progress and people taking no notice and on issue after issue…citizen disengagement.

    I told my child after Trump won in November that the one thing Trump would bring…was…clarity. I think I posted that before. And he’s bringing that in spades. And I think it’s valuable in ways we as people, citizens, consumers, employees and in all sorts of relationships are starting to realize.

    We have citizen engagement on an unprecedented level AND the return of actual journalism (nascent return, I’m not holding my breath for the reincarnation of Edward R Murrow…or even Gary Webb), but stories are getting broken. It matters.

    Sorry, streamofconsciousness there for a bit…

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    I told my child after Trump won in November that the one thing Trump would bring…was…clarity.

    Well except the Dem-Party hasn’t changed any. And thats where the ‘clarity’
    would have to emerge.

    So, we dont even have that there one thing.



    So… I’m just NOT gonna hear any talk of “Clinton would have been better” than Trump because that rewards outright cheating. Fuck. That.

    Well, I personally don’t care. Trump is so much worse than any alternative that that particular caveat means nothing to me. That’s just how bad Trump is, and I was saying it before the election (plus I never saw anything isolationist in him…he was always about taking it to China and Iran etc.) And it’s not like the party of Mayor Daley just woke up and became an unacceptable machine overnight. So anyway when I say Trump is worse, it has not even bottomed out yet. The only issue for me is to ask once we get rid of him, how much of what he will do can be repaired in my lifetime.

    But that was the election.

    This is true too: BERNIE would have kicked Trumps ass.

    Either way as of now I am dropping this as an issue, personally. It’s bad enough to live under both LePage and Trump. Just for the record I am personally never going to qualify or hedge or “nuance” how bad that is. If my foot is being eaten by gangrene I am not going to care if my shirt and pants match. That’s just my own personal vote on all this. Take it as a vote and don’t nobody try n talk me out of that.


    Fair enough, zn.

    I think we’re all going to have takes which stretch, stress and hopefully strengthen our principles, our wills and our resolve, both individual and collective.

    What I find heartening is that we aren’t arguing over any facts.

    We may disagree about projecting who Clinton might have been or the relative merits of supporting Clinton in opposition to Trump, but we don’t disagree on the essential facts about either Trump or Clinton and thus pretty much everyone hear can engage in strenuous, yet not contentious debate on the issues.

    That’s heartening.


    I said clarity and I meant it…dammit! LOL

    I think Trump and his actions have really lifted the “willful ignorance” from a lot of people’s eyes and actions.

    When Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Shumer are actually at rallies??? Are you kidding me? Cory Booker? Those corporate sellouts? They are so out of touch with what a rally looks like that to watch them at a rally is like watching your grandmother or aging parent (sorry if that’s not applicable for some folks) trying to install and navigate Facebook for the first time without help…on an iPhone… painful… so painful…

    I think we are seeing so much clarity on the LEFT, where people are actively saying, “hey, I’m a progressive and *I* don’t affiliate with these wet noodle Corporate Dems (or Cucks in Alt-Right speak…don’t like that name, honestly, but it’s out there). THAT pressure is so intense that we’re actually seeing normally intransigent corporate Dems…listen to the people…show up AT RALLIES instead of issuing statements…

    Who knows…it may actually change a vote. Dare to dream…

    What I mean with all that is that I dunno that I would judge the measure of clarity by the political stiction of the elected corporate Dems. Honestly, that stiction to corporate money is so strong, it resembles cured epoxy, so I wouldn’t expect anything short of their political deaths to force them to change.

    And…actually, with things like Justice Dems who are already declaring that they will Primary corporate Dems and raising money and finding candidates to do so as well as other groups… there’s a reason why especially in the House… Pelosi doesn’t want to have happen to her what happened to Eric Cantor…He took it lightly and he’s out.

    They (the corporate Dems) may not be clear that by trying to fix the election for Hillary, they paved the way for Trump, but they are at least clear that the PEOPLE are clear that corporate Dems don’t serve them.

    In levels of clarity, we’re at least at HD. I’ll take it. We won’t be at 4k HD for awhile, but that’s fine. Considering we’ve been at VHS for 40 years… HD is a welcome upgrade.

    Racists are coming out of the closet. Progressives are stepping out. Marginalized people are stepping out. People who ordinarily aren’t part of the process are getting involved…because they’ve been thrust into the ring.

    We MAY actually start to see actual Critical thinking Conservatives in the mold of William F Buckley, Jr as people of conscience and principle can no longer reconcile the gross divide under Trump (as started to happen toward the end of the Bush administration…a little).

    In one sense, Trump’s made it clear that for many people, they’re all in serious danger. That level of clarity is crystal clear.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    In one sense, Trump’s made it clear that for many people, they’re all in serious danger. That level of clarity is crystal clear.

    Nah, i dont think there will be much clarity at all, Mack.

    I assume the people will elect another Clinton in four years. That aint clarity.

    Anyway, read that article on Israel i posted. It is full of information. Prettymuch everything it sez about Israel is true of the US. Its all about the money. I think we are screwed, as zooey has pointed out.



    Wikipedia on social “cynicism”:

    “Social cynicism results from excessively high expectations concerning society, institutions and authorities: unfulfilled expectations leads to disillusionment, which releases feelings of disappointment and betrayal.[9]

    In organizations, cynicism manifests itself as a general or specific attitude, characterized by frustration, hopelessness, disillusionment and distrust in regard to economic or governmental organizations, managers and/or other aspects of work.”

    After this election I’m trying my best to avoid being so cynical. However, reading you and Zooey, and your all is lost posts, I’m having a difficult time. One of the hopeful signs I see-at least right now-is a more active role from progressives-primarily young people. Whether this pushes the right further to the right remains to be seen.

    “Newton’s first law states that every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force. … The third law states that for every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction.IMO the Sanders people will now actually get out and vote”. Let’s all hope so.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by waterfield.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by waterfield.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by waterfield.

    We’ll see.

    I’m having this weird feeling right now of being extremely pessimistic AND optimistic at the same time…

    There’s probably a terribly difficult to pronounce German word that encapsulates such a feeling…


    I dunno. I get that lil phrase from you, by the by. Thanks. (hope you don’t mind…) It’s proven most helpful. I often wished more people would use it.

    We could be screwed. We might have already been screwed.

    I dunno…

    I just know that as Yoda said after Luke Skywalker left Dagobah with his training unfinished…

    “…there is another…”

    Tulsi Gabbard nee Tamayo

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    After this election I’m trying my best to avoid being so cynical. However, reading you and Zooey, and your all is lost posts, I’m having a difficult time.

    Well cynicism is an attitude, a response to things. Cold hard analysis is just that. The alternative to cynicism, I think, is resistance to the bad and upholding of the good. There’s also maintaining a sense of humor in a dark time.

    What we need, then, is a Rams fans march on Washington.


    Rams fan on Washington?

    What will the few hundred of us do?

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    Rams fan on Washington?

    What will the few hundred of us do?

    Raise hell and change things dammit.

    A journey of a thousand miles begins with buying good shoes.

    Never forget that.



    After this election I’m trying my best to avoid being so cynical. However, reading you and Zooey, and your all is lost posts, I’m having a difficult time.

    Well as of now, i suppose we are not “totally” screwed.

    I mean there’s still Dogs,
    and there’s still surfing.

    And toast. There’s still toast.

    So, there’s that.

    Still, the Hellmouth has opened, the blood-demons and vampire-squids
    are upon us, and there is no hope. Have a nice day.



    Toasting THIS bread… Dave’s Killer Bread…is HEAVEN

    Non-GMO verified, USDA Organic, no High-Fructose Corn Syrup and it tastes AWESOME. Super nutty and just wonderful…dense, but not dry.

    AND!!! Fully 1/3rd of all the employees are former convicts. That’s part of their mission…to employ individuals with criminal backgrounds as part of their Second Chance Project and the DKBfoundation.

    So, you’re damn right there’s toast!!!

    KILLER TOAST!!! (like this suggestion!)

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    Still, the Hellmouth has opened, the blood-demons and vampire-squids
    are upon us, and there is no hope. Have a nice day.


    How will that change the Rams draft this year, I wonder.



    Toasting THIS bread… Dave’s Killer Bread…is HEAVEN


    I have had that bread and it is pretty damn good.
    I wasnt expecting much from it but it’s quite good.

    Trump will probably ban it. Probly not white enuff for him.



    Still, the Hellmouth has opened, the blood-demons and vampire-squids
    are upon us, and there is no hope. Have a nice day.


    How will that change the Rams draft this year, I wonder.



    I dunno, but we know they cant draft a Bust-LT in the first round this year. So there’s that.



    Anti-fascist rally, Philadelphia, 1939

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