Heaven – Cate Blanchett

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  • #14839

    I thoroughly enjoyed a film
    called Heaven.
    Cate Blanchett and Giovanni Ribisi
    were outstanding.

    The screenplay writer was the Polish guy
    who wrote Decalogue: Kieslowski

    Its a difficult movie to categorize.

    The second utube below shows a bomb explosion.
    The bomb explodes ‘outside’ the building.
    But the director only shows the explosion
    from the point of view of being ‘inside’ the building.
    The director explains in the commentary, that he
    didnt want the movie to look like “Die Hard” — He
    then talks about what the bomb exploding ‘inside’
    represents…blah blah blah. Watch the movie.


    Even The Rain.

    I enjoyed this one. Its not perfect,
    but its quite good. Its almost impossible to write a ‘political’
    movie without sometimes gettin a tad preachy,
    but this movie does a pretty good job.

    In the opening credits,
    It was dedicated to
    Howard Zinn, btw.

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