have to take the dog in for the last time…this has been superseded

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    Bad news on the Bondi front. He probably has at best 2 weeks and we were advised to not let it go that far. So I am making arrangements to take him in within a week. He is such a great dog and we will miss him. I know we have all lost pets, it just makes me feel better to share this. Right now he is very much himself and doesn’t even know he’s sick.


    Sorry to hear that, ZN.

    Down here in CT, they have people who will come to your house. My brother in law used that when his dog Max got to that point. He found it less stressful on him and on his friend.

    I’m dreading that day for my cat, who is only 12 but had a heat stroke 2 years ago.

    My sincere condolences.


    Awe man that’s too bad, sorry zn. Bondi has a great face. Lots of character coming through in that photo. Take care.


    It’s tough. I’m sorry.



    Its been many years since i took the Malamute to the vet for the last time.

    Got his picture on the wall.

    What is it about dogs.



    Sorry to hear about that, ZN.

    Dogs can be — or at least seem to be — better friends to us than humans. As a kid, I felt that way sometimes about our doggies, and have known several people who didn’t even question this. They consistently say they loved their dog unlike any human friend, and it wasn’t close for them. My father was like that to a degree.

    Condolences . . .


    aw that sucks…. never easy.

    what is ailing the dog?


    aw that sucks…. never easy.

    what is ailing the dog?

    He had a cancer a few months back. We took him in for surgery, and that one seems to have been fixed. He was getting chemo. But then overnight, he developed another, unrelated (and inoperable) tumor in his bladder that is partly blocking him and getting worse by the day. Very soon that will reach the point where he will be entirely blocked and at that point of course will just start suffering miserably. Right now he is still himself, though he tires a bit easily. But it’s a very fast thing. The vet practically begged me to understand how bad this would be if I let it go, even though I immediately grasped the situation and was not resistant. He goes in Monday. I took him to the beach today. He just loved it.


    It’s hard to lose a pet. Dog or cat. I know what you are going through, because I had both cats and dogs as pets and had to put them down, and it was hard for me, all you can do is remember the good all days you had with him.


    It’s hard to lose a pet. Dog or cat. I know what you are going through, because I had both cats and dogs as pets and had to put them down, and it was hard for me, all you can do is remember the good all days you had with him.

    Jack I appreciate the sentiment. But, as it turns out, this thread has been outdated with new news.

    See this thread instead: http://theramshuddle.com/topic/bondi-may-have-more-time/

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