Happy Spring!

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    So here we are, first full day of spring, and I’ve got over 6 inches of new snow here in Connecticut and it is still snowing.

    I shoveled a path out to the wood pile (which is almost gone), and the cat came out with me. He doesn’t usually like snow (he’s a mainly black tuxedo, so he sticks out like a sore thumb), but there he went, wading in the chest high snow out to the middle of the driveway. He dug a little hole in the snow, took a crap, and then buried it like he was digging in dirt! I’ve never seen him do that, I think all the snow is finally getting to him (note to self: go down into the basement and clean out litter box).

    Anyway, when I went out and shoveled the path, it was lightly snowing. It has gone back to full blown heavy snow.

    This time last year, I had all my gardens rototilled and my snow peas planted.

    What the bleeping bleep!!

    nittany ram

    It’s snowing here in VT right now but we’ve been spared most of the heavy snowfall this winter. We never had more than 18″ in our back yard at any given time, whereas my friend who lives outside of Boston told me he had 55″ of snow in his front yard and that was a coupla’ storms ago. Most of the real heavy stuff seemed to track below I90 which means northern New England didn’t get hit so hard. The temperature was another matter though. We had our coldest February on record. Days and days of subzero temps made February seem like the longest month of the year.


    No snow here in Almost-Heaven-West-Virginia.

    It’s all brown and muddy and everyone has the Flu.

    I’m going to a park today and steal some ferns, btw.
    Its a Spring ritual for me.



    Happy, hopefully finally, Spring!

    No temps below freezing on the latest 10 day forecast.

    Still got some snow piles in the shady areas around the yard, but I did get all three of my gardens roto-tilled yesterday.

    Now I just have to rake up all the leaves that were hiding under the snow…

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