happy birthday SDRam

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  • #34695


    Happy Birthday SD… I hope the boat is running well enough to troll for some monster fish!!!


    There’s a big party in Pierre tonight ! Party “West River” style !


    Happy Birth Day, SD.


    Eternal Ramnation

    Happy Birthday SDRam !


    and many more.

    nittany ram

    Happy Birthday, SD!


    Thanks – and I use this term loosely – gentlemen!

    Best birthday ever – 10 grandkids and all of those people who follow them around like buzzards circling a road killed skunk are in the house as I type.

    Hopefully the Rams can wind down the birthday weekend with the ever elusive W over Cincinnati. All that needs to happen is the Rams would have to somehow knock out Cincinnati’s starting offense out of the game on the first drive and their second string QB and skill players. Or, Cincinnati decides to run the Woody Hayes offense the entire game. Even then, nip and tuck.

    Hope your holiday was/is enjoyable.

    And, so I took that person that married my daughter shore fishing on Monday night – it was 25 degrees F with about 15 mph north wind. We had to stand there and cast lures in some fast water below the reservoir. And you only thought I was crazy until now didn’t you! The fish weren’t cooperating and I’m thinking I should make him stay out there for a couple of hours of more of that enjoyment cause after all – he paid 31 bucks for a three day license. But, after about an hour and a half of fun, I talked him into going back to the house and fireplace and some hot chocolate – cheese and crackers.


    Happy birthday, SD.

    PA Ram

    Sorry I missed this, SD.

    I do want to be the first though to wish you a Happy “2016” Birthday!

    Rams will be much better then anyway. By then we will have the rest of the league right where we want them.


    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    Happy belated, SD. I was so engrossed in catching the stupid turkey I missed your B’day.

    Wish I could guarantee a “W” tomorrow as a present, but alas, I cannot. Flipping a coin would probably serve as well as any other form of prediction with this bunch, so feel free to find a quarter and give it a flick.

    Heads, Rams win.

    ** For ho-hos, I just flipped a coin ten times. Heads came up 3 times. Rams have a 30% chance of winning tomorrow.

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