Greg Palast on the NYTimes, etc

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    Dore’s rant on Chris Hayes was pretty excellent.

    Yeah. Man. It ain’t hard to connect the dots. It’s right in front of your face.

    And speaking of the NYT, this is the first sentence of an article I opened today. I turned away, but came back to it, and made it almost halfway through before I couldn’t take another word:

    “The sharp left turn in the Democratic Party and the rise of progressive presidential candidates are unnerving moderate Democrats who increasingly fear that the party could fritter away its chances of beating President Trump in 2020 by careening over a liberal cliff.”


    I agree with Dore and Palast about Venezuela, and election fraud. It’s all 2+2=4. But Dore frustrates the hell out of me on the Russia question. He just doesn’t take his own advice about “looking down the street,” and he’s never been able to make the case that “People are after X (Trump), because he or she is helping the poor, or POCs, etc. etc.” He hasn’t tried to, of course, cuz it would be ludicrous.

    Investigating Russia’s interference in the election, and Trump’s corruption there and elsewhere, in no way aids some grand conspiracy to help the ruling class or the power elite or makes anyone richer. Russia is a far-right oligarchy, to our center-right oligarchy. Holding them, and Trump, to account doesn’t alter this, doesn’t serve any “Masters,” doesn’t help the oppressed in any way, shape or form.

    And, it can’t be some pretext to war, like the lies in the run-up to Iraq, Afghanistan, and now Iran and Venezuela . . . because America isn’t ever going to go to war against Russia. It would mean the end of the world.

    Dore also ignores the hundreds of times Trump, his family, and his surrogates have lied about dealings with Russia. We know this, because we have this on tape. We’ve seen them go from “There were no dealings with Russia” to “Well, we had a few,” to “Well, there were many but they were all innocent,” to “Well, yeah, they happened but none of that is illegal.”

    Our corporate media do suck. But when it comes to the Russia investigation, they keep revealing truths and forcing Trump and his team to admit them, eventually. If there were some grand conspiracy to manufacture this, why is it continually being proven to be true? Why is there overwhelming evidence to support that it happened, much of which Trump and company had admitted to?


    And then there’s this: Dore blasts mainstream reporters from the comfort of his video room. But these same reporters receive death threats constantly for their reporting — here and overseas. Trump, at his rallies, for instance, points them out and they get death threats.

    All over the world, reporters face this, and many are actually killed. It happens often in Russia.

    Yeah, corporate media steer them away from investigations into selected corporations. And that’s terrible for all of us. But it’s far too easy for someone like Jimmy Dore, whom no one sees as a threat to power, to slam them, having never walked in their moccasins.

    Do I wish they could report the truth, without restraint? Of course. I despise our capitalist system and its effects. But I think it’s immensely unfair, and naive, to suggest that reporters who write stories critical of the most powerful man on earth are necessarily cowards and just doing the bidding of plutocrats and oligarchs. They’re actually going against a large set of plutocrats and oligarchs in the process. What they do is dangerous, and trashing it doesn’t help one single poor person on earth, or the earth itself.

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