Green Bay game reactions

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    I thought Bradford looked good, and that was with no run and him under some pressure.

    9/12, 101 yards, 8.4 YPA, 1 TD, 0 INT, 0 sacks, 127.4 qb rating

    No run but it looked to me like that meant the pass was there.

    Smaller contributions from Quick, Britt, Austin, Kendricks that as a group looked to be a step above last year, all said.

    Westbrooks is making a strong case to make the final 53.

    There were other things but that looked like the main things to me.

    Lots of bad stuff on the OL and defense.


    Fewer penalties on the starters. That was an improvement.

    The O, even with no running game, clicked well on the TD drive. It was nice to see playmakers stepping up.

    Starters didn’t have any turnovers. That’s always a good thing.

    Pead = ACL tear. Done. Per twitter. My opinion: injury settlement and cut him. I know it’s tough to cut a second rounder, but he has shown nothing.

    Rodgers is ridiculous. If he had stayed in the game, he would have put up 40.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Winnbrad.

    I wonder if Westbrooks running with the 1s is the Rams way of signaling that Sam is gonna be on the PS

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    I was very surprised at the total inability to run the ball. Stacy was futile, and that was after emphasizing the run all week in practice (purportedly).

    I think Rogers would have put up 50 on this defense running the no huddle all game without any significant game planning by the D. That is a huge mismatch.

    I think Bradford did well for his first game back. Missed one throw to Britt but made some nice throws too, took a hit, and got the TD on his second drive. Quick made a brilliant play on that catch and run. Kendricks also with a nice grab on the TD in traffic.

    It always seems like the opponent’s D is playing with 14 guys, whereas the Rams are playing with 9 or 10 at the beginning of the game. Going against Brees and Rogers to start the preseason didn’t help matters.

    I thought the tackling was better today, but Lacy is very tough to bring down. The Packers have a very nice combo with Lacy and Rogers.

    Very quiet day for Donald. Didn’t see him in the backfield as much, or making plays. Have to watch the game later to see what they did to him.

    When Bradford went out, the offense turned to mud. Penalties and negative plays on every drive, and the QBs not giving the receivers an opportunity to make a play. In the 4th Q, the line basically did the same thing to Austin, giving no chance to even set his feet. Brutal to watch, actually.

    I hope we start seeing the “dominant” defense pretty soon. So far it doesn’t look much improved from last year’s.

    Packers’ starting 22 played in the game. Rams were missing some pretty significant starters.

    Givens has really fallen out of favor, hasn’t he? I know it was a tough play, but he could have drawn a foul on that long pass but instead he tried to reach over the defender without making contact (even though he had no hope of catching it).

    Not worried bout Zuerline. He will be money when it counts.

    So far the special teams seem improved to me. Nice job so far.

    Isiah 58

    “Marge, don't discourage the boy! Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals! Except the weasel.” - Homer Simpson


    Still watching, but did m Sam play at all?

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    Still watching, but did m Sam play at all?

    Yes. Got a sack. But they dropped the feed when switching from the St. Louis to the Green Bay broadcast, I think, and didn’t show it. I heard it discussed.


    I only saw the first half.

    Aaron Rogers is one of the best players in the NFL,
    and he looked like that, playing pitch-and-catch –
    but there was
    no pressure on him.
    Not sure why.

    Stacy had no holes. The GB DLine bullied
    the Ram OLine in the run game.
    Not sure why.

    Rams defense was certainly unimpressive.
    Rogers only needed two downs to get first
    downs most of the time. Didnt even get
    to third downs.

    Bradford looked good. Quick looked good.
    Cook and Kendricks made plays. Bailey.
    Tavon didnt drop a pass in the first half.

    I liked the way the offense responded
    after Rogers carved up the defense
    the first two drives.

    The game didnt change my expectations
    in any way. Practice-Game two. Enh.



    Laram – Props to Quick

    THAT was not an easy catch he made over the middle.

    It was a bit high and he had to reach and expose himself in the middle of the field.

    It was gutsy play by Quick. That play demonstrates the confidence he’s playing with now.

    But I don’t want to see that against the Seahags with Kam roaming the middle.

    Sam has got to get that ball down, Quick got lucky that the safety wasn’t looking for the hit.

    Kam will be.


    Regarding A. Donald ; I am not sure if it was an experiment, but they had Donald lined up between the Center and Left Guard on almost every play of the Packers first 2 drives. He essentially was playing Nose Tackle. He was being double teamed by the Center and LG on almost every play. And, next to him, they had Langford playing in the 3-Tech. Langford was singled up on the RG on most plays and didn’t do much. I don’t know why they did this. I thought they should have had LAngford tieing up the C & LG and let Donald go against the single blocker (RG).


    Regarding A. Donald ; I am not sure if it was an experiment, bet they had Donald lined up between the Center and Left Guard on almost every play of the Packers first 2 drives. He essentially was playing Nose Tackle. He was being double teamed by the Center and LG on almost every play. And, next to him, they had Langford playing in the 3-Tech. Langford was singled up on the RG on most plays and didn’t do much. I don’t know why they did this. I thought they should have had LAngford tieing up the C & LG and let Donald go against the single blocker (RG).

    Looks like they deliberately did nothing with him and just put him at NG in place of Brockers. Let him sweat out his snaps the hard way.


    I saw it watching NFL Network when they switched back to the St Louis feed.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    Eternal Ramnation

    From what I’ve read Fisher has really been emphasizing they were very basic on D. I hope they are hiding the real Rams D until the regular season and I hope it’s a successful strategy but I can’t remember that ever happening?


    I saw it watching NFL Network when they switched back to the St Louis feed.

    They have a highlight of it at espn. Late in the vid.


    2nd Unit line’s run blocking stunk.



    Have not watched the 2nd half yet but 10 to 7 is not bad at all.

    Clearly 3 game will be more indicative of where this team is right now. Should be a full dress rehearsal for the regular season.

    This loss doesn’t concern me but the Rams really need to get better against the run and their secondary concerns me a little.



    SB started a bit rusty with first long throw and being a bit high on the pass to Quick. But it was a nice throw indeed. The TD pass was all-pro and expect more of this in the regular season. (I’ve pushed the thought of injury out of my mind.)

    Most complete and talented receiver core I’ve seen in a few years, easily in the SB era. Big guys too. Mr. Quick: welcome to the NFL, you’ve done it!

    Vets Long and Saffold out, young guys moving about on the line, the running game was ugly but not worried about them. They will eventually be fine, barring major OL injury bugs Rams seem to attract. Mason will be good but will struggle blocking (missed a LB blitz block too, I think).

    I’ve been hearing about what Westbrooks can do and, man, pretty impressed with this (post-draft) pickup. I can’t imagine him not making team.

    No Laurinitas, Brocker or Jenkins and Williams won’t show all cards and first team D against GB (Rodgers) was toast. DL pressure was a bit disappointing; you could see it coming a couple times but I guess I expected a little more. I get the quick pass plays but at times QB had all day.

    PA Ram

    Didn’t see the game yet. Had to work so it’s on the DVR for today. Did watch the highlights.

    But this is typical of the Rams and preseason under Fisher. Last year they dropped the first 3 games in preseason and looked particularly bad in the first two losing to Cleveland and Green Bay (19-7–not much difference)before showing some spark against Denver even though they lost. In 2012 they were 2-2.

    What concerns me most is if a sort of lazy…keep it really basic sort of pre-season will lead to a slow start of the regular season. Last year 1-3 and 2012 they broke even at 2-2. I think it’s really vital this year that they begin the season sharp and have a good first four games. A slow start won’t cut it.

    I understand that they are looking at a lot of people, that there are injuries, that they aren’t scheming for teams. But I would like to see a little sharper play.

    The last thing I’m going to do is freak out over the preseason. I get that it’s preseason. And my main concern is the health of the team.

    Other teams just look sharper to me.

    Seattle’s D looked pretty active and alive against San Diego. Rodgers and the Packers clearly looked interested and sharp. I’d just like to see a little more from the Rams in these games–a little less sloppiness.

    Individually. LOVE the Quick highlight. I can only hope this is a great sign for the season. That was not an easy catch. Good hands, body control, awareness and effort.

    Bradford looked good. Glad to see him back and healthy. Still would love to see some more deep balls in the pre season–just to work on it–but it is his first game back so we’ll see next week.

    I hope the run defense gets better soon. I have flashbacks to Dallas and look at game one and Peterson and get scared. Very scared.

    I try not to read much of anything into preseason but I do hope they play next week with a little more urgency. I’d like to see them a bit more prepared for game #1 when it counts.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    The last thing I’m going to do is freak out over the preseason. I get that it’s preseason. And my main concern is the health of the team.

    Other teams just look sharper to me.

    I don’t want to freak out either. But I’m also not going to expect this D to be dominating this year. Last year in preseason there was a current of thought that the D was keeping it vanilla when they looked mediocre.

    Then, when the season started the Rams showed they were just an above average defense with serious flaws.

    The flaws are still there. I don’t think there is a single good player in the secondary. They may have some above average guys, but I fear they have no genuinely good players.

    Maybe with the talent in the front 7, this can be a top 10 defense. But I’m not expecting a top 5 defense.

    The good news is the passing game looked good. Bradford with a stable o-line, a real running game, and this group of receivers could be entertaining. There’s so many options with Tavon, Cook, Quick (maybe, hopefully??), & Britt (maybe, hopefully?).

    BTW, Was there any news about the Britt injury?


    BTW, Was there any news about the Britt injury?

    Yeah. A stinger. They downplayed it.

    FISHER: “He just had a stinger. His was fine.”


    Just fwiw:

    Fisher: (On the running game)
    “We were hoping for more. Again, they’re very stout up front. We didn’t do a lot of game-planning, so I’m not too concerned about that, but we’ll get that thing going. But it was a little frustrating at times just because of the penetration. There was so much penetration. Again, I think the coaches will take that responsibility just because we just didn’t really do an awful lot of game-planning. We just called things and talked about the adjustments if this happens. So, I would expect everybody to, obviously, improve.

    (On if the lack of blitzing on the starting quarterbacks was an indication of how vanilla it was for both teams)
    “We had a couple pressures. We had a couple of single pressures with Aaron (Rodgers). Our philosophy was to just line up and play and not rely on the pressure. We pressured a little bit last week and not allowing the pressure, of course. We’re holding a lot of stuff for our regular season as well.”

    Chris Long
    (On how much he has learned from the two preseason games)
    “The guys in those locker rooms and in the film room and on the team learn a lot, but often times the people outside the building don’t learn as much because it’s hard to decipher what’s real and what’s not. That’s the way preseason is, it’s not always indicative of how things are going to go on the field. For us it’s just about continuing to work on the little things and the result will become more important in a couple of weeks.”

    (On the touchdown pass that was committed to him)
    “I’ve just got to work on the scrambling technique. Quarterback gets out the pocket, you have to plaster your guy, and I had a mental error. That something we can correct Monday. No hard feelings.”

    Aaron Rogers
    (On if this game says something about the value of practice)
    “I think practice is always important, but these opportunities are important to get the tempo. You’re playing against another team. They played very vanilla on defense, they didn’t bring any pressure really than maybe one snap when we were out there. They didn’t have (DT Michael) Brockers playing, they didn’t have (LB James) Laurinaitis playing, so it felt good for us to run some plays against another team but it’s preseason.”

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by wv.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by wv.

    I almost get the impression Fisher was
    trying to test his secondary against Green Bay
    more than anything else. Ya know.
    Doesnt look like he was trying
    to get the DLine involved much.
    I think he already knows what ‘they’ can do.



    I almost get the impression Fisher was
    trying to test his secondary against Green Bay
    more than anything else. Ya know.
    Doesnt look like he was trying
    to get the DLine involved much.
    I think he already knows what ‘they’ can do.


    I think you’re right. The starting D-line looked… “meh”. Almost like they had been told to tone it down. The Rams and GB starters did not blitz against the starting QBs. I guess that’s common.


    It really seemed to my friend and me, watching from row MM, that the defense was almost deliberately being handicapped. It’s one thing to mostly stay in base defense and not use much in the way of blitzes, trickery, etc. But the Rams D just stayed STOCK STILL. There was no motion, no checking into other alignments in response to O-shifts. Just, “see if you can stop them from this formation” test, again and again.

    Fisher was doing something. Maybe testing the secondary, maybe something else. But that WAS NOT the style of defense they will field for the regular games. It just wasn’t. And no Laurinaitis, I think that’s a factor. He’s a pretty good field general for the defense, didn’t see anyone really filling that role for the Rams this game.

    Doesn’t excuse missed tackles when guys had the chance, but it does explain some of the giant holes.


    It really seemed to my friend and me, watching from row MM, that the defense was almost deliberately being handicapped. It’s one thing to mostly stay in base defense and not use much in the way of blitzes, trickery, etc. But the Rams D just stayed STOCK STILL. There was no motion, no checking into other alignments in response to O-shifts. Just, “see if you can stop them from this formation” test, again and again.

    Fisher was doing something. Maybe testing the secondary, maybe something else. But that WAS NOT the style of defense they will field for the regular games. It just wasn’t. And no Laurinaitis, I think that’s a factor. He’s a pretty good field general for the defense, didn’t see anyone really filling that role for the Rams this game.

    Doesn’t excuse missed tackles when guys had the chance, but it does explain some of the giant holes.

    Yeah, and against an elite QB and veteran offense, that kind of approach is going to get a defense
    carved up. But it will also give the D coaches a lot of plays to look at 🙂
    And it gives the secondary players some plays and experience against a great QB.
    I think they wanted to see some one-on-one stuff.

    I dunno, cause i’m no expert, but it seemed to me that Joy-ner
    did ok for a rookie. The game does not seem to big for him, imho.
    He reminded me a bit of last years version of Ogletree — a bit confused
    but you can see the talent.

    What else did you see from the M&M row?


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by wv.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by wv.

    upon reflection. i think the two most impressive things i take from this game are.

    1. bradford. very good for his first game back. he overthrew a couple times. and he got bailed out by quick. but great job after not playing any “competitive” football in almost a year. i expect him to be even better as the season progresses. health willing.

    2. quick. now i see what everyone is raving about.

    interesting comments about fisher toning down the dline to see what they have in the secondary… not sure i totally buy it, but it’s an interesting comment.

    i think one of the biggest things was health. more than anything else. brockers and laurinaitis gone. they couldn’t stop the run. and when you can’t stop the run AND you go against one of the best qbs in the game you’re gonna have a tough time. and on offense, you had a center and lg who hopefully won’t be playing much this year.

    i think the important things i take are that bradford looked good. quick looked good. other than that. i’ll wait until cleveland when the rams get some more starters back to really start worrying.


    Also…Langford. The key to our stout run D was the TANDEM of Brockers and Langford. People forget how good Langford is against the run.

    I really don’t think that guy gets his due…

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    Regarding A. Donald ; I am not sure if it was an experiment, but they had Donald lined up between the Center and Left Guard on almost every play of the Packers first 2 drives. He essentially was playing Nose Tackle. He was being double teamed by the Center and LG on almost every play.

    To me this was “the catch” in all the game commentary. This seems to slide by unnoticed. But basically, the Rams put Donald in at Brockers NT spot. Everyone realizes of course that when Donald plays in real games, he is going to be the 3-tech drawing single coverage, not the NT.

    It’s as if they didn’t care how he got his reps, just put him in the mill and let him grind away, getting experience the hard way.

    Now not everybody knows the difference between a 3 tech and a nose tackle, though most do. Just to be clear, the way a defense like this lines up, one DT occupies both the center and a guard, and that frees up the other DT, the 3-tech, to line up over the other guard one on one. Normally you put your big strong guy at NT and your quick penetration guy at 3-tech. In the GB game, the Rams left Langford at 3-tech and just up and replaced Brockers’s NT spot with Donald, something he is just not suited for.

    So the little guy lays the bricks and the bigger guy, the hod carrier, hauls the bricks to him. In this case the smaller new kid replaced the hod carrier not the brick layer.

    It’s very interesting that they did that. I can’t forsee a single situation in the regular season where Donald would play NT on the base defense.



    Interesting comments. I learned more from this thread than from watching the game. I’ll just say how impressed I was with that TD … both the pass and catch. You just didn’t see that very often in the past where Bradford basically threw a guy open and he makes a really nice grab for a TD.

    After two games, I get the distinct impression that opposing defenses are going to make the Rams throw. They’re going to game plan against the run, and make Bradford beat them. It was disappointing to see Sam miss a wide open Britt, but I’ve seen some other good QBs do the same thing this preseason. Not Rodgers, Brees and company. There are reasons those QBs are the elite. I just hope Bradford can be in the next level of QBs this year, because the Rams’ offense is going to need it.


    One other thing: On the Pead injury. That guy should have just hit the hole and carried the ball deep into GB territory. Instead, he did these sudden, jerky cuts that led to the injury that will likely end his career. Shame he did that, but it kind of fit into what I saw of him as a ball carrier. Never too sure of himself, a little clumsy in space, and not ready to be a serious NFL contributor.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Dak.

    After two games, I get the distinct impression that opposing defenses are going to make the Rams throw.

    This fits something I have been focused on. I’ve said for a while now, if you look at the games under Fisher, Bradford has played well on avg. when he has had BOTH a relatively healthy OL (ie. no more than a couple of usual replacements) AND a running threat. I never said “running game,” I said “threat,” because if you concentrate resources on taking away the Rams running game, it leaves things open for the pass.

    That was true of the Carolina game. They stopped Stacy but Bradford threw all over them. That was also true of the GB game. I saw that they were playing the run against the Rams, and Fisher said so too–they were pulling up a guy.

    The time that didn’t work was when Richardson was the RB. He was not a threat defenses had to worry about. You can defend the run against Richardson just with normal resources, so after teams saw that, they concentrated on taking away the big passing play, and there were no receivers who could beat that. Not last year anyway.

    So what you say will happen, HAS happened, IMO…we’ve seen it. When even a top defense like Carolina thinks run defense and limits rushing yards, they leave a crack open in pass defense, and even without a top namebrand receiver, Bradford could exploit it.

    I think this picture of them will hold up this season.

    What the Rams then did, of course, was intensify their investment in the run game by drafting Robinson. I think their goal is to pull people up, get them to think run threat, pass on them, PLUS run on them ANYWAY. a

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