great quote by Oriole exec on Baltimore unrest

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    Avatar photonittany ram

    Wow, nailed it.


    Two separate conversations:

    1) the historical injustice both socially and economically to african americans.

    2) teens and young adults spurned by outsiders bent on nothing but violence.

    These are not symbiotic.

    Avatar photonittany ram

    Two separate conversations:

    1) the historical injustice both socially and economically to african americans.

    2) teens and young adults spurned by outsiders bent on nothing but violence.

    These are not symbiotic.

    You don’t think those two items are related?


    W/ these kids? Only to the extent the former is an excuse for the latter. I suppose someone might use Lorenz’s “butterfly effect” and connect the two.


    What are the causes of their violence? Are these rioters not a product of a system? Did they grow up in a vacuum?

    Is there a correlation between poverty and crime, poverty and suffering, poverty and violence, poverty and withdrawal, etc.?

    I say, of course.

    I know the looters are wrong. But, the outcry against the looting usually ignores the underlying causes that lead to this type of situation. Not every injustice leads to a riot. That only happens when it’s a “last straw” on straw mountain.

    Avatar photonittany ram

    What are the causes of their violence? Are these rioters not a product of a system? Did they grow up in a vacuum?

    Is there a correlation between poverty and crime, poverty and suffering, poverty and violence, poverty and withdrawal, etc.?

    I say, of course.

    I know the looters are wrong. But, the outcry against the looting usually ignores the underlying causes that lead to this type of situation. Not every injustice leads to a riot. That only happens when it’s a “last straw” on straw mountain.

    It’s interesting to me that white america seems to be more focused on the looting than on what the ultimate cause of the looting is…systematic racism. We live in a society where being black means you are 21 times more likely to be shot by a cop than if you’re white even though whites commit the most crimes.

    MLK said rioting is the language of the unheard. Blacks riot because they are marginalized. They riot because they don’t have a voice.

    Whites, on the other hand, riot when their favorite team loses a national championship.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Avatar photonittany ram.
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