GOT season 7 #7

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    The title of Sunday’s Game of Thrones episode — the Season 7 finale — is “The Dragon and the Wolf,” and those critters better hydrate, because they’ve got quite the extended running time.

    The season-capping hour (plus!) will clock in at 79 minutes, 43 seconds, HBO announced Tuesday. For comparison, Sunday’s (also extended) “Beyond the Wall” ran 70 minutes.
    Anyone with a pulse and even a passing Thrones interest will recognize the episode’s name as a reference to the Targaryen and Stark sigils, respectively.


    I cant wait. In fact I think I’ll start my review a day ahead of time…..The producers screwed up by making fewer episodes; there wasnt enough character development in this last episode. It was all action. Though the final scene with the Pterodactyl and the time machine was interesting.



    I cant wait. In fact I think I’ll start my review a day ahead of time…..The producers screwed up by making fewer episodes; there wasnt enough character development in this last episode. It was all action. Though the final scene with the Pterodactyl and the time machine was interesting.


    Dragons are cool.


    nittany ram

    I cant wait. In fact I think I’ll start my review a day ahead of time…..The producers screwed up by making fewer episodes; there wasnt enough character development in this last episode. It was all action. Though the final scene with the Pterodactyl and the time machine was interesting.


    Dragons are cool.

    I have to say the GOT dragons are the best depictions of living dragons since St. George slew the last one towards the end of the Middle Ages. It was just a cub though.



    I cant wait. In fact I think I’ll start my review a day ahead of time…..The producers screwed up by making fewer episodes; there wasnt enough character development in this last episode. It was all action. Though the final scene with the Pterodactyl and the time machine was interesting.


    Dragons are cool.

    I have to say the GOT dragons are the best depictions of living dragons since St. George slew the last one towards the end of the Middle Ages. It was just a cub though.


    You know, for a scientist, you dont seem to understand animal classification systems. The ‘dragons’ are actually WYVERNS.



    nittany ram

    Current theories suggest wyverns evolved from a dragon ancestor, so technically, they are still dragons – just as birds evolved from a dinosaur, so they are technically still dinosaurs, and humans evolved from an ape ancestor, so technically, we are still apes.

    So I am quite correct in referring to them as dragons.

    Now, get back in your depth and concentrate your efforts on answering the important questions, like…

    Who would win in a fight between Drogon and Smaug?


    I was wondering about the Golden army of Essos that Cersei bought.

    What have they been doing all this time?

    So they train all day? And someone goes, hey, boss, any wars yet? And the boss goes, no we’ll let you know. Keep training.

    Day in and out for years?

    Yes. Someday someone will be able afford a till then unpaid army of 20,000 that does nothing but train all day and eat stale bread, for years at a time. So…back to work.

    But as long as we;re just training…keep the starters out. Injuries.


    Does anyone do baleful-furious-bitter-ice-cold-hate
    better than Cercei?

    I still think Nymeria is the best actress
    in the series.



    Loved it.

    Spoiler alert!!!

    And it looks like one of the series’ directors played us. He basically all but said (last week) Sansa or Arya would die. Loved the switch over to Littlefinger, and he deserved his comeuppance. At the same time, he was one of the best characters on the show, and the actor gave one of the coolest speeches, evah, with his “chaos is a ladder” monologue. Just great TV.

    Nice montage with the revelation of Jon Snow, or Jon Targaryan, being Aegon Targaryan. But, um, they were a little bit late in letting him know. So, my guess? Dany has a baby. He or she becomes the new heir.

    My only quibble with the episode, which I loved overall, was that the zombie dragon knocked down the wall too fast. I think something that has stood for thousands of years would and should take longer, even for a fire-breathing zombie to knock down.

    Also hearing bad news regarding when GoT might return. Could be in 2019. Gotta be Cersei’s fault!

    PA Ram

    So…..what was the plan to get through the wall if the Night King hadn’t conveniently just captured a dragon?

    Night King: “Okay boys we will get on each others shoulders…thus creating a ladder…Three Stooges style, and one by one we will climb up and over until enough guys can capture the wall and open it for the others. Unless, of course someone is stupid enough to give us a dragon. Then, we will obviously use its blue fire to melt the damn thing. But don’t hold your breath on that one guys. Just get ready to climb.”

    And one other thing: Cerci has a strategy to just let the others fight the Night King and army of the dead and hope they win but are left devastated? If they don’t win what is her plan? To battle them herself? And use the elephants?

    It all looks very cool. I enjoy it. But the show feels more like a SYFY channel production these days.

    Now we wait two years.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    So…..what was the plan to get through the wall if the Night King hadn’t conveniently just captured a dragon?

    Night King: “Okay boys we will get on each others shoulders…thus creating a ladder…Three Stooges style, and one by one we will climb up and over until enough guys can capture the wall and open it for the others. Unless, of course someone is stupid enough to give us a dragon. Then, we will obviously use its blue fire to melt the damn thing. But don’t hold your breath on that one guys. Just get ready to climb.”

    And one other thing: Cerci has a strategy to just let the others fight the Night King and army of the dead and hope they win but are left devastated? If they don’t win what is her plan? To battle them herself? And use the elephants?

    It all looks very cool. I enjoy it. But the show feels more like a SYFY channel production these days.

    Now we wait two years.

    The books talk about a horn that can knock down the wall. Perhaps they would have gotten it to him somehow. There was also speculation that ice dragons lived inside the wall. Much bigger than Dany’s dragons. More magical, too. Some speculation as to the horn perhaps awakening those ice dragons. The show runners might have made it happen that way, if not for Viserion.

    I was thinking last night after the episode . . . Euron mentioned it. Why not just leave Westeros entirely. Apparently, the wights can’t cross the water, so if they had a complete evacuation of that “continent,” then the White Walkers and the wights can’t add to their army. They’d have no one to kill.

    Then I thought, but the Night King has a dragon now, so he could follow the expats wherever they may flee. And, just because the wights can’t swim, who’s to say they couldn’t cross on boats? Kinda like the Dothraki’s dilemma.

    Anyway . . . the setup is contradictory, in a sense. And you almost don’t want them to try to attack the zombies with dragons again. Isn’t that too big a risk to lose the other two, and tens of thousands of their soldiers?

    I’ve never liked zombies as a plot device. I want both sides of a conflict to be sentient, to have serious motives, to grow as characters. Any show with zombies as the main villains — luckily, that’s not GOT — has a problem, AFAIC. Too one-sided in figuring out traits, histories, motivations, moral centers, etc. I hope the show runners don’t turn this into just a Westeros against the Night King deal. It’s just far less interesting to me than human against human battles.


    Game Of Thrones’ Actor Says Cut Scene Would’ve Explained Confusing Finale Moment
    Isaac Hempstead Wright reveals what really happened with Arya and Sansa.

    How do you answer these charges … Lord Baelish?”

    When Sansa (Sophie Turner) uttered those words in the “Game of Thrones” Season 7 finale, we all pretty much went, “Whoa. What?”

    Including Littlefinger (Aidan Gillen) …

    Arya (Maisie Williams) then answered Littlefinger’s confusion with a wry, “My sister asked you a question.”

    Again, we were all like, “Whaaaaat??”

    Despite Littlefinger’s attempts to tear the sisters apart, it appeared that at some point the Stark kids got together off screen and, with the help of Bran’s (Isaac Hempstead Wright) limitless knowledge, planned Petyr Baelish’s demise.

    But how? And when?

    Was the season-long tension between Sansa and Arya just a show for setting up Littlefinger? Were they conspiring the whole time?

    It turns out there is a reason the moment the Stark kids came together felt sudden ― because it was.

    Isaac Hempstead Wright told HuffPost that a deleted finale scene would’ve explained things a little better.

    “Funny enough, we did actually shoot a scene that didn’t make it into that episode where Sansa knocks on Bran’s door, and I don’t know whether they actually want to change the story, but as I understand it, Sansa came to Bran and goes, ‘Can you just look some of this up before I kill my sister?’ That kind of sentiment. Sansa just checking that fact,” said the actor.

    So apparently, Sansa’s scene with Littlefinger where she questions whether Arya was going to kill her was legit. She was actually worried, but then decided to check with Bran before doing something she might regret.

    “I think it suddenly occurred to her that she’s got the best fact-checker in the universe, someone who’s gonna look up the entire history of time,” Hempstead Wright continued. “So she stops by Bran’s office and goes, ‘Look, bro, can you just check up on what this crazy guy is actually about,’ and Bran goes, ’Yeah, no worries. I got you,’ and they all come together, and the three of them just fuck him up.”

    The Three-Eyed Raven continued dropping knowledge on us about what to expect in Season 8, and he even had a Bran-tastic reaction to one of HuffPost’s original theories.

    So what’s the deal with Bran holding back so much information?

    It’s less of Bran just holding back this information because right now Bran doesn’t actually have the entire history of the world in his head. It’s like he’s got Kindle libraries of all the history of the universe, but he just hasn’t read every volume yet. The old Three-Eyed Raven sat and actually went through every single page and read every single word, so he has known by heart everything that happens. Bran still has to look stuff up in a massive encyclopedia, so it’s not that he doesn’t know. It’s like if people guide him in the right direction he can tell you anything. In his own time, he’s working through everything that’s happened. He needs like Samwell Tarly saying, “Can you see this?” Bran goes, “Oh, shit. Yeah, that actually did happen.” [He needs] Sansa to say, “What happened with Littlefinger?” Boom.

    Now that Sam is there, people are saying Bran’s like Google search.

    Exactly! And that’s great because Bran doesn’t necessarily have quite the initiative now to be able to formulate complex plans about, “Oh what do we need to know about this?” It’s just kind of like a slightly glazed-over super computer saying, “Oh, this happen. This happened. This happened. Oh, that’s important. This happened. This happened. This happened.” When Sam goes, “Ooh! Ooh! Tell me about this!” Oh, here we go … Branipedia … WikiBran.

    Bran can be kind of emotionless, so how do you expect he’s going to deliver the news to Jon and Dany?

    I’m hoping it’ll be Samwell Tarly that breaks that news. It’d be a bit of an underwhelming reunion for Jon to come back like, “Bran, how are you?” [And Bran goes], “Great. I know everything and you’re the heir to the Iron Throne.” Probably don’t want that kind of delivery. Samwell Tarly. I think that’ll be a little more interesting to play out on screen.

    It looks like Jaime might be on the way to Winterfell, what do you want to see in a Bran and Jaime reunion?

    Yeah, I’d love to see that. I think it could be interesting because clearly Jaime has now noticed that his lover and sister is completely fucking insane, and Jaime’s been one of the most interesting character evolutions in the whole show. It’s been fascinating to watch him develop. From the outset, he was clearly morally reprehensible, but to see how ambiguous that actually is, and perhaps what a good person he is inside, has been really, really fun. I’d be really interested to see his response to Bran, especially now that Bran knows everything about Jaime. Really freak Jaime out. I’d like to see Jaime apologize. I think that’d be really cool.

    Editor’s note: Jaime actor Nikolaj Coster-Waldau told HuffPost he’s so for a Bran reunion. “I would love Jaime to meet Bran Stark,” he said. “If nothing else just to say, ‘Sorry, kid.’ And then Bran can say, ‘No, don’t worry. If you hadn’t done that I wouldn’t be the all-seeing Three-Eyed Raven.’ And Jaime could go, ‘Oh, great! Well, good.’”
    Where do you want to see Bran go in Season 8?

    I hope to make it through most of the episodes, but I also wouldn’t mind getting to do a death scene now that it’s the last season. I can rest easy knowing that I made it to the last season. But more than anything else, I’d just like to see mankind triumph over the supernatural.

    On “Game of Thrones” there’s a lot of talk about “breaking the wheel.” And we’ve already seen the concept of a time loop introduced in Season 6. So I’m theorizing that breaking the wheel could actually be breaking out of a time loop everyone’s in. What do you think?

    Ooohh! Damn! Damn! I like it! I like it! I’ll email David [Benioff] and Dan [Weiss]. I’ll see what we can [do].

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