I saw this film yesterday and had not read the book and knew very little about it actually but I’m a big David Fincher fan so the wife and I went.
It blew me away.
The film, the story has so many layers. The characters are compelling, the acting outstanding.
It was a VERY twisted film.
Like I said, I didn’t really know much about it at all except I’d seen a trailer for it and that Fincher directed it. I’d advise anyone seeing it to do the same. Don’t read spoilers–and it’s difficult to discuss without spoiling things. I’m giving Oscar nominations to Fincher(director) and Rosamund Pike(actress) and Trent Reznor(score) and Carrie Coon(supporting actress). Cinematography. Screenplay. Oh–and film.
Loved it.
But I can’t say much about it.
If I had a small complaint I felt it was just a bit long–but that’s a minor complaint. I loved the ending. My wife and I talked about the film for awhile afterward and that means SHE really liked it because when she doesn’t she basically doesn’t mention it again. There are things to talk about afterward. I like those films.
So anyway–yes–go see it.
Very good film.
This topic was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by PA Ram.
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