Golan Heights

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    Under cover of war, Israel expands its occupation of Syria

    In many ways, the war in Syria has been a gift to Israel. For reasons quite similar to the US, the government in Tel Aviv has an interest in helping to prolong the war for as long as possible….

    …in 1967, when Israel occupied Gaza, the West Bank and Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula, it also invaded Syria’s Golan Heights. More than 130,000 native Syrians living in the area were either transferred forcibly from their homes, or compelled to flee by the threat of the war. This represented most of the population of the territory.

    Israel then set about destroying villages in the Golan. Within a month of the occupation, Israel began building settlements on the rubble;

    ……Since then, Israel has increased its occupation of the Golan incrementally. During the current war in Syria, Israel has commenced exploratory drilling for oil in the territory. The parent company of Afek, which is carrying out the drilling, includes on its advisory board former US vice-president Dick Cheney, media tycoon Rupert Murdoch and Larry Summers, the former secretary of the US treasury….


    Jesus Christ.

    You know, I actually started framing the idea of a book, and began taking notes on it in the Spring before realizing late in the summer I was never going to write it. The basic idea was to explore how Greed (1 of the 7 Deadly Sins) is killing us. I was thinking of a chapter on greed’s impact on various aspects of life: education, health care, prisons, biosphere poisoning, democracy, race, media and so on.

    We are dead.

    Because we are so greedy, we cannot restrain ourselves even when what we are doing to enrich ourselves is self-destructive.

    And where is the media? Covering Israel’s movement into Syria? No. US military buildup around Russia and China? No. Standing Rock? No.

    Donald Trump’s hands, and Anthony’s Weiner.


    Jesus Christ.

    You know, I actually started framing the idea of a book, and began taking notes on it in the Spring before realizing late in the summer I was never going to write it. The basic idea was to explore how Greed (1 of the 7 Deadly Sins) is killing us. I was thinking of a chapter on greed’s impact on various aspects of life: education, health care, prisons, biosphere poisoning, democracy, race, media and so on.

    We are dead.

    Because we are so greedy, we cannot restrain ourselves even when what we are doing to enrich ourselves is self-destructive.

    And where is the media? Covering Israel’s movement into Syria? No. US military buildup around Russia and China? No. Standing Rock? No.

    Donald Trump’s hands, and Anthony’s Weiner.


    I know, Z, I know.

    I’ve kinda stopped reading much about the ‘what’ questions. Ya know like what is happening here, and what is happening there — its kinda all the same story.

    The question i ask now, mostly, is whether i should even be rooting for humanity TO survive.

    I mean, geez, we are the only beings on the planet that are destroying the biosphere.
    Why root for ‘that’ species ?

    Who knows. I got nuthin.

    …listen to that long Cornell West vid i posted. That guy asks good questions. Like ‘how can the progressive community keep from getting burned out? And how can anarchists, socialists, progressives, atheists, agnostics, off-the-gridders, dem-liberals, etc — form some unity and create community, etc, etc… Its worth listening to the whole entire thing, i think.


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