Goff will start Sunday vs Miami; Adam Schefter

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  • #58501
    — X —

    There are a lot of theories out there, but the one that makes the most sense to me is the one Fisher has been saying publicly, more or less. He wanted Goff to be ready. He wasn’t ready.

    And, sure, he told everyone Sunday and Monday there was no change, but any coach worth a nickle would say that. He wanted to talk to Keenum privately first, and Goff. Only an asshole would say to the media that he was switching QBs before he talked to the QBs. I wouldn’t be surprised if they thought Goff was ready before NY, and decided it was better to start him at home, and just waited for this moment. This idea that Stan or the fans or Les “got” to him, or he panicked and reversed course, or whatever, just is ridiculous. I think. This guy has coached for over two decades, and played in the spotlight since he was a kid. He knows the difference between the locker room and the media. I just do not buy any of these conspiracy theories at all.

    Fisher is starting Goff next week for one reason: he thinks Goff is ready to start.

    The rest of the chatter is manure.


    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    — X —

    And just to build on the idea that they wanted Goff to be 100% ready to do all of those little things like calling protections & audibles, and reading coverages & defenses, etc…

    This kinda confirms it. You can’t do everything you wanna do when you reduce the playbook.
    That’s also unfair to the rest of the team who *can* execute all the plays (generally speaking).

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss


    And, sure, he told everyone Sunday and Monday there was no change, but any coach worth a nickle would say that. He wanted to talk to Keenum privately first, and Goff. Only an asshole would say to the media that he was switching QBs before he talked to the QBs.

    Yeah I am aboard with the “when he’s ready” argument.

    As I recall every time we have seen Fisher make a qb change, he said just after the benched qb’s last game “we’re not changing qbs.”

    And then voila. Hill for Davis, Keenum for Foles, and for that matter Bradford being traded.

    The 2 benchings (Davis, Foles), if I recall, were also announced early in the week.

    Interestingly, following (though not immediately) the traditional Monday coach’s film review meeting.




    As I recall every time we have seen Fisher make a qb change, he said just after the benched qb’s last game “we’re not changing qbs.”

    Yeah, on the radio today a couple of guys were talking and said that Fisher said Keenum was the guy still on Monday, but on Tuesday morning, he sudden tells Keenum and Goff that it’s Goff, so Stan or Les must’ve got to him, or job pressure, or something.


    Fisher says whatever he has to say to the press, and runs his business indoors. It wouldn’t surprise me to learn later that this date was targeted during the bye week. But you don’t say anything to Keenum, and you don’t say anything to Goff, and you certainly don’t say anything to the press until you’ve told both Keenum and Goff. That’s just basic. And you don’t tell Keenum and Goff until the beginning of the work week. Any other course would be foolish, imo.


    As I recall every time we have seen Fisher make a qb change, he said just after the benched qb’s last game “we’re not changing qbs.”

    Yeah, on the radio today a couple of guys were talking and said that Fisher said Keenum was the guy still on Monday, but on Tuesday morning, he sudden tells Keenum and Goff that it’s Goff, so Stan or Les must’ve got to him, or job pressure, or something.


    Fisher says whatever he has to say to the press, and runs his business indoors. It wouldn’t surprise me to learn later that this date was targeted during the bye week. But you don’t say anything to Keenum, and you don’t say anything to Goff, and you certainly don’t say anything to the press until you’ve told both Keenum and Goff. That’s just basic. And you don’t tell Keenum and Goff until the beginning of the work week. Any other course would be foolish, imo.

    yeah that purty much nails it


    As I recall every time we have seen Fisher make a qb change, he said just after the benched qb’s last game “we’re not changing qbs.”

    Yeah, on the radio today a couple of guys were talking and said that Fisher said Keenum was the guy still on Monday, but on Tuesday morning, he sudden tells Keenum and Goff that it’s Goff, so Stan or Les must’ve got to him, or job pressure, or something.


    Fisher says whatever he has to say to the press, and runs his business indoors. It wouldn’t surprise me to learn later that this date was targeted during the bye week. But you don’t say anything to Keenum, and you don’t say anything to Goff, and you certainly don’t say anything to the press until you’ve told both Keenum and Goff. That’s just basic. And you don’t tell Keenum and Goff until the beginning of the work week. Any other course would be foolish, imo.

    Agree…Fisher was even kind of hinting around to that following the bye weeks by saying things like “It could be next week, it could be the week after” when before the bye he was saying things like “He’ll play when he’s ready”.

    I also don’t buy in to the conspiracy theories. I think Fisher has too much clout to be bullied and pretty much the only guy that could try and bully him in to moves would be Stan K. and I don’t see him as that kind of an owner.

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