To protect the NRA, Georgia's Lt governor threatens Delta

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    Avatar photoBilly_T

    Georgia’s lieutenant governor, Casey Cagle, said he would not support a bill that would give Delta a massive tax break unless the airline reversed its decision on Saturday to end its partnership with the National Rifle Association.


    Georgia’s lieutenant governor on Monday attacked Delta Air Lines for dropping a partnership with the National Rifle Association.

    Delta, which is headquartered in Atlanta, ended a discount program for NRA members on Saturday after public backlash following the shooting earlier this month at a high school in Parkland, Florida.

    “Delta is reaching out to the National Rifle Association to let it know we will be ending its contract for discounted rates through our group travel program,” Delta said in a statement. “We will be requesting that the NRA remove our information from its website.”

    In response, Casey Cagle, who is running for governor as a Republican this year, tweeted on Monday that he would block any legislation that includes tax benefits for Delta until the airline renewed the partnership.

    “I will kill any tax legislation that benefits @Delta unless the company changes its position and fully reinstates its relationship with @NRA,” Cagle said. “Corporations cannot attack conservatives and expect us not to fight back.”

    The Georgia legislature is considering a broader tax bill that includes a provision to exempt Delta’s purchases of jet fuel from the state’s sales tax, a move that could save the airline about $40 million. The exemption was first offered in 2005, when the airline was struggling, and repealed in 2015.

    According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Cagle’s opposition effectively prevents the tax break from becoming law, as several other Georgia GOP lawmakers have also suggested they will not support it until Delta reverses its decision. The state’s Senate blocked the provision on Monday.

    Is that even legal? Can a Lt. governor of a state act as the lobbying agent for the NRA and against other corporations, legally?

    I’m against corporate welfare tax breaks in general, on principle, and would rather our state, local and federal government spend tax dollars directly, expanding the Commons instead of gifting businesses. But this seems just a blatant abuse of power to me. Georgia Republicans aren’t even trying to hide their being bought and sold by the gun makers.

    This nation has really lost its mind.

    • This topic was modified 7 years ago by Avatar photoBilly_T.
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