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July 9, 2020 at 2:05 pm #117794
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Speaker 1:
( silence)Speaker 1:
Before they drive off, he’s parked righthere, its a fake bill fromKueng:
The driver in there ?Lane: The blue Benz?
Speaker 1:
Which one?Speaker 3 :
That blue one over there .Kueng
Which one?Lane:
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yup-yup Justhead back in. They’re moving around alot. Letmesee yourhands. George Floyd:
Hey,man.I’m sorry! Lane:
Stayinthe car,letmeseeyourotherhand. George Floyd:
I’m sorry,I’m sorry! Lane:
Letmeseeyourother hand! George Floyd:
Please, Mr.Officer. Lane:
Both hands. George Floyd:
I didn’t do nothing. Lane:
Put your fuckinghandsup rightnow ! Letme see your other hand. Shawanda Hill:
lethim seeyourotherhand George Floyd :
All right.WhatIdothough?WhatwedoMrOfficer? Lane:
Putyourhand up there.Putyour fuckinghandupthere! Jesus Christ,keep your fucking handson the wheel
George Floyd:
got Lane:
crosstalk 00:02:00).
Defense 2
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the Gentlemen , sorry.27 -CR -20-12951
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Keep your fucking hands on thewheel. George Floyd:
Yes, sir. I’m sorry , officer crosstalk 00:02:03) Lane:
Who else is in the ? George Floyd:
Thismy friend. Lane:
Put your foot back in George Floyd:
I’m sorry, so sorry.Goddangman.Man, got,i shotthesamewayMrOfficer,before. Lane:
Okay. Wellwhen I say “Letmesee yourhands,” youput yourfucking handsup. George Floyd :
Iam sosorry,Mrofficer.Dangman. Lane:
You got him ? Put your hands on top ofyour head. George Floyd :
Lasttime gotshotlikethatMrOfficer itwasthesamething Lane:
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Handsontopofyourhead.Handson topofyearhead.Stepoutofthevehicle,andstepawayfromme, allright?
George Floyd:
Yes, sir. Lane:
Step out and face away. Step outand face away . George Floyd:
Okay,Mr.Officer,pleasedon’tshootme. Please,man. Lane:
I’m not going to shoot you. Step out and away George Floyd:
I’lllookatyou eye-to-eyeman.Pleasedon’tshootme,man. Lane:
I’m notshootingyou,man. George Floyd
I justlostmymom ,man. Lane
320 were taking one out. Step out and face away . George Floyd:
Man, I’m so sorry. Lane
Step out and face away .
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George Floyd:
Pleasedon’tshootme,Mr.Officer.Please, don’tshootmeman.Please. Can younotshootme,man? Lane:
Step out and faceaway. I’m not shooting. Step out and face away. George Floyd:
Okay, okay, okay. Please. Please, man. Please. Please. I didn’tknow man. Lane:
Get outofthe car. George Floyd:
I didn’tknow,ididn’tknowMr.Officer. ShawandaRenee Hill
Stop resisting Floyd! Lane:
Put your fucking hands behind yourback. Putyour handsbehind your back rightnow ! Kueng:
Stopmoving. Stop! Put your handsbehind your back then ! Lane
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Get his other arm George Floyd:
I’m notgoingtodonothing. Kueng:
Hey you come back ! Stay in the car! George Floyd
I’m sorryMr.Officer, Shawanda Renee Hill
What did you say sir? George Floyd:
On man Kueng
Stop resisting then . George Floyd:
I’m not Kueng:
Yes, you are. George Floyd
Ididn’t donothingwrongman.[inaudible00:03:38]. Kueng
Stand up! George Floyd
Please, please,man. Lane:
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Against thewall. Shawanda Renee Hill
Whome? Lane:
Shawanda Renee Hill
What I do ? Lane:
We’re figuring out what’s going on Drop the bag. ShawandaRenee Hill:
Figure out what’s going on 00:03:54 . Lane:
What’s the problem ? Shawanda Renee Hill:
Somebody said something to him , it ain’t us. Speaker 7:
Wewas getting aride, sir. Shawanda Renee Hill:
just gotmy phone fixed. crosstalk 00:04:00 ). Speaker 7:
You can ask Adam about us, Adam know me. Lane:
Are you good? crosstalk 00:04:06 ]. You got ID Shawanda Renee Hill
Come and getme, girl they going took Floyd to Jail, guna take Floyd to jail.
Comeandgetme Speaker 7:
YoucanaskMr.Adamaboutussir.YoucanaskMrAdamaboutme, coo.l Lane:
DoyouhaveID? Shawanda Renee Hill:
I’m on 38th and Chicago. 38th and Chicago. Lane:
320 for code four Speaker 7
YoucanaskMr.Adam aboutme,sir.Ijustcameandboughtatablet.AndwhenIboughtthetablet,it didn’twork orwhatever.
Shawanda Renee Hill:
OhmyGod,hedidn’t evendonothing. Speaker 7
Here you go sir. Lane:
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Do you haveID ShawandaRenee Hill
No I don’t.Myname’s Shawanda ReneeHill. Fuck, no. Lane :
Okay . Speaker 7:
Sirher andi were justgetting aride, MrAdam ,MrAdam knowsmeman. Shawanda Renee Hill
justcameovertogetmyphone.Yousee don’thaveapurseornothing,andmydaughterisonher wayto getme
What’s his deal? Shawanda Renee Hill:
I don’tknow Speaker 7
Mr.Adam knowsme,sir. crosstalk 00:04:50 Shawanda Renee Hill:
That’smyex. Idon’tknow . Lane:
Why’shegetting allsquirrelly and not showing us his hands, and justbeingallweird like that ? Shawanda Renee Hill:
i have no clue, because he’s been shot before . Lane:
Well get that,butstillwhen officers say,”Getoutofthe car.” Ishedrunk, isheonsomething? Shawanda Renee Hill:
No,hegotathinggoing on,I’m tellingyouaboutthepolice. Lane:
What does thatmean ? Shawanda Renee Hill
Hehave problems all the timewhen they come, especially when that man put that gun likethat. It’s been one.
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What’s your firstname? Shawanda Renee Hill:
His name isGeorge Floyd. Lane:
What isit? Speaker 7
He’s a good guy. George Floyd she said. Lane:
Can you spell that? Speaker 7:
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I don’tknow how to spellGeorgesir. Lane:
Hername. ShawandaReneeHill
Ohmyname? Lane:
Yeah , yeah ShawandaReneeHill:
ShawandaReneeHil.l Lane:
Can you spell it? Shawanda ReneeHill
S-H-A-W -A-N-D-A. Lane:
S-H-A-W ShawandaReneeHill
A-N-D-A. Speaker 7
Heallrightsir.Like said,butMr.Adams ShawandaReneeHill
Yeah, heok. Lane:
Kueng,justputhim in thecar.Shawandawhat? ShawandaRenee Hill
Hill,orRenee, R-E-N-E-E. Lane:
What’syourlastname? ShawandaRenee Hill
Hill, H-I-L-L. Lane:
And your date of birth ? Shawanda Renee Hill
isya’llcomingto getme. 1/27/75. Okay. Lane:
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Okaywellso here’sthething, someonepasseda fakebillin there.Wecomeoverhere,he starts grabbingforthekeysandallthatstuff, startsgettingweird,notshowingushishands.Idon’tknow
what’s goingon, so you’re comingoutofthe car. So, just hang tightrighthere. Stayright here, please. George Floyd:
Ouch, ouchman! Lane:
What areyou on somethingrightnow ? George Floyd
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No, nothing. Kueng:
Because you acting a little erratic. Lane:
Let’s go. Let’s go George Floyd:
I’m scared ,man Lane:
Let’s go Kueng:
You got foam around yourmouth , too ? George Floyd:
Yes, I was just hooping earlier . Lane:
Let’s go George Floyd:
Man,allrightletmecalm downnow.I’m feelingbetternow. Lane :
Keep walking . George Floyd:
Can youdomeonefavorman? Lane:
No, when we get to the car. Let’s get to the carman, comeon. Kueng:
Stopmoving around George Floyd:
man,Goddon’tleavememan.Pleaseman,pleaseman. Lane:
Here.Iwanttowatch thatcartoo, so justgethim in. Kueng:
Standup,stopfallingdown!Standup Stayonyourfeetandfacethecar door! George Floyd:
Im claustrophobic man, please man , please . Lane
you get a search on him Kueng
No,notyet. George Floyd:
just want totalk toyouman.Please,letmetalk to you.Please. Lane
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You ain’t listening to nothing we’re saying. George Floyd
know Speaker 8
So we’re not going to listen to nothing you saying. Lane:
Can you watch thatcar? Just make sure no one goes in it. George Floyd
Im claustrophobic . Kueng:
hear you, but you are going to face this door right now . Lane:
Listen up, stop! George Floyd:
illdoanything,illdoanythingy’alltellmetooman.I’m notresistingman.I’mnot!I’mnot!Youcanask him , they know me.
check that side. George Floyd :
Godman, won’t do nothinglike that.Why is this going on like this? Look at mywrist Mr.Officer, I’m not thatkind ofguy
Check the other side. George Floyd:
Mr.Officer,MrOfficer,I’m notthatkindofguy. Lane:
George Floyd:
Please, I’m not that kind of guy,Mr.Officer. Please! Lane:
Just face away George Floyd:
Please,man. Don’t leavemebymyselfman, please, I’m just claustrophobic that’s it. Lane:
Well, you’re still going in the car. Kueng
Anything sharp on you? George Floyd:
Iwon’t donothing to hurt you,MrOfficer. Kueng
Do you have anything sharp on you ? George Floyd:
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No, sir. Kueng:
Not even like a comb or nothing George Floyd:
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I don’thavenothing. Why y’alldoingmelikethis Mr.Officer? Please crack thewindow formeandstuff.
am claustrophobicfor rea,lMr.Officer. Lane:
You got him ? George Floyd:
Could you please crack it for me, please? Lane:
Yes, I’llcrack it.Iwill George Floyd
Pleasestaywithmeman,thankyou.God,man.Ididn’tknow allthiswasgoingtohappenman.Please
man 00:08:05 . I don’t want to do nothing to y’allman, nothing. Lane:
You gotit? Kueng:
yougettheinsideinnerpocketrealquickon yourside.I’m listening. George Floyd:
understandthatpeopledo stuff,and Lane:
Allright,he’sgood. justlookingforguns and whatever. George Floyd:
Okay, okay, okay. Lane:
grab aseat. George Floyd:
Okay. Kueng:
Why are you having trouble walking George Floyd:
Because officer, inaudible 00:08:31]. Lane:
I’llrollthe windowsdown, okay ? George Floyd:
Please man, please don’t do this! Kueng:
Take a seat! George Floyd
I’m going in,Mr.Officer, I’m going in .
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No, you’renot! George Floyd:
I’m gunagoin! Kueng:
Take a seat! Lane:
Grab a seat,man. George Floyd
Why don’t y’all believeme, Mr.Officer? Kueng:
Take a seat ! George Floyd:
I’mnotthatkindofguy!I’m notthatkindofguy,man! Kueng:
Takea seat! George Floyd
Y’all goingto dieinhere! goingto die,man! Kueng:
You need to take a seat right now ! George Floyd:
And I just had man, don’t want to go back to that. Lane:
Okay, rollthe windowsdown.Hey, listen ! George Floyd:
Dang, man Lane:
Listen ! George Floyd:
I’m notthatkindofguy. Lane:
I’llrollthewindowsdownifyouputyour legsin allright? George Floyd:
[ inaudible 00:08:57 ] look at that , look at that . Look at it ! Speaker 8
putthe air on.
You’re not even listening.Wecan fix it, butnotwhile you’re standing out here. George Floyd:
Okay,man.God,y’alldomebadman.Man, I don’twant to try to twin to try to win.
Speaker 9
Quit resistingbro. George Floyd:
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crosstalk 00:09:09] I don’t want
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I don’t want to win . I’m claustrophobic, and i gotanxiety, I don’twant to do nothing to them ! Lane
I’llroll window down. George Floyd:
Man, I’m scared as fuckman . Speaker 9
That’s okay, 00:09:12 . George Floyd:
inaudible 00:09:12 ]when I startbreathing it’s going to go off onme,man. Lane:
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Pullyourlegsin George Floyd :
Okay, okay, letme countto three. Letme count to three andthen Speaker 9:
going in, please.
You can’t win ! George Floyd:
I’m not trying to win! man, he know it
I’llgo to the other side inaudible 00:09:21 George Floyd:
Heknow ittooMr.Officerdon’tdomelikethat,man. Kueng
Getin the car.
George Floyd :
Can Italk to youplease? Kueng
Ifyougetin this car,wecan talk! George Floyd:
I’m claustrophobic Kueng
I’m hearingyou,butyou’renotworkingwithme! George Floyd:
God, claustrophobic. Lane:
Plant your butt overhere, Kueng:
Get in the car ! George Floyd:
CanIgetin thefront,please? Kueng
No, you’re not getting in the front.
get on the ground , anything. I’ll get crosstalk 00:09:14 I can’t stand this shit
going to pullyou in.
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George Floyd:
I’m claustrophobic,Mr.Officer. Kueng
Getin the car! George Floyd:
Okay,man,okay!I’m notabadguyman! Kueng:
Get in the car ! George Floyd:
I’m nota bad guy! Man, [inaudible 00:10:02 . Please, Mr.Officer! Please ! Kueng:
Take a seat ! George Floyd :
Please! Please! No, inaudible 00:10:10 . Kueng:
Take a seat. George Floyd:
I can’t choke,Ican’t breatheMr.Officer!Please! Please! Kueng:
George Floyd
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Mywrist,mywristman. Okay, okay. I want to layon the ground.I want to layon the ground. I want to layon the ground!
your getting in the squad. George Floyd :
want to lay on the ground ! I’m going down, Kueng:
Take asquat George Floyd
I’m going down Speaker 9
going down, I’m going down.
Bro, you about tohave aheartattack and shitman,get in the car! George Floyd:
I know I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe crosstalk 00:10:18 ] . Lane:
Get him on the ground . George Floyd:
Let go ofmeman , I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe. Lane:
Take a seat George Floyd:
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Please,man. Please listen to me. Chauvin :
Ishegoingto jail? George Floyd: Pleaselisten to me.
He’s under arrest rightnow for forgery. George Floyd:
Forgery forwhat? for what ? Lane:
Let’stakehim outandjustMRE. George Floyd:
can’t fucking breatheman.I can’t fucking breathe. Kueng:
Here, Comeon out! George Floyd:
inaudible 00:11:10) thank you. Thank you. Thao:
Justlayhim ontheground. Lane:
Can you just get up on the, I appreciate that, I do. Chauvin :
Do you got your ah, restraint, Hobble? George Floyd:
I can’tbreathe. I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe. Lane:
Jesus Christ. George Floyd:
can’t breathe. Lane:
Thank you. George Floyd:
I can’tbreathe. Kueng
Stop moving George Floyd:
Mama,mama, mama, mama. Kueng:
[inaudible 00:11:45] one of the frontpouches George Floyd:
Mama,mama, mama. Kueng:
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inaudible 00:11:04
going on.
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…on my right side bag. George Floyd:
Mama,mama,mama. Lane:
320 Can we get EMScode2, for one bleedingfrom themouth. Chauvin :
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Your under arrest guy. George Floyd:
Allright, allright. OhmyGod. I can’tbelievethis.I Chauvin :
So your goingto jai.l Lane:
Affirm . George Floyd:
believe this.
I can’t believe this man. Mom , I love you. [ Reese 00:12:09] I love you. Lane:
You got 00:12:10). George Floyd:
TellmykidsIlovethem.I’m dead Lane:
Mine’sinmy side,it’s listed, it’s labeled. Itsays hobble, it’s in the top. George Floyd:
Ican’tbreatheornothingman.Thiscold bloodedman.Ah- Chauvin :
You’re doing a lotoftalking,man . George Floyd
Mama, I love you. I can’t do nothing. Kueng:
EMSison their way
welldo you wantahobbleatthis point then? Lane:
Um ok , allriggt George Floyd:
Myface is gone.
can’t breathe. Lane:
Can you getupon the sidewalkplease, onesideorthe other please? George Floyd:
Myface is getting it bad. Lane:
Here, should we gethis legs up, or is this good?
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00:12:33 . I can’t breathe man. Please! Please, letmestand. Please,man
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Leave him Kueng:
Just leave him yep Chauvin :
Just leave him Lane:
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Allright.HopefullyPark’sstillsitting onthecar.Theywere,Hewasactingrealshadylikesomething’sin there .
Ishehighon something? Lane:
I’m assuming so Kueng:
Ibelieve so,we found a pipe. Lane:
Hewouldn’t get outof the car. He wasn’t following instructions. [crosstalk 00:13:10). Yeah, it’s across the street Park’s watching it, two other people with him .
George Floyd:
Please, I can’tbreathe. Please,man. Pleaseman! Thao:DoyouhaveEMScoming code3?
Ahcode2,wecanprobably stepitupthen. Yougotit?(crosstalk00:13:29 . George Floyd:
Please ,man ! Thao:
Relax! George Floyd:
can’t breathe. Kueng
You’re fine, you’re talking fine. Lane:
Your talken , Deep breath . George Floyd:
I can’t breathe. Ican’t breathe. Ah! I’llprobably just die this way. Thao:
George Floyd :
can’t breathemy face. Lane :
He’s got to be on something. Thao
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What areyou on? George Floyd :
breathe.Please, inaudible00:14:00 Speaker 9
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Wellgetup andgetin thecar,man.Getupandgetinthecar. George Floyd:
I will I can’tmove. Speaker 9:
Lethim getinthecar. Lane :
Wefoundaweed pipeonhim,theremightbesomethingelse,theremightbelikePCPorsomething.Is that the shaking of the eyesrightis PCP ?
George Floyd :
Myknee,myneck. Lane:
Where their eyes like shakeback and forth really fast? George Floyd:
Im through, through. I’m claustrophobic. Mystomach hurts. Myneckhurts. Everythinghurts. Ineed
somewater or something, please. Please ?I can’t breathe officer. Chauvin :
Then stop talking, stop yelling. George Floyd:
You’re going to killme,man. Chauvin :
Then stop talking, stop yelling, it takes a heck of a lot of oxygen to talk . George Floyd:
Comeon,man.Oh, oh. crosstalk 00:15:03].I cannotbreathe.I cannotbreathe. Ah! They’llkillme. They’ll killme. I can’t breathe. I can’tbreathe. !
Speaker 8
We tried that for 10minutes. George Floyd :
Ah! Ah! Please. Please. Please. Lane:
Shouldwerollhim on hisside? Chauvin
No,he’s stayingputwherewegothim . Lane:
Okay. justworry aboutthe excited delirium orwhatever. Chauvin
Well that’s why wegot the ambulance coming. Lane:
Okay, isuppose.
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Speaker 13:
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Gethim offtheground,bro.Gethim offtheground crosstalk00:16:16.Heain’tdoanyofthatshit.He a fuckingbum bro, he enjoyingthat shit rightnow bro. You couldhavefuckingputhim in the car by
now,bro.He’snotresistingarrestornothing. inaudible00:16:48] bodylanguageiscrazy. crosstalk
00:16:48] dudes at the academybro. you know thatbogusrightnow bro. Youknow it’sbogus. Youcan’t
even look atmelike amanbecauseyou now bro.
He’s aboutto passout. Lane:
I thinkhe’spassingout. Speaker 13
He’snotevenbreathingright 00:16:58]
Chauvin :
you guys alright though ? Lane:
00:16:48] bro. He’s not even resistingarrest right
He’s breathing Kueng
He’s breathing. crosstalk 00:17:26). Chauvin :
Don’t comeover here. Don’t comeover here. Lane:
Up on the sidewalk! Kueng :
Weneedyoutokeepsomedistance. Speaker 14
Ishe responsive? Chauvin :
yea, we have an ambulance coming Speaker 14
Doeshehave a pulse? Speaker 8
Get off crosstalk 00:17:42 . Lane:
Should we rollhim on his side? Speaker 13
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bro, you thinkthat’scool?Youthinkthat’scoo,lright?[crosstalk
Yeah, Imeanmykneemightbea little scratched,butI’llsurvive. Speaker 13
You’re a bum bro, you’re a bum for that. Can’t you be aman and see here he’s notbreathing rightnow . Lane:
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He’s notresponsive rightnow, bro. Speaker 14
Doeshe have a pulse? Speaker 13
No, bro . Look at him , he’snot responsive right now , bro. Bro, are you serious? Lane:
you gotone? Speaker 14:
Letme see a pulse. Kueng
i couldn’t fine one Speaker 13
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Is he breathingright now ? Check his pulse. Check his pulse. Check his pulse. inaudible 00:18:19 check
hispulse. crosstalk 00:18:19). Check hispulse, bro. inaudible 00:18:21] drugs bro. What you think that is? crosstalk 00:18:25). Youcallwhat youdoingokay?[inaudible00:18:25 .
Speaker 14
Yes, I am from Minneapolis. Speaker 15
Okay, get off the sidewalk . Speaker 14:
Showmehispulse. Check itrightfucking now . Speaker 15:
Getback on the sidewalk. [crosstalk 00:18:33). Speaker 14
He’s notmoving! Speaker 13:
Bro, you’re a bum bro. You’re a bum bro. Speaker 14
Checkhispulserightnow andtellmewhatitis. Tellmewhathispulseisrightnow. Speaker 13:
Check his pulse. Bro, he has not moved ( crosstalk 00:19:43). Lane:
What ?
Dispatch: Squad 330 EMSis at Portland and 36th theywere advised of code 3. Lane:
Therewere advisedwhat?
Ofcode 3 Chauvin :
Acknowledge that Dispatch:
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Copy i was just giving you their updated location, they are en route. Lane:
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Therewego. Speaker 13
Bro , he was just moving when I walked up
[inaudible 00:19:43 ]. Speaker 16:
crosstalk 00:19:43 ]. Bro, he’s not fucking moving! Bro
Get the fuck off of him what are you doing? crosstalk 00:19:43 . dying bro, what are you doing ? Lane:
He’s not responsive right now , you guys probably want to crosstalk 00:19:44 ]. Yeah. Speaker 16
Get off him ! crosstalk 00:19:53 . Lane:
Should we get another car?Another car just for the crowd. inaudible 00:20:06 ) Chauvin :
Let’s get him on inaudible 00:20:11 . Speaker 13
inaudible 00:20:14 bro inaudible 00:20:16] like that. inaudible 00:20:17 thatman in front ofyou, bro ?He’s noteven fuckingmoving rightnow,bro. crosstalk 00:20:23).
yourlightson again Speaker 17
Youguys can get out oftheway. [crosstalk 00:21:11.
Youwantoneofusto ridewith? Kueng:
Yeah . Lane :
Ridewith? Okay. Idon’t havemyphone so I’llbeBaker (crosstalk 00:21:48].What’sthat? Chauvin:
Gelt them belted Down Kueng:
Help getbelted down. Chauvin :
Getbelted down Lane:
yup, where we going ? Speaker 17
We’re justgoing to be downthe street. Lane :
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Speaker 17
You guyswantto shutthedoors, getout ofhere, andwe’re goingtogodownthe street. Lane:
Filedin DistrictCourt State ofMinnesota 7/7/2020 11:00 AM
Doyouwanthere orno? Speaker 17:
Yeah , go to something, 40th , Tell fire where to go . Lane:
Okay.Doyouwantmein thereorno? Speaker 17
yea. Lane:
Allright. Oops. Speaker 17:
You’re fine. Kueng:
Lane ? Lane :
Yep Kueng:
This yours ? Lane:
Yeah,nope. Speaker 17:
All rightwhatwas going on ? Lane:
Itwas forgery report Speaker 17:
Yep Lane:
And he was just notcompliant with getting outof the car. Speaker 17
Okay Lane:
Weweretryingtogethim inthebackofthesquad,andhe Speaker 17:
Yep. Lane:
Hewasn’tshowingushishandsatfirst.Thenweweretryingto gethim intothesquad,hekickedhis way out,he was kickingon there. And we cameout the other side, and hewas fighting us, andwewere
justbasicallyrestrainedhim untilyouguysgot . Speaker 17
Okay . You do CPR
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Allright. You wantmedoing just compressions? Speaker 17:
Just compressions for now please, thank you. Speaker 17:
Okay.slide under. All right, keep doing compressions. Lane:
Keep checking airway or just constant Speaker 17:
Constant compressions. Lane:
Constant compressions, all right. Speaker 17
I can do an airwaycheckifyouwant inaudible00:23:53].Hehadtobedetained,physicalforce,and inaudible 00:24:05 .
You got his arm in it? You good? Speaker 17
Yep, just getthis bar uphere. Pullitout, inaudible00:24:41] there you go. Lane:
Filedin DistrictCourt State ofMinnesota 11:00 AM
Wantmetopullitout?Whatdoyouneed?Ithinkit’sthecloth which waydoesithook?Therewego, therewego. Fuck,sorry
Speaker 17
You told inaudible 00:24:54 right? Thank you. [ inaudible 00:24:54 . Lane:
Should i still be touching him , or is that going to, electric go . Speaker 17
Tell him to come code three we’re working an arrest. Do you need inaudible00:26:10 location 00:26:11].
Squad 320 , if you would let know that EMS, Fire needs to go to Park and 36th, patient in full arrest now .
Speaker 17:
I told her. Oh (inaudible 00:26:34 Lane:
Yeah Dispatch:
320 Lane:
320 . Dispatch:
department inaudible00:26:49).
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Filedin DistrictCourt State ofMinnesota
7/7/2020 11:00 AM
320BakertoAble,canyou,ifyou’restillonscene, withEMS,canyouadviseFire?Youguysneedme to do anything?
Speaker 17
You’re good, glove up why don’t you. Lane:
Yeah. Youneedme to hold his airway or? Speaker 17
No, onesecond Lane
Okay . Speaker 17
Okay, do this about every Lane:
One pump? Speaker 17
Every time this lights up give it a squeeze. Lane:
One pump? Speaker 17
Yep . Lane:
All right Speaker 17
Washe fighting with you guys for a long time? Lane :
No.Imean littlebit,butnotalongtime,maybeaminuteortwo.Wewerejusttryingtogethim inthe
squad, and then he cameout the other end, so wewere likewe’lljustwait. Speaker 17:
A lot of activity prior? Lane:
It took a bit to get him , I mean we got him out of the car and handcuffed him , and were walking him over there,walkingacrossthestreet. Youneedmeto trade places?
Speaker 17
Yeah inaudible 00:29:28 Lane:
You guysneedmehere stiller? Speaker 17
You’re good,we’re good thankyou. Lane:
Okay . Speaker 17:
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Filedin DistrictCourt StateofMinnesota
7/7/2020 11:00 AM
There’s abagover Lane:
320 Baker to Able, Speaker 19:
Oh. That’s fine, that’s good. Speaker 19
Okay. inaudible 00:30:27 . So whathappened,more drama at Cup Foods? Lane:
Cup Foods, yeah . It was just a forgery report, and that was the guy that they said was the person that had given them a fake bill. Wewent over there , and yeah just …
Speaker 19:
Wentbananas? Lane:
be at Park and 36 when you’re done there. What’s that?Okay
watch the foot pedal it’s down there [ inaudible 00:30:22 .
Yeah.Imeanhewas… weretryingtogethim outofthecar,hekepthishandlikethisbasically, wasn’t showingmehis hands. So I’m like, “Letmesee yourother hand ” I gave him a couple commands forthat,hewouldn’tdoit,andthenhefinallydid.Sothenwe’relikeallrightwe’regoingtogethim out
ofthecarrightnow.Becausehekeptlookingforthekey,Ithoughthewasgoingtotry anddriveoff. Speaker 19:
geez. Lane :
Yep . Speaker 19
Man. Yeah, wedidn’t understand because itwas like come to the, so we’re there and the officers there are likenonono, andyeah, the crowdwasa little, yeah.
Yeah Speaker 19
Man, yuck. Lane:
Notsure ifmycohort is cominghere. I gavemylocation. Otherwise, Imightjust ridewith them them there.
Speaker 19
Okay, Yeah. Lane:
Was there a big crowd there then ? Speaker 19
and help
Yeah,moreinside.Wewaited…ournewSOPsareto ,towaitlikeifihavecootiesgoingon,solike captainusuallygoesinandmaybebringstherookie,itkindofdepends.Andthen 00:31:49]
yeah we just waited because itwas like
sitting here I’m like now it says code three, I just don’t understand. And then we figured outwhere it
00:31:54] code2mouthinjury.Andthen aswe’re wasso,andthen one ofyourofficerswaslikehey,heyding-dongs,you’re atthewrongspot.”
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Filedin DistrictCourt StateofMinnesota
7/7/2020 11:00 AM
I’m notsureifhe’scomingherebut,ohyouguysstillhavetherolldown. Speaker 19
Oh yeah, you know . Lane:
Nice. Speaker 19:
Nothing but the best. Yeah . Yeah , so he crashed in the inaudible 00:32:22 ] . I wonder what he was on . Lane:
Not sure, but yeah he seemed very agitated and paranoid. Speaker 19
That’s a shame. Lane:
Yeah. Speaker 19
Itseemslikeifit’switnessed, theresultscanbeprettygoodifthey’redoingCPRrightaway,sothat’s
good. Because they get stuff going so quickly , … Lane
Yeah . Speaker 19
But yeah, they need more hands, that’s why . Dispatch :
inaudible 00:33:25 ] please return to Cup foods inaudible 00:33:25 ] firefighter
there. Check in with hermake sure she’s okay (inaudible 00:33:25 . Lane:
They’re goingdown to county? Speaker 19
00:33:25 ]
They’re going to go down to county . I’m going back to Cup Foods. I’m just going to talk inaudible 00:33:30 ).
Yeah .
Speaker 19:
We can take you there. Lane:
I’lljust check and seeiftheywantmeto gowith. Do you guyswantmeridingwith or… Speaker 17
No, be allright there plenty of people, thank you though . Lane:
Allright. Yeah, if youdon’tmind giving mearide back up there. Speaker 19
Noproblem . Yeah, inaudible 00:34:14 ). Lane:
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