For those contemplating sitting out November elections

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  • #118198

    I ask you follow Portland and the Gestapo techniques in play by the unwanted and uninvited Fed military forces. As one letter writer put it the “night and fog” techniques by those in riot gear, no identification on their uniforms other than “Police” are indistinguishable from Hitler’s Gestapo. Demonstrators (non-violent) are being picked up and whisked away in unmarked vans as a show that Trump is tough. This will be the same in Chicago, San Francisco, New York as we near November. The United States is no longer “on the road” to authoritarianism. We have reached the destination. Trump’s answer to any form of dissent was learned from his father: Quash it.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by waterfield.
    Avatar photozn

    Thanks for the post W. My bet is that people will not be skipping this election.

    Avatar photoZooey

    Here is a somewhat sobering add-on to that.

    Yeah…there is literally nothing to stop the boogaloo boys and all the neo-nazis from just going into protests and throwing people into vans and driving off. We’ve seen pretty clearly this summer that the actual cops are totally down with white supremacists. What would stop them from doing this?


    I don’t think its a matter of political philosophy any more. Its a matter of survival. I hope ZN is right that there will be a large electorate turnout in November. We need to have the young voters, especially those that support Sanders, to actually come out, stand in line, and vote. That along with the African American and Mexican American vote as well as women just might be enough to overcome Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, should they follow 2016. Otherwise raise your right hand high in salute to the King.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    Yeah…there is literally nothing to stop the boogaloo boys and all the neo-nazis from just going into protests and throwing people into vans and driving off. We’ve seen pretty clearly this summer that the actual cops are totally down with white supremacists. What would stop them from doing this?

    This worries me too.

    Clint Watts, a former FBI agent, said the same thing. He also mentioned how we’ve known for a long, long time that the vast majority of “domestic terrorism” comes from right-wing militias, et al, Nearly 99% of it. There is zero evidence that “antifa” has ever committed any of it.

    But the current administration has done nothing about the far right. Has in fact stoked it for political gain. Is stoking it now, as we speak. And their supposed rationale for sending in federal jack boots is to put down “the radical left.”

    That’s going to be the theme song Election Day, too. And beyond. Whether or not Trump loses, he’s gonna keep this stuff going. Our sociopath in chief wants blood on the streets so he can avoid jail himself — or so he likely believes. He wants to create this violence, so the right-wing echo chamber will televise it, lie about it, scream to the heavens about it. And if they don’t get the footage they want, they’ll just use old footage from elsewhere, like the Ukraine (2014), which they’re currently doing on FB.

    Folks, we’re in truly dark times, and “the left” needs to focus entirely, IMO, on legally, non-violently destroying Trump, all of his enablers and the entire right. No mercy. No prisoners. Non-violently, legally.

    Avatar photowv

    I don’t think its a matter of political philosophy any more. Its a matter of survival. I hope ZN is right that there will be a large electorate turnout in November. We need to have the young voters, especially those that support Sanders, to actually come out, stand in line, and vote. That along with the African American and Mexican American vote as well as women just might be enough to overcome Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, should they follow 2016. Otherwise raise your right hand high in salute to the King.


    I dont think the problem will be progressives sitting out. I think the problems will be:
    1. Covid. We just dont know what kind of X Factor it will be.
    2. Rightwing Vote-Suppression tactics.
    3. Gazillions of Americans love Trump.


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