Feel the Bern- Sanders endorses Hildabeast.

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Public House Feel the Bern- Sanders endorses Hildabeast.

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  • #48564

    He blew it. The nomination was his. Slink off into the sunset without even your principles intact after endorsing that which you inveighed against.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photowv

    Well, i dont know any Bernie supporters that give a shit who ‘he’ endorses.
    I mean will anybody actually vote for Hillary because “Bernie endorses her” ?

    I think we all assume Bernie thinks he got some promises and concessions from
    crooked-hillary. That will matter to some. It wont matter to others.

    Feel the Stein

    Avatar photonittany ram

    He sees Hillary as the lesser of two evils. On the road to environmental destruction Hillary will continue along at our present pace whereas Trump will step on the accelerator. That’s a valid reason to support Hillary. I wonder what concessions he got for it though? Certainly Hillary promised him something for his endorsement.

    Avatar photowv

    He sees Hillary as the lesser of two evils. On the road to environmental destruction Hillary will continue along at our present pace whereas Trump will step on the accelerator. That’s a valid reason to support Hillary. I wonder what concessions he got for it though? Certainly Hillary promised him something for his endorsement.

    Yeah that would be nice to know. What was the promise? If i were Bern, I’d have demanded a radical Supreme Court Justice for starters.



    I think, from his POV, Hillary is the lesser of two evils. Plain and simple; he knows he can’t get the nomination and he’s going to be damned if history remembers him as the reason the thin skinned whiny bitch wins the election.

    Avatar photoZooey

    Well, his options were to 1) do nothing, 2) run with Stein, 3) endorse Hillary.

    None of those are good options, but #1 accomplishes nothing but makes him appear spineless, #2 at best pulls the DNC to the left in 2020 but probably at the expense of a Trump presidencty, and #3 lives to fight another day. And he was going to have to fight another day even if he was elected president because none of his proposals were going to become reality without continuous fighting. It was a pragmatic choice, however tough to swallow.

    I saw about 3 minutes of Hillary’s speech, and she sounded a lot like Bernie.

    What becomes of all of that after the election is uncertain, of course. And given Hillary’s track record, she ain’t likely to fight hard for any of it. But Bernie at least has some status within the senate now to the point other politicians will have to listen to what he says.

    And that’s the upshot. That’s what he won. And as insufficient as it is, it is a higher waterline than we have seen in 50 years in this country.

    So…thanks, Bernie.

    Avatar photowv

    Well, his options were to 1) do nothing, 2) run with Stein, 3) endorse Hillary.

    None of those are good options, but #1 accomplishes nothing but makes him appear spineless, #2 at best pulls the DNC to the left in 2020 but probably at the expense of a Trump presidencty, and #3 lives to fight another day. And he was going to have to fight another day even if he was elected president because none of his proposals were going to become reality without continuous fighting. It was a pragmatic choice, however tough to swallow.

    I saw about 3 minutes of Hillary’s speech, and she sounded a lot like Bernie.

    What becomes of all of that after the election is uncertain, of course. And given Hillary’s track record, she ain’t likely to fight hard for any of it. But Bernie at least has some status within the senate now to the point other politicians will have to listen to what he says.

    And that’s the upshot. That’s what he won. And as insufficient as it is, it is a higher waterline than we have seen in 50 years in this country.

    So…thanks, Bernie.

    Well said.

    “We know what we are, but not what we may be.”
    ― William Shakespeare


    Well, his options were to 1) do nothing, 2) run with Stein, 3) endorse Hillary.

    None of those are good options, but #1 accomplishes nothing but makes him appear spineless,

    No it doesn’t. It would show he stands on principle. But he doesn’t. He supports Hildabeast like a typical political hack.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photozn

    This was posted elsewhere by a liberal/pro-Hillary (ie. non-leftist) friend of mine.

    That’s a voice I just wanted to add to the conversation.


    off the net from Ronald Schmidt

    Political parties are diverse and so they’re hard to sum up; but Democrats and Republicans are opposed on voting rights, marital equality, bodily autonomy, immigrant rights, and the first, second, fourth, fifth, and fourteenth amendments. If the issues you care about most aren’t in that list, then Thank You, very much, for continuing to insist on your representation! But *please*, for the sake of the millions of people whose lives literally depend on what I mentioned above, don’t say that there is “no difference” between the parties.

    Avatar photoZooey

    Well, his options were to 1) do nothing, 2) run with Stein, 3) endorse Hillary.

    None of those are good options, but #1 accomplishes nothing but makes him appear spineless,

    No it doesn’t. It would show he stands on principle. But he doesn’t. He supports Hildabeast like a typical political hack.

    He IS standing on principle.

    You just don’t like what that principle IS.

    Avatar photozn

    I don’t like the way this guy writes this but still, it’s a view you see out there.


    4 ways Bernie Sanders changed the Democratic Party


    Let’s all give a standing ovation to the gentleman from Vermont. While some have criticized him for prolonging the Democratic primary process and slowing down Hillary Clinton’s inevitable title as the Democratic nominee for president, he still does deserve our praise. Once a little-known senator from one of the smallest states in the union, Bernie Sanders (Vt.) is now a household name and the starter of a political revolution of epic proportions.

    What Sanders has done to the Democratic Party and our nation is quite remarkable. Through rally speeches, simple messaging and bold ideas, he has been able to galvanize an entire generation and brought millions into a political process that was once just limited to the older party faithful.
    As Sanders now prepares to exit the race after running an impressive campaign, here are four marks he has left on the party and our nation:

    1. Pressured the Democratic Party to support the middle and working classes.

    One of Sanders’s key issues has been his rigorous messaging for the betterment of the middle class. With proposals such as a $15 minimum wage, the Vermont senator has turned the heads of millions of people in the country working long hours and struggling to make ends meet. The bottom line is that the shrinking middle class is an undeniable reality and one that has not gone unnoticed by the American people.

    Sanders provided a strong and impactful voice for the middle class and has empowered millions of working-class Americans to become politically involved. This is something that Clinton and future Democratic candidates will need to address in order to capture what can be now called the “Sanders coalition.”

    2. Forced the Democratic Party to address the issue of money in politics.

    The past series of Democratic candidates have all been guilty of accepting huge sums of money from undisclosed donors. While the controversial aspect of this uncomfortable truth has been largely unnoticed by the American people, it is yet another issue that Sanders brought to the forefront of his campaign as he relentlessly attacked the corruption brought on by Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission.

    Although Sanders’s opposition criticized him for being repetitive on this issue, money in politics is a legitimate concern of the American people. By showing the country that a candidate can be truly supported by the people, Sanders has forced the Democratic leaders, party faithful and elite fundraisers to realize that there is such as thing as too much “big money” in our politics.

    3. Made the Democratic Party the party for millennials (to a certain extent).

    Throughout his entire campaign, the 74-year-old Vermont senator won by a landslide when it came to voters under the age of 35. This is simply due to his out-of-the-box thinking and his bombastic policy proposals, such as calling for free college tuition regardless of socioeconomic status, Medicare for all and advocating for stiffer Wall Street regulations. These messages resonate deeply with young voters and were key points utilized by the candidate to spark what some have called a “political revolution.”

    While some have shunned Sanders’s proposals as far-fetched, millennials have grasped onto them as a way to level the playing field and make our nation better for generations to come. Sanders’s appeal to millennials may actually help the party if it makes the bold choice to listen to these voters and their concerns. If the Democratic Party makes the decision to not to listen to these voters, they could lose an entire generation of voters to apathy. Now is the time for the party infrastructure to reflect the voters it so desperately depends on to win.

    4. Upended the Democratic Party’s status quo.

    Sanders has set a new standard for the type of candidate that many liberal voters seek. Like presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump, Sanders saw much of his success from his attacks on establishment Washington politicians. Although he was not able to capture enough votes to win the nomination, Sanders’s anti-establishment messaging and attacks on the money-related corruption in Washington has set a new precedent for the Democratic party.

    Whether you are looking at the massive crowds he gathered at his rallies, or the millions of votes he won throughout the primaries, it cannot be denied that Sanders has created a coalition of voters looking to challenge the status quo and fight for serious fundamental change in the Democratic Party. The fact that his millions of supporters stood by him until the very end — many refusing to switch to the Clinton camp — is clear evidence that the Democratic Party will need to make some adjustments to appeal to Sanders’s following.

    Putting aside the historical significance of this election with respect to Hillary Clinton’s accomplishments, as well as the less fortunate reality of Donald Trump’s success, this election will be looked upon as a time of political revolution because of the amazingly impressive work of a 74-year-old senator from Vermont.


    Well, his options were to 1) do nothing, 2) run with Stein, 3) endorse Hillary.

    None of those are good options, but #1 accomplishes nothing but makes him appear spineless,

    No it doesn’t. It would show he stands on principle. But he doesn’t. He supports Hildabeast like a typical political hack.

    He IS standing on principle.

    You just don’t like what that principle IS.

    You mean he now believes Hildabeast has the judgement to be president?
    He now believes she is progressive while being owned by Wall Street?
    He now believes she won’t support the TPP?

    Give it up he’s a hack.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photozn

    Well, his options were to 1) do nothing, 2) run with Stein, 3) endorse Hillary.

    None of those are good options, but #1 accomplishes nothing but makes him appear spineless,

    No it doesn’t. It would show he stands on principle. But he doesn’t. He supports Hildabeast like a typical political hack.

    He IS standing on principle.

    You just don’t like what that principle IS.

    You mean he now believes Hildabeast has the judgement to be president?
    He now believes she is progressive while being owned by Wall Street?
    He now believes she won’t support the TPP?

    Give it up he’s a hack.

    Well, I doubt anyone here is going to take it seriously if you attack Sanders’s character and then actually defend Trump’s. Naturally, people just see both judgments as partisan. Because…duh.


    Avatar photoZooey

    I don’t like the way this guy writes this but still, it’s a view you see out there.


    4 ways Bernie Sanders changed the Democratic Party

    Yeah, that’s not well-written.

    Here is Robert Reich on the same topic:


    Well, his options were to 1) do nothing, 2) run with Stein, 3) endorse Hillary.

    None of those are good options, but #1 accomplishes nothing but makes him appear spineless,

    No it doesn’t. It would show he stands on principle. But he doesn’t. He supports Hildabeast like a typical political hack.

    He IS standing on principle.

    You just don’t like what that principle IS.

    You mean he now believes Hildabeast has the judgement to be president?
    He now believes she is progressive while being owned by Wall Street?
    He now believes she won’t support the TPP?

    Give it up he’s a hack.

    Well, I doubt anyone here is going to take it seriously if you attack Sanders’s character and then actually defend Trump’s. Naturally, people just see both judgments as partisan. Because…duh.


    Should Trump warrant it he’ll get it too. Waiting on the VP pick.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photozn

    Should Trump warrant it he’ll get it too. Waiting on the VP pick.

    See? Partisan.

    That’s how everyone is going to see those comments.

    Not “truth giver is among us.”

    But, “oh yeah…the Trump guy.”

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    Should Trump warrant it he’ll get it too. Waiting on the VP pick.

    Retweeting neo-nazi slogans and pics doesn’t warrant it? Making fun of disabled reporters doesn’t warrant it? Egging on violence at his rallies doesn’t warrant it? Calling Mexicans rapists, wanting to ban Muslims from the country, wanting to shut down mosques doesn’t warrant it? Claiming that thousands of Muslims celebrated in Jersey on 9/11 when there is no evidence that any did?

    And he constantly lies — as recently as yesterday — about things like the Iranian Deal. He keeps telling his supporters that we gave Iran 150 billion dollars. Um, no we didn’t. It was their money to begin with. We illegally froze it. Because we could. And as a good capitalist, Trump should know better. It wasn’t America’s money to begin with.

    Not to mention, he’s called for a massive tax cut for himself, and stands to gain tens of millions once he’s elected and implements that plan. It will also put tens of millions into his children’s pockets.

    Oh, and his lies about his charitable giving, too.

    Trump promised millions to charity. We found less than $10,000 over 7 years.


    Should Trump warrant it he’ll get it too. Waiting on the VP pick.

    See? Partisan.

    That’s how everyone is going to see those comments.

    Not “truth giver is among us.”

    But, “oh yeah…the Trump guy.”

    Show me where Trump warrants it now. As I said I’m waiting on the VP pick.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Should Trump warrant it he’ll get it too. Waiting on the VP pick.

    Retweeting neo-nazi slogans and pics doesn’t warrant it? Making fun of disabled reporters doesn’t warrant it? Egging on violence at his rallies doesn’t warrant it? Calling Mexicans rapists, wanting to ban Muslims from the country, wanting to shut down mosques doesn’t warrant it? Claiming that thousands of Muslims celebrated in Jersey on 9/11 when there is no evidence that any did?

    And he constantly lies — as recently as yesterday — about things like the Iranian Deal. He keeps telling his supporters that we gave Iran 150 billion dollars. Um, no we didn’t. It was their money to begin with. We illegally froze it. Because we could. And as a good capitalist, Trump should know better. It wasn’t America’s money to begin with.

    Not to mention, he’s called for a massive tax cut for himself, and stands to gain tens of millions once he’s elected and implements that plan. It will also put tens of millions into his children’s pockets.

    Oh, and his lies about his charitable giving, too.

    Trump promised millions to charity. We found less than $10,000 over 7 years.

    Apparently they didn’t look hard enough.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photozn

    Should Trump warrant it he’ll get it too. Waiting on the VP pick.

    See? Partisan.

    That’s how everyone is going to see those comments.

    Not “truth giver is among us.”

    But, “oh yeah…the Trump guy.”

    Show me where Trump warrants it now. As I said I’m waiting on the VP pick.

    It;s partisan to even put it that way my friend. Trump has been so controversial that it’s hard to escape this. You can overlook it and “demand proof” etc. but this stuff is kind of in your face and only a partisan could respond the way you are.

    Though, that’s not to say the others aren;t partisan too. They clearly are. But someone like zooey can criticize both Trump and Clinton, and you can only do one…and have to ignore a lot to do it that way.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    Apparently they didn’t look hard enough.

    Why is that apparent? It’s not. They found he lied about his charitable giving. Rather, his lack of charitable giving — after an exhaustive search.

    Of course, he could help settle the controversy by releasing his tax records, but he won’t. And that would make him the first nominee for president to withhold them in several decades.

    What is he trying to hide?

    Yes, Clinton hides too much as well. But, the old saying applies: Two wrongs don’t make a right, etc.

    And what about the other things I mentioned? Do you have any explanations for them? Don’t they at least give you pause?


    Should Trump warrant it he’ll get it too. Waiting on the VP pick.

    See? Partisan.

    That’s how everyone is going to see those comments.

    Not “truth giver is among us.”

    But, “oh yeah…the Trump guy.”

    Show me where Trump warrants it now. As I said I’m waiting on the VP pick.

    It;s partisan to even put it that way my friend. Trump has been so controversial that it’s hard to escape this. You can overlook it and “demand proof” etc. but this stuff is kind of in your face and only a partisan could respond the way you are.

    Though, that’s not to say the others aren;t partisan too. They clearly are. But someone like zooey can criticize both Trump and Clinton, and you can only do one…and have to ignore a lot to do it that way.

    BS. Show me anywhere Trump has disavowed what he has campaigned on to the extent that Sanders has by endorsing Hildabeast. Nothing partisan about it. It is fact. A partisan refuses to acknowledge factual information. That is exactly what Sanders supporters have done in this thread. Again regarding Sanders,

    You mean he now believes Hildabeast has the judgement to be president?
    He now believes she is progressive while being owned by Wall Street?
    He now believes she won’t support the TPP?

    My friend those are the facts. If Trump flaunts such hypocrisy I’ll unload on him for it too.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Apparently they didn’t look hard enough.

    Why is that apparent? It’s not. They found he lied about his charitable giving. Rather, his lack of charitable giving — after an exhaustive search.

    Of course, he could help settle the controversy by releasing his tax records, but he won’t. And that would make him the first nominee for president to withhold them in several decades.

    What is he trying to hide?

    Yes, Clinton hides too much as well. But, the old saying applies: Two wrongs don’t make a right, etc.

    And what about the other things I mentioned? Do you have any explanations for them? Don’t they at least give you pause?

    He’s being audited. He’s responded to that many times. End the audit then get the records. No the rest doesn’t give me pause because it is deliberately misconstrued and taken out of context for political gain.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photozn

    Nothing partisan about it.

    If course it is, and that’s all is. I mean there’s no shame in that. There’s no attack here. But political discussion like this is partisan. Everyone’s just playing out their spot in the political spectrum poll. Everyone identifies with the candidate who best represents their own vision and then dismisses, ignores, downplays, evades, erases, and otherwise steers clear from the bad stuff about their candidate.

    The fact that you don’t see it that way is precisely part of BEING partisan. As a rule I find that being blind to one’s own partisanship is one of the big elements of being partisan.

    Which is why I don’t get into the minutia wars. The whole thing is pre-scripted by partisanship.

    But see to me, from my partisan position, it doesn’t matter what kind of guy Trump is. It’s not about character…that’s just marketing. I oppose his policies and overall vision. I don’t like the way he sees things, and I don’t like his priorities. If you managed somehow to convincingly defend his character (which I don’t think is possible but just for argument’s sake), I wouldn’t care…I would still oppose his vision and his policies.

    And now that it has gotten down to DT and HC, I don’t care if you attack her character. I am just partisan enough (exactly like you) that it wouldn’t matter. “Character” is PR. Attacking character is PR.

    But I will say that this game where somehow DT has integrity and HC doesn’t? It’s always just going to be seen as an inevitable part of the partisan game. It won’t mean anything. To me it would just always be you being partisan.


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Avatar photozn.
    Avatar photowv

    Here is Robert Reich on the same topic:

    Nice video, but Reich is a LOT more…oh…optimistic
    than I am.

    I dont see ANY of those things he listed happening. I dont think Hillary
    will be one bit different from Obama/Bill-Clinton. And i think the DNC
    will roll along tossing out identity-politix crumbs to liberals once in a while.

    I mean why should they change? Assuming HIllary wins. Which she will.

    Have a nice day 🙂


    Avatar photoBilly_T

    He’s being audited. He’s responded to that many times. End the audit then get the records. No the rest doesn’t give me pause because it is deliberately misconstrued and taken out of context for political gain.

    Bnw, don’t go down that road again. I’ve made every attempt to take you at your word. Please return the favor.

    I don’t make stuff up to score political points. Everything I wrote about Trump has been verified umpteen times, and by a wide range of sources. It’s on video, audio, with transcripts available on the Net. His own words, in context. His own repeated lies, in context. His own retweets of neo-nazi material, in context, etc. etc. And his own policy, like tax cuts that would make him millions.

    Please feel free to rebut his own words, or show that he didn’t say them. But don’t tell me I “deliberately misconstrued” them for political gain.

    That’s never been my scene.


    Nothing partisan about it.

    If course it is, and that’s all is. I mean there’s no shame in that. There’s no attack here. But political discussion like this is partisan. Everyone’s just playing out their spot in the political spectrum poll. Everyone identifies with the candidate who best represents their own vision and then dismisses, ignores, downplays, evades, erases, and otherwise steers clear from the bad stuff about their candidate.

    The fact that you don’t see it that way is precisely part of BEING partisan. As a rule I find that being blind to one’s own partisanship is one of the big elements of being partisan.

    Which is why I don’t get into the minutia wars. The whole thing is pre-scripted by partisanship.

    But see to me, from my partisan position, it doesn’t matter what kind of guy Trump is. It’s not about character…that’s just marketing. I oppose his policies and overall vision. I don’t like the way he sees things, and I don’t like his priorities. If you managed somehow to convincingly defend his character (which I don’t think is possible but just for argument’s sake), I wouldn’t care…I would still oppose his vision and his policies.

    And now that it has gotten down to DT and HC, I don’t care if you attack her character. I am just partisan enough (exactly like you) that it wouldn’t matter. “Character” is PR. Attacking character is PR.

    But I will say that this game where somehow DT has integrity and HC doesn’t? It’s always just going to be seen as an inevitable part of the partisan game. It won’t mean anything. To me it would just always be you being partisan.


    Of course she doesn’t have integrity. Look at this fiction Comey wrote that said she broke the law numerous times but because she is ignorant he won’t recommend further action, of course all you little people working with those documents will not be so lucky. Hildabeast doesn’t answer to the law. The law is for we not she. That cost her the election. Then I hope Trump’s AG does a real investigation of her and Bill and the Clinton Foundation Slush Fund.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Here is Robert Reich on the same topic:

    Nice video, but Reich is a LOT more…oh…optimistic
    than I am.

    I dont see ANY of those things he listed happening. I dont think Hillary
    will be one bit different from Obama/Bill-Clinton. And i think the DNC
    will roll along tossing out identity-politix crumbs to liberals once in a while.

    I mean why should they change? Assuming HIllary wins. Which she will.

    Have a nice day 🙂


    Trump will win

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    He’s being audited. He’s responded to that many times. End the audit then get the records. No the rest doesn’t give me pause because it is deliberately misconstrued and taken out of context for political gain.

    Bnw, don’t go down that road again. I’ve made every attempt to take you at your word. Please return the favor.

    I don’t make stuff up to score political points. Everything I wrote about Trump has been verified umpteen times, and by a wide range of sources. It’s on video, audio, with transcripts available on the Net. His own words, in context. His own repeated lies, in context. His own retweets of neo-nazi material, in context, etc. etc. And his own policy, like tax cuts that would make him millions.

    Please feel free to rebut his own words, or show that he didn’t say them. But don’t tell me I “deliberately misconstrued” them for political gain.

    That’s never been my scene.

    You are using material that was deliberately misconstrued for political gain. I’m not saying you did the work. I’m saying your sources did.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    You are using material that was deliberately misconstrued for political gain. I’m not saying you did the work. I’m saying your sources did.

    Okay. I appreciate the clarification. Thanks.

    But my sources show full video and audio, plus complete transcripts. Sometimes those sources are just the TV networks. As in, I watched him say these things, live, and then saw them again on news broadcasts. These are just his own words, from his own mouth. From his own speeches and rallies. Are you saying that the video and audio and transcripts of those speeches and rallies, delivered in full, are somehow altered before we see them on the TV, or hear them on the radio, etc?

    Or that his proposals on his own website, like this one for taxation, are altered for political gain:

    If you are single and earn less than $25,000, or married and jointly earn less than $50,000, you will not owe any income tax. That removes nearly 75 million households – over 50% – from the income tax rolls. They get a new one page form to send the IRS saying, “I win,” those who would otherwise owe income taxes will save an average of nearly $1,000 each.
    All other Americans will get a simpler tax code with four brackets – 0%, 10%, 20% and 25% – instead of the current seven. This new tax code eliminates the marriage penalty and the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) while providing the lowest tax rate since before World War II.

    No business of any size, from a Fortune 500 to a mom and pop shop to a freelancer living job to job, will pay more than 15% of their business income in taxes. This lower rate makes corporate inversions unnecessary by making America’s tax rate one of the best in the world.

    No family will have to pay the death tax. You earned and saved that money for your family, not the government. You paid taxes on it when you earned it.

    Look closely at his tax proposal. That massive cut in the top rate — from 39.6% to 25% — will add tens of millions to his own bank account, as will the end of the estate tax, which currently only applies to estates larger than 5.4 million.

    And the part I bolded and italicized about business taxes? That is, at best, disingenuous. Businesses aren’t taxed on their income. They’re taxed on their profits. A huge difference.

    Also, with his massive tax cuts for businesses, huge estates, capital gains, and so on, how on earth will he balance the budget as promised in eight years? Every credible economist says he will actually blow up the deficit and add at least 10 trillion more to the debt, from his tax plan alone.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Avatar photoBilly_T.
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