Facebook argument and more thoughts on our political situation

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  • #67617

    I have a niece who supported Sanders, and then lined up solidly behind Clinton when she won the nomination, and has been screaming about misogyny ever since. So what does that tell us?

    Nothing, really.

    There’s all kinds.

    Yeah see I resent the misogyny routine but it also makes me suspicious of the “just cause she was a woman” routine.

    For one thing, in fact, it is quite possible that many voters whose actual interests lined up more with Clinton than with Trump voted for Trump precisely because Hillary was female.

    The trick is that while we know that’s quite possible in some cases, we recognize that it would be way too much of a generalization to say that all people who voted for Trump, men and women, did so because they could not accept the idea of a female president.

    We know it happened…but over-generalizing about it does not work.

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