Exit poll discrepancy & other voter suppression news

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    I don’t know what to make of this. Sounds so Conspiracy Theory.

    And yet…before 2016, exit polls were really accurate.



    I don’t know what to make of this. Sounds so Conspiracy Theory.

    And yet…before 2016, exit polls were really accurate.

    I dunno.

    But I am pretty darn full of suspicion. Spidey sense goin off.


    TDMS research is just a guy who’s aggregating exit polls, mostly by Edison Research a respected polling company,but all the exit polls are either from Edison or the media companies, themselves.

    They are legit, they match the anecdotal evidence.

    It’s not conspiratorial any more than surveillance video of a robbery is conspiratorial.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    the vid:

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by zn.

    Maricopa County cuts some polling places, won’t mail extra ballots for Tuesday’s election
    Jessica Boehm and Andrew Oxford, Arizona RepublicPublished 1:04 p.m. MT March 13, 2020 | Updated 5:40 p.m.


    Maricopa County’s election leaders announced conflicting plans to address coronavirus concerns surrounding Tuesday’s Presidential Preference Election — but a judge quashed one of them.

    The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office split authority over elections. The board controls Election Day voting and emergency voting, and the recorder controls voter registration and early voting.

    The Board of Supervisors announced that it will cut about 80 polling locations on Election Day due to polling locations and poll workers canceling, and a lack of needed cleaning supplies to stock all locations.

    The remaining 151 polling locations will be converted to vote centers, meaning a voter can vote at any location — not just the one nearest to them.

    “Folks should come on Election Day if they want to vote,” Supervisor Bill Gates said. “It’s going to be safe and there will be many places to do that.”

    Hours earlier, Recorder Adrian Fontes announced that his office would mail ballots to registered Democrats who have not yet cast ballots in Tuesday’s Democratic Presidential Preference Election.

    “We are in unchartered territory with the COVID-19. My first concern is to protect the health of the voters and staff who work in the polling places while maintaining the integrity of the election. Anything we can do to minimize human interaction in the polling place is what we must do,” Fontes said in a statement.

    As a public service, The Arizona Republic is offering all coverage of the pandemic free of charge. Support The Republic by subscribing to azcentral.com.

    Fontes’ plan was for ballots to arrive in mailboxes Monday and Tuesday, and encourage people to fill them out at home and drop them off at bins stationed at the entrance of polling places.

    That would have limited contact with poll workers or other individuals. Health experts have recommended this kind of “social distancing.”

    The Board of Supervisors said that while it can’t control what Fontes does, it did not agree with his plan and feared it would cause confusion for voters.

    Legal authority unclear

    It’s not clear whether Fontes, a Democrat, actually had the legal authority to do what he wanted to do — he admitted that “there is no authority to mail ballots to all voters under the law, but there is no prohibition either.”

    Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich, a Republican, disagreed with Fontes, saying the recorder “cannot unilaterally rewrite state election laws.” Brnovich filed a lawsuit against Fontes and sought a temporary restraining order to prevent him from sending out the ballots.

    Mark Brnovich@GeneralBrnovich
    We are on our way to court now to file a motion for TRO and a Preliminary Injunction against Adrian Fontes and Runbeck Election Services to stop them from violating Arizona law.

    The Maricopa County Recorder cannot unilaterally rewrite state election laws. In times of crisis, the public looks to our elected officials to follow the law and to not make reactionary decisions for political gain.

    “Fontes is creating chaos in our elections during an already difficult time. In times of crisis, the public looks to our elected officials to follow the law — not make reactionary decisions for political gain,” Brnovich said.

    Friday night, a Maricopa County Superior Court judge agreed with Brnovich and granted the restraining order, stopping Fontes from sending out ballots.

    The state’s top elections official, Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, also told Fontes that he did not have the authority to mail a ballot to voters who have not requested one.

    “As you know, I fully agree with you that authority for counties to conduct all-mail elections is good policy, and certainly an appropriate contingency plan in the event of a public health emergency like this. Unfortunately, it is not currently authorized by the law,” she wrote in an email to Fontes provided to The Republic.

    Hobbs, a Democrat like Fontes, said she is working with others on legislation that would allow election officials to authorize all-mail elections in emergencies and move certain election-related deadlines.


    Maricopa County cuts some polling places, won’t mail extra ballots for Tuesday’s election



    I wonder if the Virus will affect the actual physical act of Voting,
    come general election time? I wonder if it will keep the turnout small?



    I don’t know what to make of this. Sounds so Conspiracy Theory.

    And yet…before 2016, exit polls were really accurate.


    Someone looks like they’re messing with data to me. Washington Post’s breakdown based on exit polls from Texas looks like this: Men were 44% of the electorate and Sanders won 34% while Biden won 33%. Women were 56% of the electorate–Sanders won 27% while Biden won 33%.

    The final results from the election showed Biden won 35% of the votes while Bernie won 30% of the votes. In this case the exit polls looks like they were very accurate.

    Bernie certainly wasn’t receiving 42% of the votes according to the exit polls from Texas, as Zooey’s graphic shows.

    Americans had a chance to choose a truly progressive agenda championed by a consistently honest man or they could choose a typical, smooth talking, used-car-salesman-politician to represent the status quo.

    Our country chose the latter.

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