Ever Wandering Lost-Tribe of Ram fans…

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Rams Huddle Ever Wandering Lost-Tribe of Ram fans…

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  • #626
    Avatar photoMaddy

    I heard there was going to be cake.

    Avatar photozn

    I heard there was going to be cake.

    Glad you’re aboard Maddy.

    And there’s always cake.

    It’s implied.



    Thanks for the invite.

    I promise to be on my best behavior.

    Avatar photocanadaram

    I was waiting to see if there was going to be cake before I joined.

    Avatar photozn

    Thanks for the invite.

    I promise to be on my best behavior.

    I was waiting to see if there was going to be cake before I joined.

    Welcome aboard.

    The board is still working on the “guarantee constant Rams victories” feature.

    It’s very promising, but so far, all that happens when I click on it, is that cakes start falling from the ceiling.

    So. Getting there. Pretty close.


    Too be honest,Everybody was starting to come over to Buzz and the timing of shutdown wasn’t good.And yes I know that was OZ’s right to shut it down but the site was getting really good.What I liked the most was the absence of trolls.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by cgsuddeath.
    Avatar photozn

    the site was getting really good.What I liked the most was the absence of trolls.

    Well we can get all that going here, too.


    Avatar photoEternal Ramnation

    cgsuddeath wrote:
    the site was getting really good.What I liked the most was the absence of trolls.

    Well we can get all that going here, too.


    I didn’t like they way it went down but the timing was perfect as it was so slow as far as Rams news goes.The Buzz going down re-enforced the board unity for me anyways . We have a very special group here and I feel lucky to be a part of it.

    Avatar photowv

    I didn’t like they way it went down but the timing was perfect as it was so slow as far as Rams news goes.The Buzz going down re-enforced the board unity for me anyways . We have a very special group here and I feel lucky to be a part of it.</span>


    I think its a special group too.

    This site is not as user-friendly as the buzz-board,
    but i have learned its the posters that make a board,
    not the bells-and-whistles.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Avatar photowv.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Avatar photowv.

    Cool. Found ya! Thanks to the OP, and Google. 🙂

    Avatar photozn

    Cool. Found ya! Thanks to the OP, and Google. :-)

    Welcome aboard! what did you search on google?

    Avatar photozn

    email from Trench Ram:

    I’m glad that there’s a new board already. Heading to Aruba for a week tomorrow, so probably won’t post for a bit. Hopefully everyone finds their way to the new board by time camp starts.


    Not that this really matters but,What happened to the original huddle?

    Avatar photozn

    Not that this really matters but,What happened to the original huddle?

    It got supplanted by this one. Or that’s as much as I know. RM has the full story.



    Avatar photozn


    Oh. Sorry. RamsMaineiac. He is the founder, owner, and admin of the original huddle and of this one.


    Winnbrad wrote:
    Cool. Found ya! Thanks to the OP, and Google.

    Welcome aboard! what did you search on google?

    “Where is the Ramsbuzz board?”, or something close to that. Also, I see you sent an email to me. It went to my Spam folder, so “my bad” on that.

    Thanks for the heads up, ZN. Much appreciated!

    Ram Rock

    I think its a special group too.

    This site is not as user-friendly as the buzz-board,
    but i have learned its the posters that make a board,
    not the bells-and-whistles.


    I agree Wv. For me it’s the quality and the various personalities of posters that make a forum special or not. We have all been pretty blessed with a great group that has been together for a good part of 15 years or so.

    Good to be back at the Huddle! We Nomads need a sense of community don’t we? 😉

    Later my Friend…

    Ram Rock

    Found you guys. Any time the Buzz went down, I came here just in case someone would post what happened.

    I’m a little shocked at what happened. I don’t think I was away from the Buzz that long. When did Oz take it down? No warning? Nothing? Geez. I am thankful for what we had there.

    RM, you are a saint for doing this. Seriously. Don’t be surprised if the Pope contacts you. He won’t even care if you’re Catholic. Sainthood awaits.

    I agree. RM has always been someone that I have the utmost respect for and thankful for giving us a home back when we were cast adrift and now with The Huddle-Mach II. Thanks RM!


    If Waterfield shows up, I have something for him.

    I is here-whatcha got?

    Avatar photowv

    Ozoneranger wrote:
    If Waterfield shows up, I have something for him.

    I is here-whatcha got?

    Good to see you, W.


    Line of Scrimmage

    Hey guys – just thought I’d sign up. I was reading a few posts and looked like some good info about the Rams. Looking forward to checking things out here.

    Go Rams!


    In the Trenches


    Good to be here. Looks like the off-season focus has been on blocking and tackling. Imagine/

    Avatar photoZooey

    This is my first damn post.

    Avatar photoZooey

    This is my first damn post.

    Avatar photowv

    This is my first damn post.

    I wish we still had everyone’s first post.

    I assume yours was in 1998 same as me.

    I think yours was about Leonard Little
    and mine was about one of the monsters
    on Lost In Space.



    I’d say it has possibilities. Spruce it up a bit, maybe some curtains over there and a new rug by the fire place. Ok, yeah, sign me up!

    “Marge, don't discourage the boy! Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals! Except the weasel.” - Homer Simpson


    Can we still say “fuck” here? If so, I’m in. People might say I’m vulgar, but that is a load of god-damn dick-beating fucking bullshit. Ok, got that out of my system. Nice digs.

    Avatar photozn

    Can we still say “fuck” here? If so, I’m in. People might say I’m vulgar, but that is a load of god-damn dick-beating fucking bullshit. Ok, got that out of my system. Nice digs.

    Welcome aboard, Shakespeare. Would not be the same without you.


    Avatar photoAgamemnon

    I’d say it has possibilities. Spruce it up a bit, maybe some curtains over there and a new rug by the fire place. Ok, yeah, sign me up!

    Can we still say “fuck” here? If so, I’m in. People might say I’m vulgar, but that is a load of god-damn dick-beating fucking bullshit. Ok, got that out of my system. Nice digs.

    Good to see you made it. You have been moderated. 😉Agamemnon


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