Ethical meat

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    nittany ram

    Lab-grown ‘clean’ meat could be on sale by end of 2018, says producer
    Cultured tissue, harvested without killing any animals, could allow scientists to grown meals’ worth of products with just a handful of starter cells

    Lucy Pasha-Robinson @lucypasha 17 hours ago121 comments

    Environmentalists believe the process could be the key to reducing global warming, with one study predicting it could lower harmful greenhouse emissions by 96 per cent.
    Meat grown in a laboratory could be on restaurant menus by the end of the year, one manufacturer has claimed.

    In vitro animal products, sometimes referred to as “clean meat”, are made from stem cells harvested via biopsy from living livestock, which are then grown in a lab over a number of weeks.

    Some environmentalists believe the process could be the key to reducing global warming, with one study predicting it could lower harmful greenhouse emissions by 96 per cent.

    And the first products could be available for human consumption within months, according to Josh Tetrick, CEO of clean meat manufacturer JUST.

    Chicken nuggets, sausage and foie gras created using the technique could be served in restaurants in the US and Asia “before the end of 2018”, he told CNN.

    But public perception and a reluctance to diverge from traditional farmed meat still represent considerable hurdles for the clean meat industry to overcome, he said.

    “Gnarly problems, communication issues, regulatory issues,” would have to be solved before products went to market, he said in a separate interview with The Guardian.

    His stance is shared by Mosa Meat, whose lab based at Maastricht University in the Netherlands, was responsible for creating the world’s first cultured hamburger.

    The company’s chief scientific officer Professor Mark Post said the regulatory approval process could delay samples being distributed to suppliers by years.

    He gave a time frame of three years before the company could sell its first product to the mass market.

    But one recent study revealed one third of Americans would be willing to eat clean meat regularly or as a replacement for farmed meat.

    To reach that point, companies will have to bring down the cost of mass production.

    Memphis Meats, a food technology company based in San Francisco, has to spend around $2,400 (£1,800) to make 450 grams of beef.

    But as techniques become more streamlined, the price is falling, and the company believes it will be able to send the first products to market by 2021.

    Animal rights charity Peta has been investing in in vitro meat research for the past six years.

    In 2014, it offered a $1 million (£725,000) reward to the first scientist to produce and bring to market in vitro chicken meat.

    “We believe it’s the first important step toward realising the dream of one day putting environmentally sound, humanely produced real meat into the hands and mouths of the people who insist on eating animal flesh,” the charity said in a statement.

    An estimated 14.5 per cent of the planet’s global warming emissions stem from from the keeping and eating of livestock – more than from the entire transport sector.

    Livestock emit methane, a potent greenhouse gas, while land clearing and fertilisers release large quantities of carbon.


    Wow. I was totally unaware they were even working on that.

    I’ll have to process that for a while.

    Hard for me to believe it will ever be cheap enough for poor people to afford.


    nittany ram

    Wow. I was totally unaware they were even working on that.

    I’ll have to process that for a while.

    Hard for me to believe it will ever be cheap enough for poor people to afford.


    Well, unless they can make it affordable for the masses, it will never become anything more than a novelty.

    But I think as technology improves and the process continues to become more efficient, eventually lab grown meat could become cheaper than conventional farm raised meat. For example, think about all the resources and time necessary to grow a cow to maturity. The land, food, and medical requirements, waste generated, etc…


    Wow. I was totally unaware they were even working on that.

    I’ll have to process that for a while.

    Hard for me to believe it will ever be cheap enough for poor people to afford.


    Well, unless they can make it affordable for the masses, it will never become anything more than a novelty.

    But I think as technology improves and the process continues to become more efficient, eventually lab grown meat could become cheaper than conventional farm raised meat. For example, think about all the resources and time necessary to grow a cow to maturity. The land, food, and medical requirements, waste generated, etc…

    I like the idea. I also like the idea of finding a way to make people require far less in the way of food and water. I can’t even play a scientist on TV, and haven’t stayed at a Holiday Inn in years . . . but I would imagine that we’re not too far away from tweaking our own biology a bit to downsize our needs.

    Of course, I also worry about how “designer babies” and the whole array of monkeying around with our genetics is going to go . . . and I’m about 99% sure it will be abused to generate an even greater gap between rich and poor — like an update from Gattaca. So we’d have to create air tight preventative measures, democratically, first. The Wrath of Khan was a 1960s story, if memory serves . . . and science has advanced in leaps and bounds since then, obviously.

    But if there were a way to guarantee egalitarian implementation, it could be a major plank in our survival. As in, reducing our environmental footprint by reducing our daily nutritional needs/desires . . .

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