election rigging

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    When Donald Trump claimed, “the election’s going to be rigged,” he wasn’t entirely wrong. But the threat was not, as Trump warned, from Americans committing the crime of “voting many, many times.” What’s far more likely to undermine democracy in November is the culmination of a decade-long Republican effort to disenfranchise voters under the guise of battling voter fraud. The latest tool: Election officials in more than two dozen states have compiled lists of citizens whom they allege could be registered in more than one state – thus potentially able to cast multiple ballots – and eligible to be purged from the voter rolls.

    The data is processed through a system called the Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck Program, which is being promoted by a powerful Republican operative, and its lists of potential duplicate voters are kept confidential. But Rolling Stone obtained a portion of the list and the names of 1 million targeted voters. According to our analysis, the Crosscheck list disproportionately threatens solid Democratic constituencies: young, black, Hispanic and Asian-American voters – with some of the biggest possible purges underway in Ohio and North Carolina, two crucial swing states with tight Senate races.

    2016: First Presidential Election Since Voting Rights Gutted

    America will vote for president in a country where it’s easier to buy a gun than vote in many states

    Like all weapons of vote suppression, Crosscheck is a response to the imaginary menace of mass voter fraud. In the mid-2000s, after the Florida-recount debacle, the Bush administration launched a five-year investigation into the allegedly rampant crime but found scant evidence of wrongdoing. Still, the GOP has perpetuated the myth in every national election since. Recently, North Carolina Board of Elections chief Kim Strach testified to her legislature that 35,750 voters are “registered in North Carolina and another state and voted in both in the 2012 general election.” [Editor’s note: This quote was taken from the power point that accompanied Strach’s testimony. In a subsequent letter, she informed us that during her presentation she “stressed that we were not suggesting that 35,750 voters had committed any type of fraud. My testimony was that the data we received from the Crosscheck Program showed that in the 2012 general election, there were 35,750 people who voted in North Carolina whose first and last names and dates of birth matched persons who voted in the same election in another state.”] Yet despite hiring an ex-FBI agent to lead the hunt, the state has charged exactly zero double voters from the Crosscheck list. Nevertheless, tens of thousands face the loss of their ability to vote – all for the sake of preventing a crime that rarely happens. So far, Crosscheck has tagged an astonishing 7.2 million suspects, yet we found no more than four perpetrators who have been charged with double voting or deliberate double registration.

    On its surface, Crosscheck seems…see link

    Avatar photoZooey

    Same old story.

    Voter disenfranchisement, always targeted at a demographic that is overwhelmingly Democrat, has been going on en masse since Jeb Bush knocked 100,000 voters off the rolls prior to the 2000 debacle. Meanwhile, they distract from the issue by screaming about voter fraud, which almost never happens.


    Vote fraud is rampant wherever democrats get their hands on voting machines and illegal aliens. Even Obama agrees.

    Criminal President Obama Encourages Illegal Aliens to Vote – Promises No Repercussions (VIDEO)

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

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    bnw, do you imagine anyone here takes some rightie blogger seriously?

    Meanwhile, this is the usual problem I see. People on the right who claim to be for rights and then just blow off the overwhelming evidence that the republicans have a voter disenfranchisement campaign going. Some republicans have even openly stated that’s what it is.

    It is impossible to take someone’s views on this issue seriously if all they are is partisan bs.

    If you’re not against voter disenfranchisement, which in principle ought to violate everything you believe in, then you are just a pure partisan and therefore nothing you say on this issue could possibly be taken seriously. And I don’t care if you’re just this victim of the partisan bloggers you echo. You still ought to see through it.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    There is no history of voter fraud beyond a coupla dozen cases. Total. Comprehensive, bipartisan studies put the figure at 31 cases out of one billion votes cast, since 2000.

    Republican-led efforts at suppressing the vote, however, are proven, and have resulted in destroying voting rights for hundreds of thousands, at least, and making it as difficult as possible for literally millions to vote. Killing early voting; slashing poll offices in likely Democratic precincts; making it illegal to organize the poor; okaying certain kinds of ID, like hunting licenses, while outlawing others, like student IDs . . . . etc. etc.

    The GOP engages in classic projection with their Big Lie about “voter fraud.” Goebbels would be so proud. It’s blatantly in service of hiding their own corrupt practices.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    bnw, do you imagine anyone here takes some rightie blogger seriously?

    Meanwhile, this is the usual problem I see. People on the right who claim to be for rights and then just blow off the overwhelming evidence that the republicans have a voter disenfranchisement campaign going. Some republicans have even openly stated that’s what it is.

    It is impossible to take someone’s views on this issue seriously if all they are is partisan bs.

    If you’re not against voter disenfranchisement, which in principle ought to violate everything you believe in, then you are just a pure partisan and therefore nothing you say on this issue could possibly be taken seriously. And I don’t care if you’re just this victim of the partisan bloggers you echo. You still ought to see through it.

    I’m not sure, but I think he does it on purpose. Perhaps because I made the mistake of calling him on his sources earlier. Now, I think he’s just kinda tweaking us for effect.


    He tends to only post from far-right lunatic sites like Breitbart, WND, Zerohedge, and one or two owned by Trump’s son in law. I’d like to think he knows full well that they’re absolutely devoid of any credibility.

    When I do my own sourcing, I try to stay with (roughly) centrist outlets, though I may stray every now and then. I think leftist sites offer better reporting in general, but if it’s a Dem/GOP food fight, I tend to stay with centrists to avoid charges of “partisan bias.” For instance, I think Jacobin is an excellent webzine, and I trust it a lot more than I trust centrist media. But in a debate, it probably pushes too many buttons for some . . . . so I’ll use it for more Big Picture stuff.

    Anyway . . . .


    bnw, do you imagine anyone here takes some rightie blogger seriously?

    Meanwhile, this is the usual problem I see. People on the right who claim to be for rights and then just blow off the overwhelming evidence that the republicans have a voter disenfranchisement campaign going. Some republicans have even openly stated that’s what it is.

    It is impossible to take someone’s views on this issue seriously if all they are is partisan bs.

    If you’re not against voter disenfranchisement, which in principle ought to violate everything you believe in, then you are just a pure partisan and therefore nothing you say on this issue could possibly be taken seriously. And I don’t care if you’re just this victim of the partisan bloggers you echo. You still ought to see through it.

    Watch the video. That is why I posted it.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    When I do my own sourcing, I try to stay with (roughly) centrist outlets, though I may stray every now and then. I think leftist sites offer better reporting in general, but if it’s a Dem/GOP food fight, I tend to stay with centrists to avoid charges of “partisan bias.”

    Thanks for the laughs! BTW when truth is posted it doesn’t matter from where it is posted!

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    When I do my own sourcing, I try to stay with (roughly) centrist outlets, though I may stray every now and then. I think leftist sites offer better reporting in general, but if it’s a Dem/GOP food fight, I tend to stay with centrists to avoid charges of “partisan bias.”

    Thanks for the laughs! BTW when truth is posted it doesn’t matter from where it is posted!

    Trouble is, you never post the truth. You just post far-right wacko fringe nonsense, which no one outside the far-right bubble believes.

    As mentioned, I don’t really know if you believe any of that nonsense or not, or if you’re just trying to troll us. Either way, I think you should consider a different strategy, at least if you care at all about persuading anyone your way.

    Avatar photozn

    Now, I think he’s just kinda tweaking us for effect.

    I wouldn’t go too far into the motives thing. Violates the spirit.

    But it is fair to call someone on their sources.

    It’s the old problem. The lefties here range far and wide with their sources and do not just simply repeat partisan blogs. Mainstream, academic, commentary, and so on…it’s all mixed in.

    Far too often some reps of the right just repeat rightie blogs. In terms of knowledge of sources, it’s like bringing a pen knife to a laser fight.

    In saying that I am just commenting on a visible debate tendency and how evidence is used in posts.


    When I do my own sourcing, I try to stay with (roughly) centrist outlets, though I may stray every now and then. I think leftist sites offer better reporting in general, but if it’s a Dem/GOP food fight, I tend to stay with centrists to avoid charges of “partisan bias.”

    Thanks for the laughs! BTW when truth is posted it doesn’t matter from where it is posted!

    Trouble is, you never post the truth. You just post far-right wacko fringe nonsense, which no one outside the far-right bubble believes.

    So says you but the facts prove otherwise. Tell me how does it feel to rely upon the lying MSM even to the point of defending them even after they have been proven to rig debates and polling data? And since news is time sensitive how does it feel to be so far behind the truth by YEARS as first reported by the “far-right wacko fringe”?

    And who are you to call me a troll? There is no changing your mind or zn’s mind about this stuff. I get it. I really do. However there are lurkers here as I lurked before who might be interested, might actually agree. Might actually want to participate some day too. See its not about you.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by bnw.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    Now, I think he’s just kinda tweaking us for effect.

    I wouldn’t go too far into the motives thing. Violates the spirit.

    But it is fair to call someone on their sources.

    It’s the old problem. The lefties here range far and wide with their sources and do not just simply repeat partisan blogs. Mainstream, academic, commentary, and so on…it’s all mixed in.

    Far too often some reps of the right just repeat rightie blogs. In terms of knowledge of sources, it’s like bringing a pen knife to a laser fight.

    In saying that I am just commenting on a visible debate tendency and how evidence is used in posts.

    That’s fair. I shouldn’t engage in the motive thing. No one should.

    Agree about the rest of what you say as well. There just isn’t any comparison between the two halves of the political spectrum when it comes to verifiable, fact-based, evidence-based discussion. The right is woefully lacking in legitimate credible sources, and tends to ignore the good stuff they do have access to.

    And in the rare, stopped-clock moments they do stumble onto something, inevitably they blow it out of proportion to surreal degrees and then douse even that with hyperbole and paranoia.

    The debate about such things, of course, never goes anywhere. But I’m beyond comfortable with my own range of reading, sourcing, etc. etc. and that of the leftists here.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    When I do my own sourcing, I try to stay with (roughly) centrist outlets, though I may stray every now and then. I think leftist sites offer better reporting in general, but if it’s a Dem/GOP food fight, I tend to stay with centrists to avoid charges of “partisan bias.”

    Thanks for the laughs! BTW when truth is posted it doesn’t matter from where it is posted!

    Trouble is, you never post the truth. You just post far-right wacko fringe nonsense, which no one outside the far-right bubble believes.

    So says you but the facts prove otherwise. Tell me how does it feel to rely upon the lying MSM even to the point of defending them even after they have been proven to rig debates and polling data? And since news is time sensitive how does it feel to be so far behind the truth by YEARS as first reported by the “far-right wacko fringe”?

    And who are you to call me a troll? There is no changing your mind or zn’s mind about this stuff. I get it. I really do. However there are lurkers here as I lurked before who might be interested, might actually agree. Might actually want to participate some day too. See its not about you.

    No, bnw. You’ve never had the facts on your side. Just fever swamp conspiracy theories, dredged up from slime-mongers like Alex Jones, WND, Breitbart and company. Sandy Hook was “false flag” operation by the government? Come on, man. The list is endless when it comes to similar examples from the far right.

    And I don’t rely on just the MSM. As mentioned above, leftists here tend to read widely. Beyond widely.

    And there is zero proof that “the MSM tried to rig the debates or the polls.” The only thing we have are wikileaks that may or may not be actual emails, with one of them saying that ONE person, Roland Martin, allegedly gave a question to Donna Brazile.

    There is nothing, anywhere in the real world, proving the polls are rigged.

    See, again, that’s your main problem. You and your fellow righties take questionable tiny morsels with one or two people involved and then make crazed, sweeping claims that this proves the entire system is “rigged” against the baby fascist, Trump. The right routinely does this, and they’re always shot down by the facts, logic, common sense and reality.

    It’s been that way in America for well over a century, but especially in the last coupla decades.

    Avatar photoBilly_T


    If it’s true that Martin and Brazile are guilty of feeding that question to Clinton, they should suffer the consequences. And, ya know, they already have. Both were fired.

    Now, if you were to follow the usual, wildly and radically disproportionate response favored by Trump the baby fascist authoritarian, then it’s the firing squad for them, right?

    I mean, Trump and his brownshirts — who beat up a guy for just holding up a sign yesterday, btw — scream lockerup!! when it comes to Clinton, cuz, emails. No one in private life would be subjected to the legal system for doing what she did. At worst, they’d be fired for negligence and poor handling of IT stuff. But no one would be hauled in front of Congress and grilled for months and months on end for being stupid at IT.

    Are there other things she may have done to warrant serious scrutiny? Yeah. Definitely. But the GOP won’t ever go after her for that, because it would implicate them as well. They won’t ever go after her for her role in expanding empire, the reckless support for capitalism, war, the surveillance state, etc. etc. because the GOP luvs all of that too.

    Instead, they trump up nonsense about Benghazi and a private email server.

    Just a thought, bnw. Why not actually try to work on behalf of the American people, instead of spending all their time trying to destroy their political opponents? Maybe if the GOP did that, they wouldn’t have a single-digit favorability rating for Congress.

    Avatar photoEternal Ramnation

    Cavuto is a moron purposely misunderstanding a very simple clear interview. She is Citizen asking if her family will be tracked down and deported through her vote.

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