Donald Trump Can't Read?

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Public House Donald Trump Can't Read?

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  • #56552

    I like Trump’s ‘big picture’, and I think he’ll hire the right people.

    I keep seeing this comment that Trump will hire the right people?

    Who in the fuck are these people? Omarosa?

    Like Tony Soprano once said… 2 business that are recession proof.

    1) Drug dealing
    2) Gambling

    This fuck head certainly hired the “right” people to tank his gambling business not once not twice but 4 fucking times.

    This guy hasn’t demonstrated any business acumen in conducting business with any ethical or professional manner.

    What’s his business plan to bring MFG back to the US.increase import duty on goods made in Mexico?

    Trump has not fucking clue.

    Sorry for being politically incorrect but you voted for an asshole.


    I like Trump’s ‘big picture’, and I think he’ll hire the right people.

    I keep seeing this comment that Trump will hire the right people?

    Who in the fuck are these people? Omarosa?

    Like Tony Soprano once said… 2 business that are recession proof.

    1) Drug dealing
    2) Gambling

    This fuck head certainly hired the “right” people to tank his gambling business not once not twice but 4 fucking times.

    This guy hasn’t demonstrated any business acumen in conducting business with any ethical or professional manner.

    What’s his business plan to bring MFG back to the US.increase import duty on goods made in Mexico?

    Trump has not fucking clue.

    Sorry for being politically incorrect but you voted for an asshole.

    Joe, he’s actually gone bankrupt six times.

    And he’s a tax cheat:

    Donald Trump Used Legally Dubious Method to Avoid Paying Taxes

    Donald J. Trump proudly acknowledges he did not pay a dime in federal income taxes for years on end. He insists he merely exploited tax loopholes legally available to any billionaire — loopholes he says Hillary Clinton failed to close during her years in the United States Senate. “Why didn’t she ever try to change those laws so I couldn’t use them?” Mr. Trump asked during a campaign rally last month.

    But newly obtained documents show that in the early 1990s, as he scrambled to stave off financial ruin, Mr. Trump avoided reporting hundreds of millions of dollars in taxable income by using a tax avoidance maneuver so legally dubious his own lawyers advised him that the Internal Revenue Service would most likely declare it improper if he were audited.

    Thanks to this one maneuver, which was later outlawed by Congress, Mr. Trump potentially escaped paying tens of millions of dollars in federal personal income taxes. It is impossible to know for sure because Mr. Trump has declined to release his tax returns, or even a summary of his returns, breaking a practice followed by every Republican and Democratic presidential candidate for more than four decades.

    Tax experts who reviewed the newly obtained documents for The New York Times said Mr. Trump’s tax avoidance maneuver, conjured from ambiguous provisions of highly technical tax court rulings, clearly pushed the edge of the envelope of what tax laws permitted at the time. “Whatever loophole existed was not ‘exploited’ here, but stretched beyond any recognition,” said Steven M. Rosenthal, a senior fellow at the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center who helped draft tax legislation in the early 1990s.

    — X —

    I know it’s too late, cuz you already voted. But if lying is your reason not to vote for someone, Trump should have been the last person you picked. Every independent fact-checking group has demonstrated that no one lies more than Trump, and he often does so for the most repulsive of reasons: To stoke up hate and fear.

    Yeah, I don’t buy into that. I know he uses way too much hyperbole, but he’s no different than any politician I’ve ever seen in my life. Even Reagan lied to people, so that doesn’t really move the needle for me that much. I don’t expect any of them to tell the truth all of the time, and I expect every one of them to pander. I set most of that aside and focus on the issues that are important. And being under investigation by the FBI, which could very well lead to an indictment, is fairly important. Lying to the investigative team and destroying evidence is pretty important. Accepting donations to appoint unqualified people to important positions, is important. Running what could very well be a criminal organization, is pretty important. Accepting HUGE donations from Countries that criminalize the very things she stands for? Pretty important. Important in that it lets me identify the hypocrisy between her rhetoric and her actions.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss


    This latest scandal is coming out too late to impact the election, but it looks more and more like Trump made his fortune by screwing over workers, contractors, taxpayers and refusing to pay people for the work they did for him. He used “other people’s money” to massively decrease his own tax liabilities so he could avoid them for two decades.

    Latest case of him not paying for work done? His own pollsters. He’s refusing to pay them roughly 750K.

    The man is fascist garbage, and he may well be our next president.

    — X —

    I like Trump’s ‘big picture’, and I think he’ll hire the right people.

    I keep seeing this comment that Trump will hire the right people?

    Who in the fuck are these people? Omarosa?

    Like Tony Soprano once said… 2 business that are recession proof.

    1) Drug dealing
    2) Gambling

    This fuck head certainly hired the “right” people to tank his gambling business not once not twice but 4 fucking times.

    This guy hasn’t demonstrated any business acumen in conducting business with any ethical or professional manner.

    What’s his business plan to bring MFG back to the US.increase import duty on goods made in Mexico?

    Trump has not fucking clue.

    Sorry for being politically incorrect but you voted for an asshole.

    You seem angry. lol.
    You can vote for the other criminal if you like, I won’t hold it against you.
    Or you can vote for the others who are sure not to win, and essentially cast a vote for her anyway.
    Either way, you’re fucking over my children by continuing to destroy their future.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss


    I know it’s too late, cuz you already voted. But if lying is your reason not to vote for someone, Trump should have been the last person you picked. Every independent fact-checking group has demonstrated that no one lies more than Trump, and he often does so for the most repulsive of reasons: To stoke up hate and fear.

    Yeah, I don’t buy into that. I know he uses way too much hyperbole, but he’s no different than any politician I’ve ever seen in my life. Even Reagan lied to people, so that doesn’t really move the needle for me that much. I don’t expect any of them to tell the truth all of the time, and I expect every one of them to pander. I set most of that aside and focus on the issues that are important. And being under investigation by the FBI, which could very well lead to an indictment, is fairly important. Lying to the investigative team and destroying evidence is pretty important. Accepting donations to appoint unqualified people to important positions, is important. Running what could very well be a criminal organization, is pretty important. Accepting HUGE donations from Countries that criminalize the very things she stands for? Pretty important. Important in that it lets me identify the hypocrisy between her rhetoric and her actions.

    Trump lied to investigators for years and years. And he shredded court-ordered documents back before we had email, and then thousands of emails when that tech hit. If this is important to you when it comes to Clinton, it should be the same when it comes to Trump:

    Donald Trump’s Companies Destroyed Emails in Defiance of Court Orders — By Kurt Eichenwald On 10/31/16 at 7:00 AM


    Over the course of decades, Donald Trump’s companies have systematically destroyed or hidden thousands of emails, digital records and paper documents demanded in official proceedings, often in defiance of court orders. These tactics—exposed by a Newsweek review of thousands of pages of court filings, judicial orders and affidavits from an array of court cases—have enraged judges, prosecutors, opposing lawyers and the many ordinary citizens entangled in litigation with Trump. In each instance, Trump and entities he controlled also erected numerous hurdles that made lawsuits drag on for years, forcing courtroom opponents to spend huge sums of money in legal fees as they struggled—sometimes in vain—to obtain records.

    This behavior is of particular import given Trump’s frequent condemnations of Hillary Clinton, his Democratic opponent, for having deleted more than 30,000 emails from a server she used during her time as secretary of state. While Clinton and her lawyers have said all of those emails were personal, Trump has suggested repeatedly on the campaign trail that they were government documents Clinton was trying to hide and that destroying them constituted a crime. The allegation—which the FBI concluded was not supported by any evidence—is a crowd-pleaser at Trump rallies, often greeted by supporters chanting, “Lock her up!”

    Trump’s use of deception and untruthful affidavits, as well as the hiding or improper destruction of documents, dates back to at least 1973, when the Republican nominee, his father and their real estate company battled the federal government over civil charges that they refused to rent apartments to African-Americans. The Trump strategy was simple: deny, impede and delay, while destroying documents the court had ordered them to hand over.

    — X —

    This latest scandal is coming out too late to impact the election, but it looks more and more like Trump made his fortune by screwing over workers, contractors, taxpayers and refusing to pay people for the work they did for him. He used “other people’s money” to massively decrease his own tax liabilities so he could avoid them for two decades.

    Latest case of him not paying for work done? His own pollsters. He’s refusing to pay them roughly 750K.

    The man is fascist garbage, and he may well be our next president.

    So he gamed the system? Do you pay more than you’re supposed to pay on your taxes? Willingly? And I don’t slight him for refusing to pay for things he shouldn’t have to pay. How do you know there weren’t liquidated damages in place for some of the work he contracted and the contractor failed to meet certain benchmarks? Shit, I made a living on writing contracts with those provisions in them, and had a great Construction Lawyer to enforce them. Don’t make promises you can’t keep, and don’t do shitty work. Not saying I know for sure that’s the case, but you might as well hate me too, because I fucked a bunch of huge corporations out of lots of money for failure to perform.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss


    This latest scandal is coming out too late to impact the election, but it looks more and more like Trump made his fortune by screwing over workers, contractors, taxpayers and refusing to pay people for the work they did for him. He used “other people’s money” to massively decrease his own tax liabilities so he could avoid them for two decades.

    Latest case of him not paying for work done? His own pollsters. He’s refusing to pay them roughly 750K.

    The man is fascist garbage, and he may well be our next president.

    So he gamed the system? Do you pay more than you’re supposed to pay on your taxes? Willingly? And I don’t slight him for refusing to pay for things he shouldn’t have to pay. How do you know there weren’t liquidated damages in place for some of the work he contracted and the contractor failed to meet certain benchmarks? Shit, I made a living on writing contracts with those provisions in them, and had a great Construction Lawyer to enforce them. Don’t make promises you can’t keep, and don’t do shitty work. Not saying I know for sure that’s the case, but you might as well hate me too, because I fucked a bunch of huge corporations out of lots of money for failure to perform.


    You should read the two articles I posted, in full. He went well beyond what you or I would do, regarding taking advantage of existing tax exemptions.

    And, remember, Trump is super-rich. He tells us this constantly. So it’s not like your situation. He didn’t punch up, like you. He punched down, screwing over “the little guy,” for decades/

    — X —

    Trump lied to investigators for years and years. And he shredded court-ordered documents back before we had email, and then thousands of emails when that tech hit. If this is important to you when it comes to Clinton, it should be the same when it comes to Trump:

    Is he currently under investigation and in danger of being impeached or indicted after he’s elected? I know he’s a dirty player. I know they ALL are. That’s the difference between you and me. I’m not trying to find a Saint in this wasteland of scumbags. I’m trying pick the WAY lesser of two evils and trying to elect the candidate who will be the equivalent of a Molotov Cocktail in Washington. I want change. I want disruption. I represent a vast majority of people who are sick and tired of the status quo, and who are sick and tired of dirty politics, and who are sick and tired of being bullshitted right to our faces about how we get to keep our doctor, and keep our plan, and how everything’s gonna be allllllllllllllright. I’d also like to throw a big middle finger up to the liberal media who has CLEARLY demonstrated a bias during this whole campaign.

    To quote George Carlin, “I root for the tornado.”

    Brace yourself. It’s either gonna destroy everything, or clear a path to a better future.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss


    Trump lied to investigators for years and years. And he shredded court-ordered documents back before we had email, and then thousands of emails when that tech hit. If this is important to you when it comes to Clinton, it should be the same when it comes to Trump:

    Is he currently under investigation and in danger of being impeached or indicted after he’s elected? I know he’s a dirty player. I know they ALL are. That’s the difference between you and me. I’m not trying to find a Saint in this wasteland of scumbags. I’m trying pick the WAY lesser of two evils and trying to elect the candidate who will be the equivalent of a Molotov Cocktail in Washington. I want change. I want disruption. I represent a vast majority of people who are sick and tired of the status quo, and who are sick and tired of dirty politics, and who are sick and tired of being bullshitted right to our faces about how we get to keep our doctor, and keep our plan, and how everything’s gonna be allllllllllllllright. I’d also like to throw a big middle finger up to the liberal media who has CLEARLY demonstrated a bias during this whole campaign.

    To quote George Carlin, “I root for the tornado.”

    Brace yourself. It’s either gonna destroy everything, or clear a path to a better future.

    Billy loathes Hillary, X. Just so you know. Not sure you know that.


    — X —

    Billy loathes Hillary, X. Just so you know. Not sure you know that.

    I didn’t.

    I was just giving my opinion based on the only two realistic choices.
    But kudos to Billy for being on the right side of that one.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    PA Ram

    Yeah no one wants to be put in a position to defend Hillary. They both suck. But Trump, who heads to court in November, I believe, on the racketeering charge, and then in December on the case involving the 13 year old, is hardly an example for any kid.

    He’s a disaster.

    And the right is being conned.

    The left knows what it’s getting with Clinton.

    Their eyes are wide open.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    Yeah no one wants to be put in a position to defend Hillary. They both suck. But Trump, who heads to court in November, I believe, on the racketeering charge, and then in December on the case involving the 13 year old, is hardly an example for any kid.

    He’s a disaster.

    And the right is being conned.

    The left knows what it’s getting with Clinton.

    Their eyes are wide open.

    Agreed, PA. And that case involving the 13-year-old is a rape case.



    We both want major changes. We both want an end to the status quo. But I’m guessing we want wildly different alternatives to replace the current situation.

    As in, I want an end to the capitalist system entirely, and no more political parties. I’d much rather see a near-pure form of democracy, in which we literally have one person, one vote, and no one’s vote counts more than anyone else’s, because money is no longer in charge. Capital is no longer in charge. We the people are instead. The presence or absence of money no longer determines our destinies.

    Politically, civics-wise, I want us to go to a lottery system, and rotate reps in and out. You do your stint and go home. Do you civic duty locally, then regionally, then nationally, and then go home. Say, four years total. No “elections.” No permanent seats of power. No permanent power centers of any kind, anywhere. And the people own the means of production directly, literally. It’s ours, not through government proxies, parties, etc. etc. But directly, by right. By constitutional right.

    That’s my vision of a much, much better world for everyone and all future generations. A cooperative, egalitarian, fully democratic, localized economic model, federated with all the other egalitarian, democratic, cooperatives, etc.

    And this would allow us to have the smallest possible government footprint in the history of the modern age. We can’t ever have “small government” as long as we have capitalism in place. Capitalism demands, requires, and can’t survive without massive government, locked and dependent upon other massive governments. In order to go to true self-governance and self-sufficiency to the degree possible, we must repeal and replace capitalism, IMO.


    You seem angry. lol.
    You can vote for the other criminal if you like, I won’t hold it against you.
    Or you can vote for the others who are sure not to win, and essentially cast a vote for her anyway.
    Either way, you’re fucking over my children by continuing to destroy their future.

    Trump’s attitude towards women will certainly have an effect your kids.

    Also, define criminal. What crime are you talking about that HRC has been charged with?

    Lastly, what IS or who are this team of people that Trump will hire? His son Baron from the apprentice??????

    Trump has no clue bro it’s the USFL and New Generals revisited.

    Again, beat the casino you can’t win unless Trump is running the casino. Think about that… losing money running a sure win casino.

    Increase import duty on China and Mexico while tax cuts for the good ole boys don’t cut it for your children.



    Also, the thing about Trump. I’m beyond confident that, if he wins — and he just might — he won’t come close to doing the things he promises his supporters. He won’t be that tornado. He won’t “shake up Washington,” at least not beyond his rhetorical style.

    When it comes to substance, he’s going to govern just like the current crop of Republicans want him to govern. And I’m pretty sure he’s going to make Pence his COO. Pence is going to run things, not Trump. We learned a coupla months ago that his campaign offered Kasich the VP slot by saying he could have control over domestic and foreign policy, and Trump would be busy as spokesperson.

    It baffles me when people say all politicians are liars and scum, but give Trump a pass there. His supporters really seem to believe he won’t be just like all the rest, and break his promises once in office. This, despite mountains of evidence that Trump is a serial liar and a con-man, going back decades. Their skepticism falls completely away and they believe in him as if he were the messiah.

    Trump is in this for Trump, not for you or anyone else. As Laram would say, Bank it. If Trump wins, we’re going to get the GOP version of status quo, not actual change.



    Personally, I think both parties are guilty of major crimes against humanity that tragically aren’t considered “criminal” at all. The endless wars, coups, propping up of dictators, the mass surveillance, the persecution of dissidents, Native peoples, the destruction of the environment, etc. etc. Both parties. Going back nearly two centuries.

    But if we’re talking in strictly legal terms, and we focus on the (bogus) email “scandal,” there is no “crime” there. That would take intent. Clinton would have to be found guilty of intentionally sending classified information to people without clearance.


    Without that, she’s not guilty of a crime, according to our legal system. Extreme carelessness? Yeah, that’s likely. Serious negligence regarding communications and IT matters? Yeah, likely. Arrogance and a sense of privilege? I’d say definitely. But a “crime” under our legal codes? There just isn’t any evidence for that. So far, at least.

    As mentioned before, the GOP has hounded Clinton about nothingburgers for decades now. They’ve stayed away from the real horrors, the real crimes against humanity, because they’re at least as guilty as she is, if not moreso.

    Trump was never the answer for what ails us. He’s a major part of the problem, and his close connection to the Alt-Right makes him even more odious than the Clintons. It puts him in or all too near the fascist camp to ever be president, in my view.

    — X —

    Trump’s attitude towards women will certainly have an effect your kids.

    No it won’t. My children aren’t morons.
    They were raised by me, they know how *I* treat women, and they will model my words/behavior.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss



    On a much lighter note. I’m a fan of The Big Lebowski. Not quite to the point where I’d travel around the country, going to university seminars and parties after the seminars — like some fans do. But it’s a cool film.



    You know what swings it for me?

    The fact that the Republicans have to kowtow to the religious Christian right.

    I was raised Catholic, and endured 12 years of Catholic schooling. I no longer claim to be Catholic or christian any more.

    This country was founded on many great principles, not the least being separation of church and state.

    X, you state one of the main reasons you voted for Trump was because of worries about Clinton’s Supreme Court nominations. Trump states he wants his appointees to overturn Roe v. Wade. You’re OK with that? Why?

    I don’t think you have a uterus, I know I don’t; why do you think old white men need to control what goes on there?

    — X —


    On a much lighter note. I’m a fan of The Big Lebowski. Not quite to the point where I’d travel around the country, going to university seminars and parties after the seminars — like some fans do. But it’s a cool film.


    That’s awesome. It’s more of a religion to me, though. =D
    And I’m actually ordained —

    Life is short and complicated and nobody knows what to do about it. So don’t do anything about it. Just take it easy, man. Stop worrying so much whether you’ll make it into the finals. Kick back with some friends and some oat soda and whether you roll strikes or gutters, do your best to be true to yourself and others – that is to say, abide.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss


    Trump lied to investigators for years and years. And he shredded court-ordered documents back before we had email, and then thousands of emails when that tech hit. If this is important to you when it comes to Clinton, it should be the same when it comes to Trump:

    Is he currently under investigation and in danger of being impeached or indicted after he’s elected? I know he’s a dirty player. I know they ALL are. That’s the difference between you and me. I’m not trying to find a Saint in this wasteland of scumbags. I’m trying pick the WAY lesser of two evils and trying to elect the candidate who will be the equivalent of a Molotov Cocktail in Washington. I want change. I want disruption. I represent a vast majority of people who are sick and tired of the status quo, and who are sick and tired of dirty politics, and who are sick and tired of being bullshitted right to our faces about how we get to keep our doctor, and keep our plan, and how everything’s gonna be allllllllllllllright. I’d also like to throw a big middle finger up to the liberal media who has CLEARLY demonstrated a bias during this whole campaign.

    To quote George Carlin, “I root for the tornado.”

    Brace yourself. It’s either gonna destroy everything, or clear a path to a better future.

    Billy loathes Hillary, X. Just so you know. Not sure you know that.


    Trump will drain that swamp! RNC is not giving him money so the list of partisan establishment types that will get the axe is long. So much work to do to right this ship of state.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Billy loathes Hillary, X. Just so you know. Not sure you know that.

    I didn’t.

    I was just giving my opinion based on the only two realistic choices.
    But kudos to Billy for being on the right side of that one.

    Yeah, I think we ALLLL prettymuch loathe Hillary on this board,
    cept Waterfield.

    Waterfield’s role is to like Hillary 🙂

    Most of us are old lefties. Lefties not Democrats. Bernie types. Jill Stein types. That sort of thing.

    Course some folks here are gonna vote for Hillary as a less-evil thing cause they dont like Trump. But that aint the same as believing in Hillary.

    Years ago, in another galaxy, on another board, the regulars here had long drawn-out, abstruse, convoluted, discussions on just what the difference is between traditional democrat-liberals…and what most of us were. …we settled on the label “leftists” btw, to distinguish ourselves from DNC Democrats or mainstream-democrat-liberals, etc.

    To us ‘leftist’ does NOT mean Democrat or Hillary lover or Obama lover etc. We iz Waaaay different than that.



    Billy loathes Hillary, X. Just so you know. Not sure you know that.

    I didn’t.

    I was just giving my opinion based on the only two realistic choices.
    But kudos to Billy for being on the right side of that one.

    Billy loathes Hildabeast so much he wants people to vote for her.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    You seem angry. lol.
    You can vote for the other criminal if you like, I won’t hold it against you.
    Or you can vote for the others who are sure not to win, and essentially cast a vote for her anyway.
    Either way, you’re fucking over my children by continuing to destroy their future.

    Trump’s attitude towards women will certainly have an effect your kids.

    No it won’t. Trump didn’t invent locker room talk. Trump didn’t broadcast it to the world for weeks either.

    Now Bill Clinton’s “Oral sex is not adultery.” Did lead to a rise in oral sex among teenagers as well as increased rates of STDs, including oral STD infections among young people.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by bnw.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.



    Personally, I think both parties are guilty of major crimes against humanity that tragically aren’t considered “criminal” at all. The endless wars, coups, propping up of dictators, the mass surveillance, the persecution of dissidents, Native peoples, the destruction of the environment, etc. etc. Both parties. Going back nearly two centuries.

    But if we’re talking in strictly legal terms, and we focus on the (bogus) email “scandal,” there is no “crime” there. That would take intent. Clinton would have to be found guilty of intentionally sending classified information to people without clearance.


    Without that, she’s not guilty of a crime, according to our legal system. Extreme carelessness? Yeah, that’s likely. Serious negligence regarding communications and IT matters? Yeah, likely. Arrogance and a sense of privilege? I’d say definitely. But a “crime” under our legal codes? There just isn’t any evidence for that. So far, at least.

    As mentioned before, the GOP has hounded Clinton about nothingburgers for decades now. They’ve stayed away from the real horrors, the real crimes against humanity, because they’re at least as guilty as she is, if not moreso.

    Trump was never the answer for what ails us. He’s a major part of the problem, and his close connection to the Alt-Right makes him even more odious than the Clintons. It puts him in or all too near the fascist camp to ever be president, in my view.

    You are wrong about intent. Especially in regards to classified materials. I’ve told you this repeatedly but I guess the FBI doesn’t have enough to do so reopened the email investigation?

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    You know what swings it for me?

    The fact that the Republicans have to kowtow to the religious Christian right.

    I was raised Catholic, and endured 12 years of Catholic schooling. I no longer claim to be Catholic or christian any more.

    This country was founded on many great principles, not the least being separation of church and state.

    X, you state one of the main reasons you voted for Trump was because of worries about Clinton’s Supreme Court nominations. Trump states he wants his appointees to overturn Roe v. Wade. You’re OK with that? Why?

    I don’t think you have a uterus, I know I don’t; why do you think old white men need to control what goes on there?

    Trump wants it to revert back to the states. Cross a state line for goodness sake.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    — X —

    X, you state one of the main reasons you voted for Trump was because of worries about Clinton’s Supreme Court nominations. Trump states he wants his appointees to overturn Roe v. Wade. You’re OK with that? Why?

    I don’t think you have a uterus, I know I don’t; why do you think old white men need to control what goes on there?

    You don’t know that I don’t have a uterus. It might be a magnificent uterus. I also don’t think that it’s cool to sanction the unconstitutional right to partial-birth abortions, so I kind of draw a line in the sand about that. It should go back to the States. I mean, I don’t know why you think children should be murdered before they get to experience the same life you enjoy.

    But I don’t wanna get into a huge debate about whether or not the Supreme Court should be tipped in favor of Liberals or Conservatives. Or whether or not abortion should be legal or illegal. That’s a couple of rabbit holes I’d rather leave unexplored. I know how those discussions devolve into an endless loop. Let’s just say I’d like for the Supreme Court to lean more toward the Conservative. It’s just a preference that you can’t talk me out of or convince me is somehow wrong. It’s just a preference not unlike yours.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

    — X —

    Billy loathes Hillary, X. Just so you know. Not sure you know that.

    I didn’t.

    I was just giving my opinion based on the only two realistic choices.
    But kudos to Billy for being on the right side of that one.

    Billy loathes Hildabeast so much he wants people to vote for her.

    Well, in a perfect world, the debates would have been between Bernie, Jill Stein, Rand Paul, and Mike Pence. Gary Johnson just doesn’t do it for me, so I uninvited him.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss


    Billy loathes Hillary, X. Just so you know. Not sure you know that.

    I didn’t.

    I was just giving my opinion based on the only two realistic choices.
    But kudos to Billy for being on the right side of that one.

    Billy loathes Hildabeast so much he wants people to vote for her.

    Well, in a perfect world, the debates would have been between Bernie, Jill Stein, Rand Paul, and Mike Pence. Gary Johnson just doesn’t do it for me, so I uninvited him.

    Of that group I like Rand Paul most.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

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