Does anyone sharpen their kitchen knives?

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Public House Does anyone sharpen their kitchen knives?

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    I’m thinkin of tryin to figure out, how to sharpen stuff.

    I dunno whether to get a whet-stone or use those little pull-thru-devices or to cast some spells or hire a black-smith or what.

    I figured I’d get a cheap knife at the thrift store and practice. Using…somethin.



    Yes, yes, a million times yes!

    The most dangerous thing in a kitchen is a dull knife (second is a fully stocked liquor cabinet).

    I worked a summer as a barback at a Chi-Chi’s down here in CT. Barback is like a busboy for the bar. Stock the glasses, fill the ice bins, switch out the empty kegs, mix the margarita and sangria (on tap) in the basement, keep all the mixers full and cut all the fruit. Anyway, they had a rule that I had to get 10 lime circles per lime, and when I started, all they had were dull assed knives (never, ever put a good knife in a dishwasher, dulls it out in no time). Anyway, after three or four deep cuts, the head bartender took pity on me and told the manager the knives had to be sharpened. The manager brought in one of those roundish sharpening stones, presumably from his knife set. Anyway, I got pretty good with it and don’t think I cut myself there again (maybe once, but a sharp knife cut doesn’t hurt near as much as a dull knife cut)…

    I hope this helps.

    Sharp axes are good too.

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