Yeah, I dont buy into the notion that ‘belief’ adds up to more years on the planet, but, fwiw, and not that it matters, but in the Surfing book, the guy is not talking about ‘religion’ really. He’s talkin about ‘spirituality.’ Spirituality of surfing, being that feeling of ‘oneness’ when surfers are on a wave. Ya know. The ‘ego’ disappears and the surfer becomes the wind/water/sunlight/whatever.
He goes on to write about the ‘TCI’ or temperament and character inventory which measures among other things ‘self-transcendence.’ Self-transcendence being defined as composed of
(1)’trans-personal identification’ (Big Empathy – empathy with animals, plants, humans, etc)
(2) ‘mysticism’ – interest in ‘beyond-logic’ stuff
(3) ‘self-forgetfulness’ –penchant for getting lost in the moment, being in the ‘zone’ of art, sports, whatever.
Blah, blah.