Daunte Wright & other recent incidents w/ the police

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    Hard to keep up with all of it.



    Police officer fired after threatening Black Army officer during traffic stop


    State authorities in Virginia will investigate an encounter captured on body camera that appears to show a police officer threatening to execute a Black Army officer during a traffic stop, officials said Sunday.

    The announcement from the Virginia State Police came after Gov. Ralph Northam said he was “angered” by the incident, which occurred on Dec. 5 on a road about 30 miles west of downtown Norfolk.

    “Our commonwealth has done important work on police reform, but we must keep working to ensure that Virginians are safe during interactions with police, the enforcement of laws is fair and equitable, and people are held accountable,” he said.

    Northam added that he would invite the U.S. Army officer, Lt. Caron Nazario, for a meeting to discuss police reform.

    In a statement, a state police spokeswoman said the department’s superintendent had been in touch with the governor and Rodney Riddle, the police chief of Windsor, where the confrontation occurred.

    “At Chief Riddle’s request and the Governor’s directive, the Virginia State Police Bureau of Criminal Investigation is initiating a thorough and objective criminal investigation into the Dec. 5, 2020 traffic stop conducted by the Windsor police officers,” she said.

    Windsor’s town manager said in a statement that an internal investigation found that the officers who pulled Nazario over — Joe Gutierrez and Daniel Crocker — did not follow departmental policy. They were disciplined and ordered to take additional training, said the manager, William Saunders.

    Gutierrez was later fired, Saunders said.

    “The town of Windsor has remained transparent about this event since the initial stop, and has openly provided documents and related video to attorneys for Lt. Nazario,” he said.

    US Army Lieutenant Caron Nazario was driving his newly-purchased Chevy Tahoe home when two police officers pulled him over in Windsor, Va.on December 5, 2020.
    US Army Lieutenant Caron Nazario was driving his newly-purchased Chevy Tahoe home when two police officers pulled him over in Windsor, Va.on December 5, 2020.
    In a federal civil lawsuit filed last week, Nazario said he was driving in a newly purchased Chevrolet Tahoe when he encountered police on U.S. Highway 460 in Windsor. He was in uniform at the time of the stop.

    Nazario, who is Black and Latino, conceded in his complaint that he didn’t immediately pull over. He instead put on his emergency lights and continued for another 100 seconds, driving under the speed limit, so he could safely park in a well-lit gas station parking lot less than a mile down the road.

    That’s when Windsor police Officers Joe Gutierrez and Daniel Crocker pulled guns on Nazario, who was accused of driving without license plates, according to the lawsuit and body camera footage.

    Nazario insisted he followed police commands to keep his hands outside the window, but officers allegedly became agitated when he asked what justified the escalated pullover.

    “What’s going on? You’re fixin’ to ride the lighting, son,” Gutierrez said, according to the lawsuit and body camera video.

    “This is a colloquial expression for an execution, originating from glib reference to execution by the electric chair,” Nazario’s attorney Jonathan Arthur wrote in the lawsuit.

    Virginia recently outlawed capital punishment, but put prisoners to death via the electric chair for more than a century. The last prisoner to meet that grisly fate was Robert Charles Gleason Jr., 42, who pleaded guilty to two prison murders and threatened to continue killing until he received the death penalty. He was electrocuted on Jan. 16, 2013.

    Nazario told police that he was “honestly afraid to get out” of his SUV, video of the incident showed, before Officer Gutierrez replied, “Yeah, you should be!”

    Footage also showed Nazario being pepper-sprayed multiple times, “causing him substantial and immediate pain,” the lawsuit said. It also led to “substantial property damage to Lt. Nazario’s vehicle and choked Lt. Nazario’s dog, who was sitting in the rear of Lt. Nazario’s vehicle, secured in a crate,” according to the suit.

    “Gutierrez responded with knee-strikes to Lt. Nazario’s legs to force an already compliant and blinded Lt. Nazario down on his face ostensibly to handcuff him,” Arthur wrote. “Notwithstanding the fact that Nazario was on the ground and in tears, Gutierrez and Crocker continued to strike Lt. Nazario.”

    The officers later warned Nazario not to complain about their treatment of him, threatening to criminally charge him, the lawsuit said. If the lieutenant would “chill and let this go,” then no charges would be filed, according to Arthur.

    Nazario was ultimately not criminally charged or cited for any traffic violation, his attorney said. A new vehicle tag was clearly visible in Lt. Nazario’s rear window, Arthur claimed.

    The officers could not be immediately reached for comment through publicly listed phone numbers.



    Eric J@EricJafMN
    As Adam slows down & pauses near a fence, the officer shouts, ‘Show me your f***ing hands.’ Adam turns toward the officer & appears to put his hands up. He does not appear to have a gun in his hand…the officer shoots – less than 20 seconds after getting out of his car.


    Prosecutor who said Adam Toledo had gun in his hand ‘not fully informed’

    * https://wgntv.com/news/chicago-news/prosecutor-who-said-adam-toledo-had-gun-in-his-hand-not-fully-informed/

    CHICAGO — A key detail raised in court about the fatal police shooting of 13-year-old Adam Toledo may have been wrong.

    During a bond hearing for 21-year-old Ruben Roman, who was with Adam the night of the shooting, Cook County Assistant State’s Attorney James Murphy described the altercation in a proffer: “The officer tells [Toledo] to drop it as [Toledo] turns towards the officer. [Toledo] has a gun in his right hand.”

    But now, in response to a WGN Investigates inquiry, the state’s attorney’s office says the detail about Adam having a gun in his hand the moment he was shot was inaccurate.

    “An attorney who works in this office failed to fully inform himself before speaking in court,” Sarah Sinovic, a spokesperson for Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, told WGN Investigates Thursday. It comes just before the Civilian Office of Police Accountability releases several videos of the incident.

    Prosecutors also told the judge in Roman’s case that Toledo’s right hand tested positive for gunshot residue.

    When asked during a Thursday news conference at City Hall, Mayor Lori Lightfoot declined to say whether videos she has seen show the 13-year-old with a gun in his hand.

    Police have said a 9MM Ruger was found along a fence next to where Toledo was shot.








    This is what I always think about.



    This is what I always think about


    And the fact that the Floyd murder was completely and unambiguously filmed, and there was still question about whether he would be tried and convicted makes it very difficult for me to cheer with the shitlibs today. The celebration and glee just….

    And cops all around the country just marching on with the abuse tells you exactly how seriously they take the lesson of Chauvin’s conviction.

    And white folks posting, “I can breathe.”



    And white folks posting, “I can breathe.”

    i can’t believe i’m actually going to defend mark davis a billionaire…

    but reading the explanation of why he tweeted that. i can understand it. he was echoing the words of george floyd’s brother philonise who apparently said, “we can all breathe again.”

    so i can understand why he said it and am not completely aghast. yes. he should know the history behind those words and at least admitted he understood why people would be offended when it was explained to him.

    but yeah. i agree. how many times has this happened and it wasn’t filmed?


    And white folks posting, “I can breathe.”

    i can’t believe i’m actually going to defend mark davis a billionaire…

    but reading the explanation of why he tweeted that. i can understand it. he was echoing the words of george floyd’s brother philonise who apparently said, “we can all breathe again.”

    so i can understand why he said it and am not completely aghast. yes. he should know the history behind those words and at least admitted he understood why people would be offended when it was explained to him.

    but yeah. i agree. how many times has this happened and it wasn’t filmed?

    I know it is said with good intentions. But it’s a bad look when the people who are saying it never have to worry about breathing. That’s for starters. The second thing is that the phrase has a history. It was used by pro-police groups in response to guys like LeBron James wearing “I Can’t Breathe” on t-shirts in warmups after Erik Garner uttered the same goddamn phrase when he was killed for selling loosies. So it is literally a pro-fuck-black-people phrase.

    And, again, I know every single white guy who said it, including Mark Davis, meant well, and I don’t even have the slightest doubts about Mark Davis because his dad, Al, and the Raiders organization, have about as sterling a record as any sports franchise I can think of. And Floyd’s family even came out and endorsed the Raiders tweet.

    I just would personally be mortified to find out that it was a phrase used by racists, and I would apologize, and take it down. But I’m not outraged by it, don’t get me wrong. Just think it’s a bad look, and kind of shake my head, knowing that it’s going to stir up a bit of momentary resentment in the black community.





    Ex-GA deputy bragged to extremist group about beating Black man in custody, FBI says


    A former Middle Georgia sheriff’s deputy bragged in text messages with members of an alleged extremist group that he had beaten a Black person he arrested and planned to charge Black Georgians with felonies to keep them from voting, according to an FBI affidavit.

    The ex-Wilkinson County deputy, Cody Richard Griggers, of Montrose, was fired last November after the FBI contacted the sheriff there about an investigation into illegal guns and their alleged ties to a California man said to have made violent political statements on Facebook.

    Griggers, 28, a former Marine, pleaded guilty on Monday in federal court in Macon to one count of possession of an unregistered firearm, a crime the authorities discovered in their probe, which began last summer. He faces a maximum of 10 years in prison when he is sentenced in July.

    Investigating ‘Shadow Moses’

    His name surfaced in August when federal agents searched the cellphone of a San Diego man and discovered group text messages with members of the texting group who referred to themselves as “Shadow Moses” or “Shadmo,” court documents state.

    Griggers, in the texts, was said to have claimed he was making and gathering illegal firearms and explosives.

    Griggers, who is white, “also expressed viewpoints consistent with racially motivated violent extremism, including the use of racial slurs, slurs against homosexuals and making frequent positive references to the Nazi holocaust,” prosecutors said in a statement on Wednesday announcing Griggers’ plea.

    The prosecutors said that on Nov. 19 last year that the FBI searched Griggers’ patrol car and found a machine gun “with an obliterated serial number,” a weapon he was not allowed to have in his patrol car.

    “An unregistered short barrel shotgun was found in his home,” the statement went on. “In all, between the defendant’s residence and duty vehicle, officers found 11 illegal firearms.”

    Bragging about beating, arrests

    It was Griggers’ statements in text messages, however, that most concerned Wilkinson Sheriff Richard Chatman.

    Some of the statements were noted in an FBI affidavit used to obtain a search warrant of Griggers’ home on Ga. 112 in Montrose.

    In a text with the “Shadmo” group in August 2019, Griggers claimed to have used excessive force on a man in his custody.

    “I beat the (expletive) out of a (racial slur) Saturday. (Expletive) tried to steal (a gun magazine) from the local gun store. … Sheriff’s dept. said it looked like he fell,” the affidavit noted, quoting Griggers.

    Griggers went on to write that the beating was for him “sweet stress relief.”

    “That never happened,” said Chatman, the sheriff, in an interview with The Telegraph Wednesday. “We don’t even have a gun shop here.”

    Chatman, who is Black, said he concluded that Griggers’ claim was perhaps Griggers “being braggadocious.”

    “I think he may have been working in the jail (at the time). … We looked at all the cases he may have been involved in and we never had any complaints on him of any kind,” Chatman said. “We looked back and we pulled (records) of anything that he had taken a warrant for, any call that he had gone on, and we found nothing [that raised any red flags].”

    Ex-deputy discussed killing politicians

    The affidavit also said Griggers had texted how he “intended to charge black people with felonies in order to keep them from voting.”

    “It’s a sign of beautiful things to come,” he wrote, according to the affidavit. “Also I’m going to charge them with whatever felonies I can to take away their ability to vote.”

    Griggers had worked as a deputy in Wilkinson County — which lies just east of Macon and has a population of about 9,000 people, about 40% of them Black — for just over a year, the sheriff said.

    According to the FBI affidavit, Griggers also discussed “killing liberal politicians” with other members of the text group, writing they could “make it look like Muslims” were responsible.

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