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  • #22626
    PA Ram

    I am 5 episodes into the NetFlix series “Daredevil” and it is one of the best superhero adaptations I’ve ever seen. This is a fantastic show. The pacing and plotting are terrific. The characters are outstanding. This is cinema quality production. It’s also a very R rated version. It’s bloody. It’s very bloody. The characters feel the pain of battle.

    The backstory is strung along throughout the episodes as we get to know who Daredevil(Matt Murdock) is and why he can do what he does, and it’s really gripping entertainment.

    The highlight for me though is “Kingpin”. This evil crime lord as played by Vincent D’onofrio is one of the best portrayals of a villain I’ve ever seen. You can sense the danger behind his soft spoken words. There is a brightness to him, an evil genius sort of thing going on and D’onofrio plays it just right. He feels intimidating in the right way.

    It’s an excellent series and will eventually tie in with a Luke Cage, Iron Fist and another one–can’t remember the name, to be a “Defenders” team. I can’t wait.

    Just can’t recommend this one enough. Excellent show.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    I loved reading Daredevil when I was a teen.



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