Dairy Crack

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  • #32019
    Avatar photowv

    “…It turns out that cheese really is kinda sorta like dairy crack, since your brain reads a component of cheese as an addictive substance. The culprit is casein, a protein in dairy that gets super concentrated during the cheesemaking process. When you eat a hunk of Roquefort or a slice of Brie, your body has to break down the casein contained therein…Except it doesn’t break down completely. Casein is no different from other proteins in that it’s essentially a beadlike string of amino acids. But, according to Dr. Barnard, when your digestive system tries to do its thing, “the beads don’t entirely separate. Some of them stay attached in strings of four, five, or seven amino acids.” These shorter strings are called casomorphins.

    If the “morphin” part of “casomorphins” reminds you of morphine, you’ve got one heck of an eye for letter similarity. Dr. Barnard says, “These protein fragments can attach to the opiate receptors in your brain. As the name implies, casomorphins are casein-derived morphine-like compounds.”
    see link…”

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by Avatar photowv.
    Avatar photozn

    Reading that made me want some cheese.


    Avatar photowv

    Reading that made me want some cheese.


    I bet Monsanto is working on creating
    addictive Brussel Sprouts.



    Reading that made me want some cheese.


    I bet Monsanto is working on creating
    addictive Brussel Sprouts.


    Brussels sprouts are already addictive.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

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