Corporate Power is going to kill us all

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  • #117011

    Isn’t it?

    “….Last November, the world’s most prestigious science journal, Nature, published a study by eminent climate scientists warning that nine major ‘tipping points’ which regulate global climate stability are dangerously close to being triggered. These include the slowing down of ocean circulation in the North Atlantic, massive deforestation of the Amazon, and accelerating ice loss from the West Antarctic ice sheet. Any one of these nine tipping points, if exceeded, could push the Earth’s climate into catastrophic runaway global warming. There could even be a ‘domino effect’ whereby one tipping point triggers another tipping point which, in turn, triggers the next one and so on, in a devastating cascade.

    Given the normal custom of academics to use sober language, the warning statements in the pages of Nature were stark:

    ‘The growing threat of abrupt and irreversible climate changes must compel [our emphasis] political and economic action on emissions.’

    The researchers are clear that:

    ‘we are in a climate emergency and [our study of tipping points] strengthens this year’s chorus of calls for urgent climate action — from schoolchildren to scientists, cities and countries.’

    In short, there is ‘an existential threat to civilization’ and ‘no amount of economic cost–benefit analysis is going to help us.’

    This should have dwarfed news coverage of Brexit for months.

    One of the study’s co-authors, Will Stefen, emeritus professor of climate and Earth System science at the Australian National University, told Voice of Action, an Australian publication, that all this raises the ultimate question:

    ‘Have we already lost control of the system? Is collapse now inevitable?’

    In other words, there may simply not be enough time to stop tipping points being reached, as he explained with this metaphor:

    ‘If the Titanic realises that it’s in trouble and it has about 5km that it needs to slow and steer the ship, but it’s only 3km away from the iceberg, it’s already doomed.’

    We searched the ProQuest media database for mentions of this particularly disturbing quote by Steffen, a world-renowned climate expert, in national UK newspapers. We found the grand total of one in a short article in the Daily Express. What could better sum up the pathology of the ‘mainstream’ news media than ignoring urgent authoritative warnings of the likely collapse of the climate system?…see link…”

    nittany ram

    This should have dwarfed news coverage of Brexit for months.

    There’s a lot of lip service paid to climate change by governments, but few if any are doing what’s necessary to effectively deal with it.

    Humanity’s epitaph should read something like:
    “Here lies a race of large-brained, bipedal, primates given to avarice and shortsightedness.“


    Humanity’s epitaph should read something like:
    “Here lies a race of large-brained, bipedal, primates given to avarice and shortsightedness.“

    Well if humanity is so short-sighted, how come we know our epitaph in advance? Hmm?

    Your little “theory” doesn’t account for that, does it.


    i know just where the epitaph should be carved:

    nittany ram

    Well if humanity is so short-sighted, how come we know our epitaph in advance? Hmm?

    Your little “theory” doesn’t account for that, does it.

    Because our epitaph will be written by the species that will replace us as the dominant life-form on Earth. They came back through time to tell me about it – obviously.


    Apparently I’m a pretty big deal in Snail people society. Sorta like their hero, I’m told. God-like even.

    You on the other hand (or “other eyestalk” as the Snail people say) aren’t thought of very fondly. They refer to you as the “Salt of the Earth”, which has a completely different connotation for snails.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by nittany ram.
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