Compare and contrast: Heath Ledger vs J.Phoenix

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Public House Compare and contrast: Heath Ledger vs J.Phoenix

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Avatar photowv.
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  • #111314
    Avatar photowv

    I watched Joker. Damn fine film. Phoenix was awfully good.


    Avatar photonittany ram

    Yeah, great movie.

    On a related note, I find myself rooting for psychopathic killers in movies most of the time. They usually have that underdog thing going for them (they are typically born of some childhood trauma, then chewed up, swallowed, and vomited up by society), and who doesn’t root for an underdog.

    Avatar photowv

    Yeah, great movie.

    On a related note, I find myself rooting for psychopathic killers in movies most of the time. They usually have that underdog thing going for them (they are typically born of some childhood trauma, then chewed up, swallowed, and vomited up by society), and who doesn’t root for an underdog.


    Yeah, I’m not sure Jared Goff is psychopathic enough. His body language, sometimes seems almost neuro-typical at times.


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