Citizen's United helped Hillary

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  • #54947
    Democrats’ Embrace of Corporate Cash Isn’t Pragmatic, It’s Ideological
    Jake Johnson

    ……Particularly in 2016, it’s hard to miss the fact that Democrats have benefited greatly from Citizens United and the great torrent of cash it sparked, and they have largely abandoned what was once their central argument against the ruling (some, like Barney Frank, have gone further, arguing not only that corporate money is not inherently corrupting, but also that those who argue the opposite are engaging in McCarthyism).

    “It’s an irony that’s not lost on me,” David Bossie, the president of Citizens United, said of the fact that “Hillary Clinton has become one of the greatest beneficiaries” of a lawsuit filed with the intention of impeding her path to the presidency…

    …The argument is not only that Clinton’s acceptance of corporate cash prevents her from embracing the radical agenda necessary to combat climate change—or income inequality, or corporate criminality, or poverty. It is also that, as Naomi Klein has argued, her “corporate worldview” makes her embrace of corporate cash perfectly normal, and her rejection of radical proposals perfectly predictable.

    If there is to be any chance of fundamentally restructuring the political and economic order, neoliberals and their partners in the private sector—along with the fascists, misogynists, and racists of the reactionary right—must be defeate… see link



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