CIA's fake money

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  • #73429

    In a culture-of-Lies, sometimes even money is lying.


    Real Fake Helicopter Money – CIA Counterfeiting Currencies to Destroy National Economies

    Why is it that countries in the US cross hairs so often experience hyperinflation? In times of economic difficulties, such as war, it is normal to experience significant inflation. But in the countries mentioned as examples below, inflation was off the chart, where money became worth less than the paper it was printed on.

    From time to time the New York Times publishes articles that contain extraordinary revelations, that show the real working methods of the CIA. These revelations are normally once-off news, never to be followed up….see link


    What do you think about this, WV? CIA internal conflicts, mostly due to worries about its head, Mike Pompeo, being a Trump loyalist and possibly working to protect him from the investigation.

    This falls into your bucket of “who do we choose to believe?”

    At CIA, a watchful eye on Mike Pompeo, the president’s ardent ally

    “People have to watch him,” said a U.S. official who, like others, requested anonymity to speak frankly. “It’s almost as if he can’t resist the impulse to be political.”

    A second former CIA official cited a “real concern for interference and politicization,” saying that the worry among some at the agency is “that if you were passing on something too dicey [to Pompeo] he would go to the White House with it.”

    Pompeo has attributed his direct supervision of the counterintelligence center to a desire to place a greater emphasis on preventing leaks and protecting classified secrets — core missions of the center that are also top priorities for Trump.

    It’s can be a truly crazy dynamic when political appointees, who run these agencies, are at (obvious and perhaps irreconcilable) odds with the rank and file. The appointees are typically trained at spin. The rank and file aren’t. Either way, when it comes to Trump and Russia, they seem to have vastly different interests.


    What do you think about this, WV? CIA internal conflicts, mostly due to worries about its head, Mike Pompeo, being a Trump loyalist and possibly working to protect him from the investigation.

    This falls into your bucket of “who do we choose to believe?”

    At CIA, a watchful eye on Mike Pompeo, the president’s ardent ally

    “People have to watch him,” said a U.S. official who, like others, requested anonymity to speak frankly. “It’s almost as if he can’t resist the impulse to be political.”

    A second former CIA official cited a “real concern for interference and politicization,” saying that the worry among some at the agency is “that if you were passing on something too dicey [to Pompeo] he would go to the White House with it.”

    Pompeo has attributed his direct supervision of the counterintelligence center to a desire to place a greater emphasis on preventing leaks and protecting classified secrets — core missions of the center that are also top priorities for Trump.

    It’s can be a truly crazy dynamic when political appointees, who run these agencies, are at (obvious and perhaps irreconcilable) odds with the rank and file. The appointees are typically trained at spin. The rank and file aren’t. Either way, when it comes to Trump and Russia, they seem to have vastly different interests.


    Oh, I just think there’s a split in the deep-state, BT.
    The DNC/Hillary/Obama/CIA-business-as-usual faction. And the new Trump/Pat-Buchannon/David-Duke faction.

    A split between the Boltons and the Lannisters.

    Its all pretty disgusting. GOC. Game of Corporate-Capitalism.

    Trump vs Hillary was like Cercei Lannister running against Ramsay Bolton.

    And there was John Snow running as an outsider candidate — and the peepulz voted for Bolton and Cercei, cause “they dint wanna waste their vote.”

    The system has done destroyed the peepulz brains. Ah well.



    When I step back and try to go meta with this . . . it can sometimes include what we do here, or in other forums, or in bars, or at parties. Human interaction is, of course, “complex” much of the time. “It’s complicated,” as we hear so often from various sages.

    Then, again, I think a lot of it boils down to us just wanting the other person, or other people, to be as outraged as we are by X, Y or Z. Or, in our better moments, to love this or that piece of art, this or that landscape, this or that song, or book or poem. Confirmation that others see things along the same lines — good, great, bad, mediocre and horrific, etc. That others see what we see, love what we love and so on.

    I know I’m at my best when that search is about the arts, in a Wu Wei mode, unforced. And I’m at my worst when it’s about politics. I need to keep that knowledge in the front-most room of my brain, not the backrooms where it sometimes wanders and loses itself.

    Anyway, hope all is well, WV. Time to get back to the novel.

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